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smokin' when on medication


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Not so long back I got a little pressie given to me, toke, and having been on anti depressants at the time, amongst other medication, i wasn't aware of what can happen to you. Well i certainly found out that night I thought I was off to the funny farm for good, having picked an' mixed that is.

Well the upshot of all of this is that I had suffered a good dose of toxic poisoning.

the moral is beware of what other medication your on before tokin'.

By the way i was on Amitryptilline hydrochloride and prozac. These being the two types of tablets from my array of medication which probably caused the toxiticy.

So i throw it to all of you and let us know what other types of medication that you may have had a bad time with while on the smoke.

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I can't comment on Amitryptilline hydrochloride as I've never tried it but when I was on Prozac there was no difference when I got stoned.

I've tried a number of anti-depressants and have been stoned on every one with little or no appreciable difference. The only exception could be Lithium as it made me feel so weird that I nearly lost it completely and couldn't remember what being stoned was like, even when I was.

The hydrochloride is a salt of some sort, as a lot of anti-depressants are, but I don't know anything about it.

For a trippy effect while stoned try Venlafaxine, which is what I'm on at the moment.

Have you tried talking to your Doctor about your MJ use?

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hello toold

Depends on your reaction to meds in the first place .....if your resistant to anti-depressants then the effect with mj is not as noticable .....

mj can and does exacerbate all medications to some extent due to thc uptake within different receptor sites within cns and peripheral nervous system

the one thing mj can do when on anti-depressants is make you trip easier and also be responsible for mild to severe paranoid attacks ....but some dont need meds to have this effect .

its about how you are within the supportive meds your on and the type of weed smoked ....

if you want to abuse the meds with mj .....your choice

amytriptyine is an old school anti-depressant , where as fluoxitine is new ....both working on serotonin......

need more info if you want an overview


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Many thanks for your views on this subject as i thought, at the time, that I was good as dead. I'm not trying to overestimate the effect that this had on me as I'm rather an' old hand on the MJ, amongst other things, many years ago. Bit of an' old 'hippy'.

About asking my doctor, he said he wouldn't advise anyone taking MJ or derivatives from it until it's been thouroughly tested. I replied "well people have been using it for thousands of years and that the medical guys still don't know what its all about". He just said that it was my decision. he wound up by altering my Co-proxamol for Tramadol hydrochloride and telling me to go to a pain clinic, been there got the T-shirt.

I'm actually disabled with osteo-arthiritis of the lower spine and cervical spondylosis so if anyone knows of a good type of MJ for this please let me know.

Once again thanks for the replies.

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I'm actually disabled with osteo-arthiritis of the lower spine and cervical spondylosis so if anyone knows of a good type of MJ for this please let me know.

Near enough - Degenerative stenosis lumbar & cervical, plus discs degenerated in cervical region. Indicas do tend to offer the most body-orientated hit which includes anti-inflammatory benefit as well as analgesia. However, if like me you smoke all day long {choice & necessity} then full Indicas can be a bit, well, stupifying! Therefore I prefer a good hybrid such as Skunk No.1 {75% sativa} or a more 50% equilibrium type. Mr. Nice is good from Sensi, as is Superskunk. I am currently growing Afghani from Homegrown Fantaseeds {Excellent reviews over the pond for medi-use} & will let you know about that. Also new on the market is "Ultimate Indica" which is getting rave write-ups all over the place. For the latter:

Legends Seeds

Sure others will chip in....

All the best

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Many thanks Arnold layne for quick response. just looked up the Mr Nice and i think i can get them locally so I'll probably go for that. Any ideas on Northern Lights for medi-use?

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Mr. Nice is great, but be aware that some folk have had tough times growing it. I have one mother left, the sole really keep-worthy plant from the pack. On the other hand, Sensi's Skunk No.1 is so reliable it almost jumps out of the pack, through the grow and into your spliff without so much as a by-your-leave!

Hey-ho, decisions!!

If you can, wait and see what others have to say. Always pays to get as much info as poss!

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Big Bud northern lights works well as an analgesic ...

shiva very subtle but will put you to sleep eventually

thai....good party animal where i am concerned makes me laugh

i was given a bud of white widow /mr nice ...this definatley takes the pain down a few levels

just keep trying 2 old

but one thing i notice ......staying off the green for a while ......then smoking mj hits you more ....


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Guest bc pete

well it has been 5 days now since i obtained some bluetooth 44

all ten germited in soil and had emerged through surface within 24 hours of planting

day 4 and they are 3.5" tall. they are almost all uniform in size, and already showing sturdy stalkss

this, although i hav'nt had the pleasure of sampling lol , is most definatly is a medi strain, with a good reputation)

have just found out they need at least 18 hours of lght during veg, anythingg lower willtend to trigger them into flower

second set of leaves showing

so far these are the fastest plant i have grown

i now have the dicc to set up my digi cam, i am going to try and find out how to send photos of my girls

bc pete :unsure:

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Guest bc pete

i suppose your doctor was/is prescribing amyltryptiline (old school anti deppressant) for your pain, for which it is supposed to help. prozac (selective seratonin reuptake inhibitor) for depression.

have been on both and now on 150mg ventaflaxine (effexor) for which i am still able to sleep, no loss of food or sexual appetite etc

recently read from the bong me files that effexor was the second hardest antideppressant to withdraw from, seroxat being the first

after your body has developed a tolerance/ or you are recieving the right dose

the amplifying effects of cannabis will be less severe

it sounds like a battle between several different receptors were going off in your brain

bc pete

i will read threads from the beginning now, thought we were talking about good herb

my appologies.

i would rather be smoking than renovating my brain cells :D

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Many thanks for all your good advice on strains of MJ for medical help, to explaining about the why fores of my "actual" medication. I must say I've never heard of Bluetooth 44 and never seen them on any of the strain lists from the more, shall we say, reputable seed suppliers. Still I'll take your word for it.

I'm trying to come off of the medication which acts on the nervous system in the hope that a bit of smoke may compensate. If memory serves me, from many moons ago, it should help.

Grow room wise things are going slowly as it's a case of when i am well enough to do a bit here and then.

Anyhows thanks for all your tips and keep the string open and we can always compare difficulties and similarities of smoke with conventional medication.

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