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Security scare, early chop.

the punter

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Good evening to all. As the title says i'v had a security issue going on today so have had to chop down 2 autos after getting paranoid and in a panic decided it was for the best. The problem is one had about 2 weeks left, I can live with that but the other one the same age looked like it needed at least a few more weeks and its full of white pistols and no brown pistols. I only like to smoke and don't like it any other way, so my question is has anyone had to smoke an early harvest and is it worth keeping or will it be none potent. Realy pissed off with it all today, these have been going on for months because they were so slow to start flowering so has cost a fair bit in electic.Thanks to any replies.

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Yeah worth keeping. Done it before a few times myself. The white pistils will turn brown during drying, and early bud is better than no bud, even if it's not the best, have you got a loupe or anything, look at the trichomes , if they're all clear then don't expect much smoke wise, if there's lots that are cloudy milky then happy days. 

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4 minutes ago, mikeydoughnut said:

I can’t remember why but I do remember I took a branch that was easily 2/3 weeks from finishing. I made butter out of it. It fuuuucked me up. I was still somewhere else the next morning. Not sure how high you’ll get smoking it. This might sound batty, but I don’t smoke weed to get charged, I like how it tastes. If it’s better than a pouch o’ baccy it’s a result for me :) 

Was it that racey as feck kind of early that smears your eyebows down into your mouth?

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Jesus Christ, it's hard enough smoking the racey type lol. I can't imagine an edible like that.  Well, there was this one trip it took three years to come back from ha ha :rofl:

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There's no way I'd be pulling down 2 plants early due to a security scare lol


It's only 2 fucking plants man I doubt they'd even arrest you for it


Honestly chill out mate :bong:

Edited by cannaboy_420
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  • 1 month later...

Afternoon all, just an update on the security problem I had. I'v just moved to a rented flat thats a new build, the problem being after putting up 2 tents, one for growing and the other for drying I get a phone call telling me that some painters are on the door step and can they come in and do some painting and other stuff that meant they had go in every room in the place. Anyway after I gave them a bollocking and wanting to know why it wasn't done before I moved  in I said I'm waiting for a phone call and they'l have to come back tomorrow morning, so having nowhere to put them so thought it best to chop them, so dropped the tents as well and put them back up the same day when they left . Fast forward another 3 weeks or so I planted 3 more seeds and they were going nicely to plan and then I get a letter saying they wanted to come in and do something to the fucking doors this time so I had to drop the tents again but this time I could put the plants in the boiler room where they didn't have to enter having seeing the joiners and them telling me what rooms they need to do. Not wanting to give my location away, where I am the cops will turn you over for 1 plant , a fine of 500 to a grand and about a grands worth of lights annd tents was something I couldn't afford to lose. It all seems to have calmed down a bit now and the plants are 2 weeks in flower.

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Glad to hear you are getting there now.  I know many on here are a lot less concerned about being busted, but I get it and I am glad you've had some calm waters!

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In your situation, I'd be thinking of a wardrobe conversion. It's shite losing your plants but clearing a whole set-up away too.......not good.

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  • 3 weeks later...

and what if it happens again? I'd definitely be finding a way to hide your grow and the wardrobe idea sounds a good one surely

Edited by 5Lip
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If outdoors ain’t a goer, check out some superb micro-growing going on here over the years, takes some digging but the knowledge is there.. Not sure why but the micro-growing section is under lighting forum: http://www.uk420.com/boards/index.php?/forum/171-micro-growing-amp-experimental/ I’ve seen some unbelievably stealthy going-ons in that forum.  Fridges, work-benches, wardrobes, kitchen cupboards, wheelie bins(?), chest of drawers; amazing the innovation that fucked-up prohibition can drive. :wacko:

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Thanks for all the replys fellas. The problem I ended up having was with the Jack 47 autos that took ages to flower. I did plan on having them finnished before summer started but they wouldn't start flowering, it took 2 months to show any signs of flowers so I was running out of time to get finished before I moved house and with no time to start anymore decided to just see what happens. I can't grow outside either but if I can find a place to plant a few seeds for next year that might be an option, but searching for a place has been in vain so far. Also around here the police stop drivers who they know are smokers for no reason and then tell the court they were driving behind them and smelt cannabis and it never gets questioned as to how the fuck is this possible, most of the time their reading is 2.2 after having a spliff the night before and they wern't smoking when they were stopped, and in their defence  they were never stopped because of the way they were driving , so the court reports say, so that means people are getting banned for driving while sober.                                                                                        Anyway,  I thought of getting a wardrobe last year so thats still an option, i'v had no problems since but I like the idea of a wardrobe just in case something happens and they have to come back. I'v got some Seedstockers NL in the tent now that are just a few weeks away from chopping so I'll have another serious think when their done.







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