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Feminized vs regular photoperiods

Celtic voyager

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4 hours ago, Lux_Interior said:

With regular seeds its not a quick fix crop. It might take finding a decent mother and taking cuttings. Also, home breeding is easier if your creating regular seeds. More hassle - maybe! But where would we be without male regular seeds. At the mercy of seed banks?

Or stocking up with STS.  Though selfing is supposed to have its own problems isn't it?  I don't know, I have only done it once so far... but if my second Afghan doesn't put out some balls, one of them is getting colloidal.

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I've not gone down the silver route myself, yet! I only have so much room for plants & I need a couple of grams for myself & Mrs Interior.


I may play around with my F2 Exo Spurt seeds (regs) outside next year. Time will tell.


Edited by Lux_Interior
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On 13-11-2023 at 10:44 PM, Celtic voyager said:


I do like the idea of making/breeding some seeds, just to see what the outcome would be.

I have a pack of mixed regular seeds in the fridge, I might pop 4 of them, and see what happens. 


i would germ as manny as possible...and only keep the very best plants for seed production.


making seeds is easy....making good seeds is a lil more difficult...

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On 15/11/2023 at 4:36 PM, Hashslag said:

I just couldn't be arsed with regs. Waiting for weeks only to find out nothing is any good to use, then having to start all over again. Nah. Plus, due to my own circumstances, I can really only grow one plant at a time so regs are out of the question for indoor. I do have some here that I could chuck outside next year but we'll see.


I grew three strains outdoors this year that were regs. Autos so couldn't just make clones, flower them out, etc. I was actually hoping for some males, so that seeds would be made. Two strains all the plants turned out entirely female, not sure about the third strain as I lost three young plants to slugs and snails, but the two left were both female too! lol Which was fine, but unexpected...



Edited by Crow River
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I used to be regs only but then I ran a few freebie fems from Attitude and I found them acceptable.


But as I'm now an outdoor grower I'm only using fems, I just put the seed in the pot and in 6 months I get shit loads of buds, no potting on, no sexing, no ph, no hassle. I realise I may not be getting the best phenos but I'm still more than happy with the end product. Obviously where I live plays a big part in my growing methods.


Besides, I don't have the space or any inclination to keep mother plants and take cuttings every year, it would basically be just a waste of electricity for me, 


However, I have stocked up on subby regs just incase I ever go back to growing indoors.


What's more interesting for me at the moment are the broad spectrum strains, I believe we'll start to see more strains that have a better balance of cannabinoids, not just strains with high THC.

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22 minutes ago, Arbre Medicinal said:

I used to be regs only but then I ran a few freebie fems from Attitude and I found them acceptable.


But as I'm now an outdoor grower I'm only using fems, I just put the seed in the pot and in 6 months I get shit loads of buds, no potting on, no sexing, no ph, no hassle. I realise I may not be getting the best phenos but I'm still more than happy with the end product. Obviously where I live plays a big part in my growing methods.


Besides, I don't have the space or any inclination to keep mother plants and take cuttings every year, it would basically be just a waste of electricity for me, 


However, I have stocked up on subby regs just incase I ever go back to growing indoors.


What's more interesting for me at the moment are the broad spectrum strains, I believe we'll start to see more strains that have a better balance of cannabinoids, not just strains with high THC.

I really hope so.  Many high THC strains which boast about just that are whack.  They sometimes just exaggerate my tinnitus with less of the pleasant effect I enjoy, or medical benefits I require.

Edited by MidgeSmith
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18 hours ago, Celtic voyager said:

@Arbre Medicinal

Do you just go to final pot for your photos, the same as autos?

If so, what is the size of the pots you use 


Yes dude, I sowed straight into the final pot this year, I used 150ltr fabric pots. It's all in this year's diary.

Edited by Arbre Medicinal
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