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Cannabis honey


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Hi all


I'm thinking of trying something new with my new toy the herboven and infusing some pure honey with cannabis but I haven't a clue on measurements. 


I'm reading 1 cup which I think is 340g to 3.5g of weed! Seriously 3.5g I want to be knocked off my feed and think that'll be shit, so has anyone any idea just how much to decarb and how much honey to use to get the desired effect.. 


Obviously an ounce to a jar would be idea but I just want my own little munch of edibles instead of spending £20 on some fake weddcheetos lol

Edited by Darknight420710
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I used 3 jars of manuka honey with 2 full charlottes angel plants, turns out i have allergy to honey and had to give it all to my cousin; expensive lesson.

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Sounds tasty! :skin_up:the ratios will be personal preference and tolerance but I'd follow any other infusion guide on this site, there's a few for butter/oil that are tried and tested.


If you want a quick hit I'm pretty sure there's some quick yogurt edibles and other bits in that section I'd imagine would work the same with a spoon of honey.


Oh ye 3.5g would be nice with a big spoon of honey, that'll send you some places! :fart:


I can't remember exactly but I'm pretty sure I've used a stick of butter 250g with a z and that was decent, I've also used 2-3g of dry sift, that was better! 


So ye I'd say a z in 250g should do the trick:yep:



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Thanks folks, I've fired in 8g of good bud and 14g of trim lol I've 30 min left at the 180 setting in herbiven and then I'll infuse 240g of honey in 20g and im sure I'll get something from it 

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Air on the side of caution and if it's not strong enough just infuse some more. I've just finished a nice sweet cup of infused tea and looking forward to a chilled evening

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I generally go by the rule of 1/2oz per cup (240ml) although I haven't done honey. I don't go more than this as you can re use the material again as there is a lot of active ingredients left in it and make something very potent again. I'm just thinking using more must be a waste if it can't even extract everything in those small amounts.

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Loving the sound of this and will need to have a play !       Been doing chocolate for a while now but fancy a change and the honey sounds like a plan.   

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Personally I would try and make a concentrate then mix with honey with a little added heat and maybe some lecithin to help bind. Honey heated over 65c tends to caramelise a little and it changes the taste. 

I have had cannahoney before and it was great but I haven’t attempted to make any. I’m sure there is a guide somewhere on the internet. 

However you make it please share your efforts here. 


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I feel hungover but agree with lildaveham what a fucking a fucking mess haha 


What was a very running liquid to begin with caramelised in the herboven and it was so thick and goey I spent nearly 10 mins licking my fingers and cooking utensils and that was just pulling the herb cloth bag out the herboven 


I set the herboven at the 180f for 95min on decarb and the instructions for infusion are the same 180f fir 95min, I love the herboven fir decarboxylating and making the butter but this was all new settings for me as I read it's different temp without moisture and assumed honey doesn't have it, well I think that's what alexa told me lol


I poured what was left in the jar and only got half full, I was gutted but then squeezed the bag and it just gluped out into the bowl, my hands were a complete mess at this point straining the bag but yum yum lol


That got me 2/3 full which wasn't bad, I then made a milky coffee and let the bag soak in and when I took it out and strained it all the honey was gone, I then poured my milky coffee in the herboven, closed lid and did a little Tom cruise  cocktail shake lol and poured it back in my mug and drank it and ate a lemon drizzle cake. 


Thats all I could remember really, had a great sleep and feel hungover even though I'm tee total lol kitchen's a mess though haha so must've had a munch at some point lol


I do find it a lot nicer than canna butter, I don't know much about the other things I can make as it's all new but look forward to learning.


The honey itself was running in the jar before hand, now its slightly xaramilised around the side and alot thicker but still runny and I haven't tried it this morning and probably won't now until next weekend again 

Edited by Darknight420710
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Thanks @lildaveham if theres an easier way I'd love to know how but yeah it was good and so tasty. 


The place I bought the honey had 3 types and ive no idea, one was runny which I bought, the other was more solid and the other was lile a honeycomb itself. 


I assume the runnier the better as I was going to buy yhe honeycomb but didnt have a clue what to do with it  lol

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So I decarboxylate (greaseproof paper and covered in the oven on slow for 20 mins) around half Oz then literally crumble and dump it into a large glass container with a jar of (any) honey. It then goes into my slow cooker (which is filled with boiling water and left on low) for 24 hrs giving it a good shake every few hrs. Then I'll cover a large funnel with muslin cloth and pour the honey/ weed into a fresh jar through the cloth, doesn't take long at all and the licking of the fingers after squeezing the cloth at the end will see you through the night. 

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