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'Ash Trays' For Ents?


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🤔 Now, I call it " ABV ". You can call it what, and why ever ye like. I don't mind.  What I want to know from you is; What do ye do with the stuff, immediately, while at home. Please?


Like; Where do ye empty ye 'bowls'? (😐 There is an 'e', in the other word. Isn't there? Please, god....?) What do ye have, on ye desk, for that purpose?


Like, I've just finished my Dynavap. I use a cocktail stick to uck the spent veg out, into a pill jar I happen to have here. Living as I do? Alone, in a stone room, with five Dogs and a stone, concrete floor? I could, of course, just chuck it on the floor. But, I'm not a complete fucking savage.


It's just that this jar's becoming full. I have a " 1/2 oz " ~ think it is? What ever. Vacuum tub of it, outside. Not sure where that ends. Someone, on here, advised me that Some people like to build up a metric tonne of the shit, then do god knows what with it and eat it. Again; I'm not a complete fucking savage.


I really don't know Why I'm still storing mine up. Doesn't matter. Anyone consider any thing better for the simple purpose of holding the shit ye've been through, please? I don't fancy the actual 'Ash Tray' model. Especially with Dogs. Dunno.


Anyone ....?

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Posted (edited)

Simplest option is whack a screw through a jam jar lid to make a debowler, you can then just tip it over in to the jar and seal safe from dogs.  I ended having a crack at making my own out of wood which uses cocktail sticks instead of a screw but it gives the general idea of the debowler side of things large.609902F2-AC08-4E6A-87E6-E56EE2E6520B.jpeg.2afa50155bef01268e74ec2f80f03f6c.jpeg

Edited by CuriousOrange
Dog safety matters
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1 minute ago, CuriousOrange said:

Simplest option is whack a screw through a jam jar lid to make a debowler.


Yeah,I've seen people using those. I'd just be wondering where to empty That fucker next.


I get a bit OCD about some such things. But, I really am a bit of an 'All The Gear ...' type. Old mate called me " Inspector Gadget ", and I could never fathom why. I see it more in myself, now.


That, and I'm a stoned cunt 😄


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Ah right, dump in to 2 litre Kilner until its full then in to the compost bin after I have yet again decided I am never going to use my abv for anything as I would much much much rather have some fresh bud ta.  

Do you plan on using the abv/avb/used bud for anything or just saving it because everyone else seems to? Guilty of the latter myself until I realise all I’m doing is wasting the space in a perfectly good jar.

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4 minutes ago, CuriousOrange said:

Do you plan on using the abv/avb/used bud for anything or just saving it because everyone else seems to?



That's it, in one! Monkey see, monkey not have the fucking brains to do differently! Why do I have a quarter pound of burned, dry vegetable matter in my cupboard? Am I ever gonna transform it into the elixir of life?


No. I've got it there, because every cunt else has! It's what we do. We take drugs and keep stores of smelly, burned vegetation.


Much kudos on the Kilner jar idea! I need a jar. I'll find one, or buy one.  Yes. This is good. I'll chuck these tiny amounts in there, from my little jar? They'll make no discernable difference. That'll get boring and I'll cop and sling the lot. Excellent.


Hang on. Only trouble is; That still leaves me with this medicine jar 🫤


Weight! Depth and weight? Like, say; Bit of steel pipe, yeah? Very heavy base inserted, to keep is still. Nice spike rising up. Dig ye shit out, easy. Fall straight down into the pipe. Thicker and shorter? More stability, plus far more space for shit than ye'd ever need. Then, just dump ~ into Kilner, or where ever.


Seriously though; I Like the stumpy pipe and spike idea :)


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I've stuck cork pipe knockers in some of my old ashtrays so I can knock out my vape bowls and collect up the AVB once or twice a week 

And chuck it in a jar until I have a enough to water purge and do an alcohol extraction

It's not full spectrum tho, it's more sedative than an extract from unvaped weed 


Was actually thinking about replacing the ashtrays with some pottery ones with lids as I've seen a few like that, that look like ideal candidates for the job (and can stick pipe knocker corks in) 

Which would cover the avb most of the time 

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7 minutes ago, Hippie on hill said:

I've stuck cork pipe knockers in some of my old ashtrays .....


Which, straight away, see? Presupposes we have old ash trays about the place :D


Anyway, important point, see? You're clearly a Knocker? No way! I'm an absolute Ucker, myself. I certainly don't like knocking the end of my V3, that's for sure. I'm big into use of my cocktail sticks, whether I be emptying V3, Dynavap, or S&B Capsules.


  I can certainly see the benefits of having that cork to knock against. But, to my mind? It's like cork is the solution to a problem. That problem stemming only from this knocking. However, let's not get bogged down in That, ffs! 😂


  While ye were typing away there ~ I was sat, watching as it tells us. I was mulling over crazy shit, in my head. Fucking around with my present pot, and my Stanley tape .....


