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Hang drying - snappy branches?


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Got a few branches been hang-drying in my cabinet for about a week I'd say. The flowers seem pretty dry to me, but not all the branches have that dry 'snap'... is it best practice to rely on the branch snap in spite of what you might think of the flowers? Or use judgement based on the flowers instead? I just don't want to over-dry if I can help it. I was wondering if I could trim the flowers off and paper bag them or something, although I don't know what difference that makes.

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As long as the bud is attached to the branches it's unlikely they will get too dry. You can put them in a box as they are if you're concerned and that will even out the drying. 

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Snapping for me usually means I've over dried. If I get time I like to destalked them and leave them a couple of days longer off the stalk. I've always preferred this but it's essential now I use a trim bag. 

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my method ive been using recently is, I hang until I get an audible noise when I snap a branch - its maybe a day before they are snapping proper

then I dry trim. after that, if I were to bag it/jar it, the bud is still a tad too wet - it sticks together

I spread it out on a tray, and leave it overnight, to take that stickiness off

then chuck it all into a grove bag - ive just started using them - my last crop smells better now after 5, 6 weeks, than it did when it 1st went in...






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Thanks gents - appreciate your input. I think I'll trim the buds off later tonight and then maybe give them another day laid out flat perhaps.

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There's a spanner in the works with the snapping technique in my opinion.


My experience in the last few years has been that if the buds are tight, waiting until the small branches snap is good.  However for hybrids or more sativa style (yes I went there), looser buds then when the branches snap, the buds can be too dry to permit curing.  That's what I put it down to anyway.


I dry on long branches, though not the whole plant together because I don't like cutting my scrog nets to free them, so was taking them a branch at a time.  Now I use the wine-cooler dry / cure method, I cut them into smaller buds.

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The paper bags slow things down and allow the moisture from within to spread out evenly, like jarring up to cure but still allowing the excess moisture to escape 

So if it's crisping up on the outside I'd brown bag it for a couple of days 


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My buds are quite airy to be honest with you, so yeah, I think I'll trim them off the stems tonight and perhaps pop them in a brown bag for a day or two. Interesting info though, I'm glad I asked :) 

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