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Curing trim


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Hi, new here and first time doing this! Just in the process of dry trimming and will be ready to pot up for curing. Im going to use the trim to make cannabutter, but wondering if I also need to cure the trim (in a separate mason jar) as I can’t find any definitive answers.. any help would be appreciated :)

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Hi mate


‘basically’ whenever you want to turn cannabis into an edable or extraction of some kind you want to get high off, the cannabis has to be decarboxylated


it’s a cannabinoid conversion that can take place over time in a jar or you can speed things with heat in an oven or dedicated modern decarb machine or ‘magic butter’ machine that lots of people have these days that does the whole process for you!


cannabinoids ‘blend’ with a fat, sugar or alcohol, some people use the steeping process as the blend and decarboxylation process put together and some decarb before they start the process


if you want to decarb first and you don’t have a machine, use your oven


grind your trim up then stick it on a baking tray or in a roasting bag and chuck it in the oven for around 27mins @ 120c i think of the top of my head? (double check that lol ) 




then melt a block of butter or coconut oil in a slow cooker and add your trim and steep for 2 to 4 (or more!) hours 


strain cannabis from hot melted butter/coconut  (be carful hot!) and set


hope that basic info helps some, have a read about making stuff from weed for added info about what can be achieved :stoned: 





Edited by twigs
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I always end up getting it over my hands and wonder why I feel proper fucked a few hours later.


Squeezing out the muslin cloth best wear gloves.

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You'll end up with a nicer end product if you have the time to let your trim cure.


But you'll be able to make equally as effective edibles without curing too, maybe try both over a couple of runs and see which you prefer?


As mentioned above the decarboxylating process is the key to getting everything right :yep:


Also welcome to the forum, what with that being yer first post n all.



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I agree completely with BilgePump, it may be that a better oil/butter is derived from well cured weed. I don't set out to cure trim, but as I make my oil only once or twice a year it tends to sit around in a 4litre kilner, when it's full it's well cured I like to make mine nice n strong too, that way you eat less fat(coconut oil/butter etc) 2oz good trim to 500g coco oil.....2grams of finished oil in anything I like sets me up very nicely indeed....and don't forget the lecithin..it definitely makes a difference..good luck

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@Chloeee I have made Cannabutter with trim in the past. I did keep it in a separate jar for convenience but I dried it with as much care as the rest of my crop. Try spreading it out on at tray in the dark and turning the trim daily until its dry.


I made Cannabutter cookies with the butter.



Edited by Lux_Interior
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Trim, fan leaves, stalks, stems, they're all good stuff if you can be bothered to use them. Cannabutter or oil infusions, alcohol extraction, etc. can all be used to get the goodness into a digestible form. Even the roots can be used, but not for edibles. I make a skin creme with ground up root as the active ingredient.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for all your feedback guys, I’ve taken your advice and turned out with some nice butter! Made some brownies, only needed one small brownie, very nice body high which lasted 5 or so hours :D

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IMHO there's no need to cure trim in order to make edibles, why would you?


If you are smoking or vaping it then yes, cure it for a better flavour, smoother smoke etc, but all that goes out the window if you're intent is to infuse it into oil or butter, doesn't it? 


I just make sure everything is dry, then decarb and infuse, it's really easy.


I use my oven to decarb. Once the weed has decarbed, mix it with your oil/butter in something like a pyrex measuring jug, I used 500 ml of coconut oil on my last run with 90g of AVB, I placed the pyrex jug into my slow cooker which already has water in it, this creates a double boiler effect. I leave it in the slow cooker for 4 or 5 hours on low, then I strain off the solids and decant into the original coconut oil jars, wait for it to cool then pop it in the fridge. You can make all sorts of things with the infused oil, just substitute it in recipes that have normal butter/oil in them. 


I'll be make some skin salves with this run, so sometime this week I'll mix the oil with beeswax and some essential oils and put it into tins so the missus and I can use it for stings, burns, rashes, cold sores, muscle rubs, etc, yes it does work. I don't add sunflower lecithin if I'm making salves either, it's pretty pointless but if I was infusing for edibles I would. But then again I prefer capsules to edibles.


Capsules are a healthier option to edibles, IMHO of course. See link below for the method.  :hippy:


                    Make Your Own Decarbed Capsules Using A DIY Decarbox.                 

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12 hours ago, Arbre Medicinal said:

IMHO there's no need to cure trim in order to make edibles, why would you?


Sometimes I stockpile trim over a few crops so I have a decent amount. I just thought dried matter in a jar would have a better shelf life.



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10 hours ago, Lux_Interior said:


Sometimes I stockpile trim over a few crops so I have a decent amount. I just thought dried matter in a jar would have a better shelf life.




There's nothing wrong with that dude, I'm just saying there's no need to cure if you don't want to.


I still have bags of trim from 2021, I have absolutely no idea what to do with it all tbh, the joys of growing outside.  :hippy:

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I find the best way to get rid of my trim is alcohol infusions or bubblehash. I've got loads of it to get through now. The joys of indoor perpetual grows :nenenenene:

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18 hours ago, KC said:

I find the best way to get rid of my trim is alcohol infusions or bubblehash. I've got loads of it to get through now. The joys of indoor perpetual grows :nenenenene:


I am currently researching hash making and I am probably gonna try it soon. :hippy:

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