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Feminized vs regular photoperiods

Celtic voyager

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Eveing all.

I have a question for the more experienced/growers members.

Which , in your opinion is the better choice, feminized or regular, plants/strains/seeds.

Been doing a bit of reading lately, on different strains, growing techniques ect ect, and it came up a number of times, that regular plants are the better option for photoperiod growing

Would like to hear what others on here think of this.

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better in what ?


in work....reg is a lot of work....in a planthole i do 5x reg   to be sure of a good chanche to have 1 female....

less plants is less possible fines...

regs need more visits to plots to take out males..

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This is an emotive topic for some people, you're gonna get a whole myriad of answers with a pinch of trolling & flaming chucked in for flavour lol


These days theres not alot in fems v regs if you're buying quality seeds, you can find shit unstable crap in regs just as much as you can in fems. Alot of reg lines now are refined via selfing before a male from a previous step in the line is reintroduced later to unlock the line anyway - if you're just looking to flower stuff off and keep a mum or two, it doesn't matter which you pick just grow the stuff you like the sound of - if you want to mess around a bit, make your own seeds, keep mums & dads etc then grab some regs as I think this gives you the most options.



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Going on what I was reading, it was said that the regular plants are stronger than the feminized versions. Better vigor, bigger yields, ect ect,. I couldn't see how myself, hence I asked on here, so to get better information from more knowledgeable people. 

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I do like the idea of making/breeding some seeds, just to see what the outcome would be.

I have a pack of mixed regular seeds in the fridge, I might pop 4 of them, and see what happens. 

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I've read people here talking about stability, because feminised seeds are kind of a trick, they are said to be less genetically stable.


I feel like if there was a big difference, there would be a lot more seed dealers who wouldn't touch feminised seeds.


I am always willing to be corrected and learn though.

Edited by MidgeSmith
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I was one of those weed snobs who'd never touch fems, something changed though as I rarely do regs now. The last few I've done all turned out boys come to think of it.


Very annoying with electric prices the way they are now.

Edited by KC
it's the guerilla section ...doh
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I was the same, hated the idea of fems until i educated myself a bit more. Fems are just a breeding tool, a quick way to attempt to reproduce favourable traits from the mother plant(s).


In my small scale grow i think reading diaries and finding known good fems is the best route for minimal work and a chance of finding something nice. If i had more space id do more regs and try to breed the keepers. Horses for courses.

Edited by Strawberry Fields
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I don't do outdoor so for me fems are about saving wasted space in my veg tent and saving me wasting loads of compost. I still buy regs but usually only put 2 or 3 down at a time. My Bangi Hazes didn't show sex for 7 weeks then both turned out male :doh:

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Having run both in the garden & gg .... i dont see much of a diff in stability or performance with fems  vs regs.


I do see people say regs are better quality but when breeders like GSZZ chime in saying theres not a lot in it  .. crack on mate :yep:


No canna snobbery here ,  if its on the shelf and i fancy it ...then i buy it and run it :george:     

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Their's absolutely no diffrent other than bad breeding is easier to achieve with fems. The bad rep around fems comes from the old day's of people breeding fems from naturally hermaphrodite plant's. In all honesty I have had more hermi plants from regs over the years than fems. Yes we get the fem haters a lot infact I used to be one. It was Nevelle that Changed this for me. The thing is you are going to get a lots of people claiming regs are better without any proof of their claims to back it up. The reason they don't have any is because last I checked it didn't exist & all cannabis is hermaphrodite when genetically tested. Well their a claim 1 in 1000 is female but David Watson tested that on another forum & didn't find a single female from 1000's of samples of females. :hippy:

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I just couldn't be arsed with regs. Waiting for weeks only to find out nothing is any good to use, then having to start all over again. Nah. Plus, due to my own circumstances, I can really only grow one plant at a time so regs are out of the question for indoor. I do have some here that I could chuck outside next year but we'll see.

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depends whose selling them, had my fingers burned a year or so ago with hermies, mainly American "elite" cuts that were in the mix


 have since swung away, i'm more interested in messing with making seeds, also the subbies is predominantly regs and much more value for money than fems, and free if you are supporting the site

Edited by ratdog
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Newbie but I've now completed 3 grows - 2 x feminized and 1 x reg. 

Regular seeds were a nightmare. I wanted 6 plants so germinated 18 seeds to be sure of success. 15 of the seeds turned out to be male and were discarded. The other 3 were destined for an indoor grow but I came to the conclusion it would be too expensive to heat and light the tent just for 3 plants so ended up putting them in pots outdoors.


Don't think I'll ever try regular seeds again.

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With regular seeds its not a quick fix crop. It might take finding a decent mother and taking cuttings. Also, home breeding is easier if your creating regular seeds. More hassle - maybe! But where would we be without male regular seeds. At the mercy of seed banks?

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