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Nottinghamshire dealers imitate snack brands to sell cannabis

Nick Berry

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Might be fake news?


Seized drugs


Police are concerned about dealers efforts to target young people with drug-laced sweets

Drug dealers are creating packaging imitating well-known snack brands to get young people to take cannabis, police have warned.

Nottinghamshire Police said criminals were increasingly lacing or injecting the drug into cookies, cakes, sweets and chocolate to try to evade arrest.

The force warned tests on some of the snacks had shown they included traces of rat poison and detergent.

It said it had incinerated a record £90m of seized drugs this year.

Officers said cannabis was still the "number one recreational drug" in Nottinghamshire and they were clamping down on dealers who target young people.

Fly spray

David Richardson, from Nottinghamshire Police, said: "There is a current trend where they are putting cannabis, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) into cookies, cakes, chocolates, and sweets but they have been mixed with other nasty things such as fly spray and one test came back with traces of rat poison.

"We are getting what we describe as cannabis edibles on a weekly basis.

"People have started doing their own and are more aware of how to do it through social media.

"We had one case where a woman from Nottinghamshire was making cannabis cakes for her own circle of friends.

"The cannabis market is evolving and those who sell this drug are trying to get one foot ahead of us."


"They think officers will assume they are just carrying chocolate bars or crisps, but on closer inspection we know that is not the case.

"The problem, and concern for us as a force is innocent people get involved and children could be attracted to it. We don't want that to happen."

The force said the combined street value of all the cannabis seized was around £6m in 2016.

That has now risen to more than £20m a year.

On average 300 to 500 drug items pass through the force's archive and exhibits department a week, including heroin, crack cocaine, amphetamine, cocaine, cannabis, cannabis edibles and cannabis plants.

Mr Richardson added: "Cannabis is not getting worse - we are just getting better at finding the drugs. These teams are squeezing the drugs market and are massively proactive.

"We thought we might experience a dip during the pandemic, but we have not had that. We have just got busie

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32 minutes ago, Nick Berry said:


"The cannabis market is evolving and those who sell this drug are trying to get one foot ahead of us."





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43 minutes ago, Nick Berry said:

we are just getting better at finding the drugs.

So they've finally realised in 2022 that people sometimes eat cannabis lol

44 minutes ago, Nick Berry said:

"We had one case where a woman from Nottinghamshire was making cannabis cakes for her own circle of friends.

I know a woman that was doing that in the 80's and it wasn't new then.


If enough of us carried wrappers like the ones in the photo above but with normal (cannabis-free) products in them we could bottleneck their drug testing labs in no time...

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While over in Toronto you can order weed with your food Uber eats 

here in the uk still in the dark ages 

who would of thought you can cook with cannabis well I never 

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1 hour ago, Nick Berry said:

They think officers will assume they are just carrying chocolate bars or crisps, but on closer inspection we know that is not the case.


The bit where it states weed is medication by any chance? lol Surely a promotion to detective is in order for these sharp eyed officers :police: 

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I'm surprised they didn't crop the second photo to hide the part where it says: "WARNING: THIS PRODUCT IS FOR ADULTS ONLY! KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN". That doesn't fit their narrative at all.

2 hours ago, Nick Berry said:

Drug dealers are creating packaging imitating well-known snack brands to get young people to take cannabis, police have warned.


2 hours ago, Nick Berry said:

Police are concerned about dealers efforts to target young people with drug-laced sweets


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I've had some of them - the nerds and the jelly tots.... bit meh, but was over due a break I think.


So, yeah, not fake news.

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What do they think will happen?
A lot of people are travelling to countries that have re-normalised. Headline should be more like ‘UK’s delayed cannabis decriminalisation leading to inferior products and increase in potential harms to all users including children’.


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10,000 years of medical history means nothing to these politicians and yet an untested vaccine can be rushed through using emergency legislation in months ?



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5 hours ago, badbillybob said:

im still wondering how you would inject weed into sweets?


You have to dissolve it in rat poison or fly spray. I learnt this on social media :yep:

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