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Most British people would now consider using medical cannabis, survey shows

Simple Jack

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Most British people would now consider using medical cannabis, survey shows

Most British people would consider using cannabis to treat medical conditions, particularly if prescribed by a doctor, a new study has shown.

The survey of 4,000 people is thought to be the largest of its kind ever conducted in the UK, and also found that there was low awareness of the availability of medical cannabis in the UK.

Since 2018, it has been legal to prescribe cannabis in Britain, in the wake of cases such as Alfie Dingley, who suffered from severe epilepsy which was treated with cannabis oil.

The survey, conducted by private cannabis clinic Mamedica, found that most British people (60%) would consider using medical cannabis instead of traditional medicines.

It also found that 89% of British people would consider it or be interested if prescribed by a doctor - although 59% are not aware cannabis is available on prescription.

Despite cannabis being technically legal to prescribe, only a handful of prescriptions have been written on the NHS, although up to 17,000 people are now prescribed cannabis via private clinics in the UK.

Two children, Billy Caudwell and Alfie Dingley were prescribed cannabis for life-threatening seizures in 2018.

The Government issued a statement saying there were, “no plans to legalise or decriminalise the drug”.

Professor Mike Barnes, who wrote the prescription for Alfie Dingley says, “Much has been done over the last three years but much still to do!”

“It’s encouraging to see that so many people in Britain are now open to using medical cannabis - what’s now needed is education that this medicine is legally available in Britain.”

The survey found that 70% of people thought there was a problem with education on medical cannabis and 81% still feel there is a negative stigma around cannabis.

Dr Elisabeth Philipps, Clinical Lead at The Centre For Medical Cannabis and CBD expert from fourfive says, “Many still hear the word cannabis and think of illegal street drugs so are prejudiced against legitimate medical cannabis. Many still think it just makes you high and it may lead to serious conditions like schizophrenia. This is not the case with medical cannabis products as the levels of THC (the cannabinoid that makes you high) are carefully controlled.

Medical cannabis has become more widely reported in the media, especially with stories around children with epilepsy and the role that medicinal cannabis can play in treatment, so people have become more aware and are more likely to seek information and try it for themselves.

“We need to focus on medical cannabis education for patients and clinicians so there’s fairer and equal access to these products.”

David Bienenstock, co-host of the podcast Great Moments in Weed History says, “Many people's views of cannabis unfortunately remain deeply impacted by a century-long propaganda campaign against the plant that was perpetrated by the government and the media.

“Cannabis legalisation also represents a direct financial threat to the powerful pharmaceutical industry, because a plant that's easy to grow—with no lethal dose and low potential for abuse—is often a far safer and more effective therapeutic treatment than Big Pharma's synthetic alternatives.”

“Forcing chemotherapy patients (as one example) to suffer through pain and extreme nausea needlessly is both a cruelty and an ongoing medical malpractice.”

Jon Robson, founder of Mamedica, says, “While the law has changed, it’s clear that there’s been a failure of communication.”

“There are millions of people in this country who could benefit from medical cannabis - and so far, many of them remain unaware that there is a safe, legal way to be prescribed a plant that has been used for thousands of years to treat a wide range of chronic conditions.”



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a fair few of us are ahead of the game here, gov had me convinced i was a drug fiend when i first started cannabis, so i tried everything else, turns out i just like cannabis cos it makes me well.

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Wish i could just either legally grow my own without risking homelessness again (I dont recommend this at all its not nice) or get prescribed a strain to help me relax and sleep in the evenings, But no

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So what is it that's holding everyone back?


Can't be criminality because it's legal. Must be doctors?



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34 minutes ago, Slippy One said:

Must be doctors?


Our GP wouldn't entertain it for the mrs' MS...neither will the surgery...terrified of being sued I guess.

Too much negative shit put out as covered in the OP and it'll be a long time before public opinion comes round...Meanwhile up in Norfolk...:wassnnme:

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So it seems just doctors and clinicians holding us back? Bastards. All those pharma reps to keep happy I guess..


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2 hours ago, Slippy One said:

So what is it that's holding everyone back?


Ignorance largely. The MSM have chosen to ignore the fact that cannabis (herbal and extract) is available on private prescription and that 17,000 people have been prescribed cannabis. Apparently this is not newsworthy.


What has received coverage is the pig headed refusal of the NHS to prescribe. This gives the impression that cannabis prescriptions are somehow not allowed.

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2 hours ago, Simple Jack said:

Apparently this is not newsworthy.


But they're still showing film of doors coming off, illegal farms, vehicle stop and search with dogs, personal searches in the street.

Any wonder the hype continues with this shit on tv day after day...:wallbash:


Meanwhile the mrs is shovelling pharma meds down her neck and suffering the side effects...:furious:

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As a collective bunch of stoners sick and tired of threat from prosecution, what are we gonna do about this injustice? 


Nothing. That's what. Take that NHS, try and thwart nothing! :yep:


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the nhs are never going to dish out cannabis for free, especially as they’re trying to sell it privately (£$€) that’s the main problem, together with nobody then wanting the other pharmaceutical drugs (sold to the nhs at stupid profit) of which a large percentage essentially mimic what cannabis does, the rest are experimental, all are dangerous 


cannabis is effective, totally safe and can be grown for pennys 


it’s all about the private market (for the first 100 years lol )  if the nhs was a private healthcare system paid for by your medical  in$urance or a really high tax, you could get whatever you want


its all apart of why drs wear long white coats and don’t sit around fires wearing a poncho with natural plants and mushrooms of a medical nature surrounding them lol 


natures plants (cannabis, cocaine, opium etc) first.. worked really well


then syringes, dose control and synthetics.. some success but loads of side effects and overdoses and ridiculous illegal profits made and crimes against humanity 


then back to plants but broken down and dose controlled, owned and not natural 


it’s all about taking you away from nature as much as possible


the way it’s going you’ll have to pay to experience (man made) nature in the future.. in a bubble.. lol 


sorry, bit high lol 







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iirc? the nhs was looking to growing their own at one point


should point them here  lol 


..maybe they’re here already <_<



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