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Probably the best medicated brownie recipe.


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Afternoon folks. :skin_up:


I like cake, its something im actually quite passionate about.

I also struggle with edibles as i find i have quite a high tolerance for them so if you're anything like me i thought you might appreciate this.

Having tried numerous recipes from sources ranging from bbc goodfood to scribbled instructions on a bus ticket over the years i think I've found my go to version of this stalwart stoner classic.

I typed it out earlier today for a status reply and thought i best copy it somewhere for preservation, this is a slightly tweaked version of Nadiya Hussain's brownie recipe...


BilgePump's Horse Killer Brownies


250g infused coconut or butter.

250g good quality dark chocolate.

280g soft brown sugar.

4 medium eggs.

125g plain flour, sieved.

30g cocoa powder.

1 tsp baking powder.

½ tsp salt.

 2 tsps Hillbilly espresso (tsp of instant coffee in 4 tsps of hot water).

1g of decarboxylated rosin.

Extra chocolate for chunks/choc chips (or nuts , fruit , marshmallow, Bombay mix whatever you want really).


• Decarb yer rosin first (instructions are easily found elsewhere) whilst that's sorting itself out grease a brownie tray or equivalent sized cake tin and weigh out your ingredients.

• Once your oven is free turn it up to gas mark 4 or equivalent and preheat.

• Melt infused oil/butter and chocolate together, once silky smooth and glossy add the decarbed rosin , mix and set aside.

• In a large mixing bowl beat your eggs, sugar and hillbilly espresso together vigorously until you have a light golden batter , this should take a few minutes with an electric whisk.

• Add your infused chocolate emulsion to the batter and mix until its even without streaks, then slowly add the flour, baking powder and salt , mixing well all the while.

• You'll now be looking at a rather wet cake mix cursing me with any luck, we're not making cake though.. take your chosen "bits" be they chocolate, Bombay mix or whatever and lightly toss them in flour (stops em sinking in the batter) and lightly fold into the mix with a spatula, wooden spoon etc

• pour evenly into baking tray/tin and bake in the middle of the oven for 40 minutes.


And here's what they should look like..


These were baked with infused coconut made in our mbm, so technically dairy free too!


½ a brownie is plenty for most people apparently, the mrs and i prefer at least one whole one each.


They freeze really well too which is proper handy.


Bon appetit :chef:



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:yep:      As long as it just melts in the mouth with the aid of a brew ... im down for a batch sir :george:    


I may have to swap out to the Cream Caramel Choccy for added chunks  lol        


Looking forward to a batch soon.   

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@OldFord you can increase the meltiness by popping em in the fridge as soon as you think they're cool enough for a few hours.


Could well be bro science but im convinced it works.



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@Shumroom they really are :D

The coffee intensifies the chocolate without taking away from it.


...i feel like I should add that the cocoa powder goes with the flour and other dry bits, forgot thst bit.



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I will try having a play next sunday :yep:       Well cooked Mac & Crack  on the high notes  in oil / butter    &    Cream Caramel on the bass note in the choccy.   :george:


Keep one posted.   

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It's been a wee while since I did any proper baking ;)


I've got a couple of Aunt Bessie's that are going out of date that need to be used up. 


But I definitely fancy giving this one a go :D


I'll see if I can find the odd postit notes that should be somewhere. 


I used to make an amazing flapjack :skull:







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@Gaijin When i can be arsed i actually do a mean chocolate, its a bit of a faff mind.

You need a lot of rosin to get small soft centred chocolates to pack a punch :fart:



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50 minutes ago, BilgePump said:

@Gaijin When i can be arsed i actually do a mean chocolate, its a bit of a faff mind.

You need a lot of rosin to get small soft centred chocolates to pack a punch :fart:




that's a recipe I'd like to see :) 

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