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Thanks, Admin. Just to let ye know I'm not a bot, or anything :)


God, what a relief to have finally found some people who aren't in US! I'm on about the same latitude as Blackpool. Just below the Irish border. And I live amongst nothing but fields. Yeah? Glancing over my shoulder ... Yep. RH of 88.2!!! Er ... Houston ....?!


No prizes for guessing wtf I'm here to try and find out about then :ermm:


I'm on a slow burn here, lads. Been gearing up for well over a year now. Reading till my eyes bled. Now, I need to immerse myself in here and see what others living in this climate do about it.


Right now though? Creature of habit. So, I'm off to grab a few more episodes of 'The Walking Dead' :D Back, tomorrow. Start ploughing through some threads. As Julie Covington said: " There has to be a way ..... "


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Welcome to the forum, 

im sure you can find what you need to help you get going on the boards. 




Edited by lildaveham
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11 hours ago, Lux_Interior said:

Are you planning an outside or inside grow?


In. Though, there's not a whole ton of difference, here :no:


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Just now, Shumroom said:

Get a grow diary on the go so we can see what you’re up to :skin_up:


I could more show ye the damage to my bank account, at this point! :D That, and the growing (Or otherwise!) stacks of gear I'm amassing here.


The discovery of this ridiculous RH has come as something of an object to actually Doing Anything. That's why I'm here. To read the endless pages I spotted, from outside, discussing RH.


I could probably weave ye a wonderful tale of a whole year, reading avidly, and chucking endless pots of cash at my pursuit of The Great Objective.


Then? Slam! I bought the Inkbird kit and That smashed my face against the wall of this rain forest RH :crybaby:This place could be my last hope.


But, anyway; I saw we're not really mean't to discuss our stuff here. And, I have a shit ton to read. But, yeah; That's my quest. Dehumidification.


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Maybe you're panicking over nothing, my RH in the house is 75%, it's 18.5c. My flowering room is 26.6c with a RH of 55.6%. The fact the tent/room is warmer means the air will hold more moisture meaning your RH is lower.


Anyway, welcome to the site :)

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8 hours ago, KC said:

Maybe you're panicking over nothing .....


I'm seriously starting to wonder, to be honest! :unsure:


Dunno. I've spent the last year on, practically only, septic sites. They Do rather tend to view the 'poor Limeys' as basically a lost cause. Slopping around, drenched in our own sweat, as we exhale more moisture than a Humidifier.


Go back half a century though. Remember? We all smoked Hash and no south facing window was safe from the ubiquitous ten inch pots. No bugger ~ I ever knew ~ ever talked about " Bud ", then. 'Home Grown' was a tobacco tin of long, twisty, green shit.


But, we got wrecked on that shit! Again; No one ever droned on about " Flavour " and " Turp's ". No One ever told us it was far too humid to grow what we were growing, either. If it wasn't in that little, thin book ~ one with the bloke on the front, mincing about amidst a hillside of Grass ~ then we probably didn't know it was to be known.


Fast forward a couple of decades? A Grow Shop appeared. Rick build a little tardis, in the corner of his room. The rest is Hydroponic history! Grew shit the likes of which I'd never experienced. No One Mentioned Humidity 'making it impossible to grow the stuff!!!


  Honestly; Maybe the septics take on the 'British' ability to grow weed is on par with their views of our food. Teeth. And how they won the fucking War for us?!


Anyway. Yeah. War And Peace, eh? This is becoming.  I will get my own thread started. In its proper place. There to address my personal situation. It Needs addressing. Only; By people who know what the hell they're talking about, from a British Isles perspective!


Thanks! :yep:

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