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Benefits of Growing with CO2


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Plant cultivation has evolved dramatically over the years, and modern growers are constantly seeking innovative methods to optimize the growth of their plants. Two key advancements that have revolutionized the industry are the use of carbon dioxide (CO2) enrichment and LED (Light Emitting Diode) grow lights. In this article, we will explore how combining CO2 supplementation with LED lighting can significantly enhance cultivation, resulting in healthier plants and higher yields.

The Science of CO2 Enrichment

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a critical component in the process of photosynthesis, the biochemical pathway that allows plants to convert light energy into chemical energy, which is stored as sugars and other organic compounds. During photosynthesis, plants absorb carbon dioxide from the air and use it to produce glucose and oxygen. When CO2 levels are elevated, plants can perform photosynthesis at a faster rate, leading to increased growth and yield.

In a controlled indoor cultivation environment, maintaining an ideal CO2 concentration is essential for maximizing plant growth. Typically, outdoor air contains around 400 parts per million (ppm) of CO2, but fruiting plants especially can benefit from higher levels, ideally between 1,000 and 1,200 ppm. By increasing CO2 concentrations in the cultivation area, growers can optimize photosynthesis and, in turn, enhance the plant's development.

Benefits of Growing with CO2

1.Increased Photosynthesis: As mentioned earlier, elevated CO2 levels stimulate photosynthesis, allowing plants to capture more light energy and convert it into biomass. This leads to faster growth and larger, healthier plants.

2.Enhanced Yield: A direct result of increased photosynthesis is higher yields. Growers who implement CO2 enrichment can expect more bountiful harvests, ultimately increasing their profitability.

3.Improved Quality: Not only does CO2 enrichment boost quantity, but it also enhances the quality of the crop. Plants grown with higher CO2 levels often produce denser buds, increased trichome production, and improved potency.

4.Faster Growth Cycle: CO2 enrichment can shorten the time it takes for plants to reach maturity. This can be particularly advantageous for commercial growers looking to optimize their production cycles.

Implementing CO2 Enrichment

1.Monitoring and Control: Accurate monitoring of CO2 levels is crucial. Use a reliable CO2 monitor or controller to maintain the desired concentration. Aim for a range between 1,000 and 1,200 ppm, but be cautious not to exceed 1,500 ppm, as higher levels can lead to diminishing returns and potential health risks for growers.

2.Proper Ventilation: To ensure that CO2 is distributed evenly throughout the growing area, you'll need efficient ventilation and airflow systems. This helps prevent pockets of stagnant air and ensures all plants receive the benefits of CO2 enrichment.

3.Ensure that grow room temperatures are kept between 28-32 degrees C, especially when growing with LED lights this will help ensure the leaf temperature is kept above 24 degrees. This consistent temperature will enable the leaf’s stomata to transpire correctly.

4.Feeding plants grown under LED lighting using CO2 will need higher EC levels due to the plants increased metabolism.

5.Timing: CO2 enrichment should be implemented during the light period of the plant's growth cycle. Typically, this means providing CO2 for 12-18 hours a day when the lights are on. Monitoring and controlling CO2 levels during the dark cycle is unnecessary and wasteful.

6.Safety Measures: Safety should always be a top priority when working with CO2. Ensure proper ventilation, use certified equipment, and follow manufacturer guidelines for CO2 storage and handling. A dedicated CO2 monitor and alarm system can provide an added layer of security.


Growing with CO2 enrichment is a proven method for boosting yields, improving quality, and accelerating growth. By providing your plants with the optimal levels of carbon dioxide during the vegetative and flowering stages, you can harness the power of photosynthesis to achieve impressive results. However, it's crucial to approach CO2 enrichment with knowledge and care, following safety guidelines and monitoring systems to ensure a successful and fruitful cultivation experience. With the right approach, CO2 can become a valuable tool in the arsenal of any grower looking to maximize their crop's potential.

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I understand the theory of it and know the benefits, but how would one actually set this up, Ventilation must be paramount so how does one get around the input of co2 without it being pulled back out again.I know there must be a way, I just have never been able to get my head around it. I remember back in the day a m8 had the bottles of co2 and a controller etc but he certainly wasnt doing it right :)


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That would be my question too. 

Obviously the carbon filter is running and will take it out of the grow room.

I do know mates who use yeast in a bowl of water and feed it with sugar but again this is being dragged out with the ventilation. 

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..... with lots of air circulation and as co2 is heavier than oxygen, fans on the floor pointing up or use a small 6 inch to pull air from the base of the tent and redistribute at the top

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