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weed makes you do shit

Bustin Jieber

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Cannabis users are often depicted as lazy “stoners” whose life ambitions span little further than lying on the sofa eating crisps. But research from the University of Cambridge challenges this stereotype, showing that regular users appear no more likely to lack motivation compared with non-users.

The research also found no difference in motivation for rewards, pleasure taken from rewards, or the brain’s response when seeking rewards, compared with non-users.


“We’re so used to seeing ‘lazy stoners’ on our screens that we don’t stop to ask whether they’re an accurate representation,” said Martine Skumlien, a PhD student at the University of Cambridge and the research’s first author. “Our work implies that … people who use cannabis are no more likely to lack motivation or be lazier than people who don’t.”




if im not stoned i hate washing up, but if im stoned im like, "hey is that some washing up? want me to do it for you?"

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sativas  Stimulate the mind & definitely make or give me the opportunity to do things,like yesterday I woke up smoked some till I couldn’t feel my Disability Pain as much And cleaned up the back garden.


Indica don’t so much as I have Disability That gives to me fatigue.


If you are depressed though that can be a very different matter

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1 hour ago, Bustin Jieber said:

if im not stoned i hate washing up, but if im stoned im like ...


... "Dishwasher", I forgot about that.







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1 hour ago, Bustin Jieber said:

if im not stoned i hate washing up, but if im stoned im like, "hey is that some washing up? want me to do it for you?"

I'm the same with hoovering lol

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1 minute ago, Military Grade said:

I'm the same with hoovering lol


Do you wanna pop round. I'll skin-up, do a coffee and introduce you to my Vax (Pet hair version).



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3 minutes ago, Slippy One said:

Fkn lazy stoners, get a job ya bum. Drop the bong for once, get off the couch and stop being a waster. 




I did drop the bong! it smashed.


So I got a Volvic bottle & a Biro and made a new one. I was going to paint it with flowers but ...


... I got high.


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It depends with me. Sometimes I head out to the shed, intent on finishing my book, or doing a new drawing or something, but then I hit the vape and then come on here and peruse, or some other 'not very proactive' waste of time shit. But it doesn't feel like a waste of time, at the time. I do sometimes wonder whether my life would've turned out differently had I never discovered weed. I get by, just about, but I do think perhaps I would've been something more if I hadn't been so damned relaxed all the time. That said, pretty much everything I've accomplished, I've done whilst smoking/vaping so there's that I suppose haha.

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So much propaganda surrounding cannabis as well as all the other misinformation pertaining to drugs in general is astounding.


When I was a lad, one of the more common "rumors" was LSD would make you lose your mind - you'll think you can fly n will jump off a building. Heard so much waffle. Many "stories" about "drugs". Most turned out to be bullshit! Heroin huh! Took it a few times but ultimately knew to keep far from it.


I remember three old arse black blokes, they must have been 162.83 years old each! lol, smoking wacky everyday. I was told keep away from them, they take drugs. Drugs are bad. lol I used to think why ain't these old fuckers dead then? They told/showed me the truth. Spoke to them a lot. [smirks] Miss you, old men. I hung with them now and then, smoked, talked shit and just had a laugh. Good times...


I'm better all round when I have cannabis in my system. Work better, sex is better, much more relaxed within myself but it's a balance. Take too much tho and I'm fucked like anyone :) Took me years to work out I'm a natural headcase! Not many like me when sober. I'm better off medicated! Hard to admit that to yourself!


If you can live your life without any drugs I'm right with you. In fact, I'm a little jealous of people who don't partake. Don't do drugs kids! My ex never took anything. Maybe once a year, if that and she was going out with a major druggy! lol Suppose she lived vicariously. She was cool with it, all was good. Other people who don't take drugs wonder,
"why do you need to take that rubbish? I don't!"
Rose tinted glasses. Can only see things from their perspective but there are three. Mine, yours and observers! If we are both dogmatic and I believe in A and you believe in B. An observe now has a, b and C!



[Rant on]
To use a simple, crude, analogy, it's the triforce :)
Kings/queens - government
Bankers and the like. Money men
There was a fight long ago between good and evil and Evil Won Fucked now. We're all living in the aftermath of this nightmare today... These evil fuckers have consolidated their power and are one big happy family keeping us in bondage. They are all inbreed crazy fuckers (Habsburg anyone). Been at it forever. Our very own queen is married to her cousin, Philip - they are still at it!


We dig the rocks, make cement and tarmac, refine steel, everything. We make the roads, the buses and drive them etc. All they do, kings/queens, bankers, the city of Londinium, is steal the cream off the top. We make the milk, transported it and used to have it delivered to the doorstep. These buggers are just like blue tits (the bird), come along before you get there and take the cream off the top. Don't be mistaken, they are pure monsters!


Lucky(?) for me and most of us druggies. We seem a little less susceptible to all the propaganda.
[Rant off]

It's an age old story and many stick their head in the sand and fall in line. The elite and their sycophants.  BOTH bring down nations time and time again. I blame the caveman. When first utilizing fire and he chucked that big bush on, it divided the camp! lol


Propaganda by Edward Bernays
The Emperor Wears No Clothes by Jack Herer


Sorry about that.
Much Love.


Edited by PHatDriver
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Since I quit tobacco and just smoked it pure, (properly :mellow:), in 2011, my life has changed dramatically and for the better. 


"Hard work good and hard work fine, but first take care of head"  :hippy:


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1 hour ago, Arbre Medicinal said:

Since I quit tobacco and just smoked it pure, (properly :mellow:), in 2011, my life has changed dramatically and for the better. 


"Hard work good and hard work fine, but first take care of head"  :hippy:


If you go over to just eating cob it will improve your life even further; It has mine and many that I know.


Mrs Dm, if she has lots to do takes a little bit of cob ad cheerfully cracks on with it. Some are like taking speed and acid combined.

Edited by Hombre del Monte
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1 hour ago, Hombre del Monte said:

If you go over to just eating cob it will improve your life even further; It has mine and many that I know.


Mrs Dm, if she has lots to do takes a little bit of cob ad cheerfully cracks on with it. Some are like taking speed and acid combined.


I take decarbed weed in capsules everyday and I am convinced they are the catalyst to me losing so much weight and feeling so full of energy, I've even started working out and doing yoga everyday, I'm 54 and I've never been to gym in my life, it's like my body has re-awakened from a long slumber. 


However, I am very interested in cobbing and I will be trying it in the near future.  :hippy:

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