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Crossing with smell less tasteless strains?


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Is there any lacklustre strains out there in the taste, smell department? As much as possible.
If there is such a thing. I was just thinking. <- Nightmare. 🤪
Wondering if I have a FEM that I really like and

I want to cross it with a smell less, tasteless, male to preserve all the best qualities of the FEM.

If that makes any sense?


As I said, just wondering if this could be a thing.

Just having a stoner moment. 🥴
All cannabis stinks though, right?

Thanx people...

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You’d be better off finding the perfect female and water curing the buds. Then you could walk around puffing without the stench of skunk as nearly all terpenes are removed in the water curing process. 

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With hundreds of test plants you could do it.  All cannabis seems to stink to non smokers. It's surprising how quickly ones smell sense diminishes to it. 

Edited by catweazle1
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the kids near me must have bigger balls than most, they openly smoke, the streets where i walk my dog has been humming lately in the evenings lol

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I don't really understand what the purpose would be to what your asking, do you mean in the sense of making the cross so you end up with the effects of the female you like but it doesn't smell or taste of anything?


If you mean to just keep the smell and taste of the female and have no influence from the male then just clone her as opposed to making seeds.


If you want to make seeds for keeping for later use I'd have thought making f2s or selfing is what you would want to do although the f2s won't be exactly the same, I'm not even sure the selfed seeds would be exactly the same, I've never done it.


If I was making seeds I'd want my best female crossed to a male of another strain that I thought would make my best female better or if you want to look a bit further into the females genes make f2s.

Edited by Hazeytones
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On 20/02/2024 at 08:24, mikeydoughnut said:

Beyond the obvious qualities you can observe, males are an unknown quantity until tried and tested. Having said that if you know summat is shit why would you want it about 

Seriously? Obviously I wouldn't wanna keep shit around! Come on now...

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On 20/02/2024 at 17:38, Slippy One said:

You’d be better off finding the perfect female and water curing the buds. Then you could walk around puffing without the stench of skunk as nearly all terpenes are removed in the water curing process.

Yeah didn't explain myself proper! :) soz
Never gonna water cure my buds!
I put that in the same technique as Super Cropping.

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On 20/02/2024 at 19:20, catweazle1 said:

With hundreds of test plants you could do it.  All cannabis seems to stink to non smokers. It's surprising how quickly ones smell sense diminishes to it. 

Someone walking down the street smoking a joint stands out a mile though.

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On 20/02/2024 at 20:37, ratdog said:

the kids near me must have bigger balls than most, they openly smoke, the streets where i walk my dog has been humming lately in the evenings lol

Round the park where I used to live the younger ones and the alkies were always smoking.
Saw the Ol' bill talking to them but never nicked any of them. Nice...

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@Hazeytones @everyone!
Yeah sorry people. Just a mad thought I've had for a couple dazy and I need setting straight and typing, harder than speaking.

I sort of mean, lets say you only had one FEM seed, Cheese for example, and ya cross it with Haze. The Haze would have a massive influence on the outcome and vice versa. But if you have a weak smell/taste strain (with high THC @mikeydoughnut) the outcome would remain on the Cheese side. Obviously would have to pheno hunt a few times. Dose that make anymore sense? I was just sorta thinking out loud.

I've been trying CS and STS but no luck yet - still working on it.
CS -- nothing!
STS - Balls but no pollen!
One day maybe.

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Yeah the seeds will take from both parents that's why I suggested making f2s or selfing, using a plant with no taste/smell is just going to bring that to the mix.

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Clone or S1 would be the best choice


Clone would be carbon copy.


S1 is most stable copy of parent/parents in Seed form.

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