  I'm thinking, about 2" x 2" might be the sweet spot? Got to be tubes made in near as damnit that size, right? Scaffold poles. What ever. We only need this dear little off cut.


Put as much weight as is sensible, in the bottom. Purely for the absolute steadiness of the thing. I mean; This baby has a Spike. It's an Ucker. Imagine holding what ever vape, 'oven' down, to wheedle it a bit on this spike, so all the shit falls straight down into the pipe itself.


  That hand's got to be able to hold the vape steady. The exact nature of the Tip of the Spike may matter a whole lot here. D's have their delicate 'Fins'. Most others have meshes. I wonder if a cut straight off 'tip' may be best? Metal rod /  wire, rather than a nail?


But, yeah, figure two inches. Any more and ye wrist is likely coming up off the desk, making ye hand far less controlled.


I figure 2" across too, because that seems to offer enough stability, while allowing just about any hand vape I can imagine? Would the top of the spike Have To be above the lip of the pipe? (That'd just make it that much more of an absolute fucker to accidentally lean on)


I wonder about a Pipe Cap? Screw on one. As long as it didn't have the nut piece on what would be the base, it might be a convenient target for experimentation.


Aggravating, really. Time of night. Can't really go ringing my mate up and asking him what he might have in his shed 😬



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You can always push a cocktail stick or something into the cork, if you wanna uck it too 


There are a few debowlers and storage things you can buy like the Madheaters Reload, Delta3DStudios vape spittoon, Pordebowl, and Cannabis Hardware have made some in the past

That may inspire your DiY 

Sticking a nail or screw in the lid or the base of a container like a jam jar or tea tin is a popular choice  

I'm not a fan of using a metal spike tho myself as it messes up the screens ime 



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Sprinkle it into your food or encapsulate it and eat it.

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7 hours ago, Chal said:

Am I ever gonna transform it into the elixir of life?

And therein lies the thing, if you haven’t tried it you probably should just for the sake of science but it’s a bit too groggy for me, it leaves my gut unconvinced (it takes it ok enough but feels like it just wants ANY old excuse to return the gift) and gives me a weed hangover that negates any benefit of a good solid nights sleep for me. Does mean that in my eyes I am not left with a medicine jar to stare at but a memory jar of recently vaped weed that slowly fills and mixes into a visual representation of the mists of time and when the time comes you must cast those memories of times gone to make way for fresh experiences. Or you could think of it like a bin. Same outcome.


I also thought a blunt spike would be more mechanically sympathetic and filed the top of a screw down once. Turns out the sharp spike easily dislodges the abv by brushing near it and just nudging those all little edges and joins it can get into compared to mashing a blunt point against the burnt plant matter which just sort of mashed it harder together and scrapes the vape oven edges in a nasty feeling way as you try clear out the edges which is where the problem has quite literally compounded itself.


metal pipe spittoon and spike sounds really good, get creating.

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I make ABV tincture. Kilner jar half full, fill with 96% vodka, leave for a month strain and administer-kind of green dragon stylee.  Someone I help out uses it for night time and has been sleeping through more reliably than with straight up oil made from fresh flowers which depending on strain can be more stimulating than sedative. Not quite as trippy. :chef:

Also last thing at night I’ll sometimes eat a Volcano bowl for a deeper night’s sleep. :yawn:

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11 hours ago, Chal said:

Anyone ....?


Throw it in the bin surely 


Reusing AVB grosses me out, it's like smoking tab ends off the floor or something. Like if I leave half a beer unfinished it'll still get me pissed in the morning, but fuck if I gunna drink it lol

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2 hours ago, grooving said:

I make ABV tincture. Kilner jar half full, fill with 96% vodka .....


Bum! Stop Right There: I'm an alcoholic 😐


Thanks, anyway.



25 minutes ago, MindSoup said:

Throw it in the bin surely


Are we not seeing a consensus emerging? :D

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Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, CuriousOrange said:

Get creating.



Some really good input there! Ounce of experience will always beat a sack of horse shit! Spike it shall be!  :yep:


Having slept on it, and woke up, straight, Still thinking about it? I Want that pipe! :D


Actually ~ I probably watch too much 'Hand Tool Rescue' 😂 ~ I can't help wondering if I should finally invest in a bench grinder? I have visions of some 'Cannabis Hardware' inspired shit? Just a pity I'm scared to death of lathes, really. Some lines could be nice?


Edited by Chal
Single Typo that would have confused us all!
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Won’t pretend you haven’t had me pondering what could be done with a few bits of scaffolding paraphernalia or something of the like. Should keep us out of trouble for a little while

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