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I don't think I can get high anymore...


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Like the topic states, I don't think I can get high anymore. I've never been a huge, huge smoker; I'd go through phases where I'd smoke for a year, stop for a couple of years, but have the odd joint here and there in-between - that sort of thing. The main thing is though, is that I'd always get high - no exceptions. Even bad weed I'd at least feel something... The last time I had weed then, was 2015 or so.


Sometime around early 2016 I think, I was put on Venlafaxine (Effexor XL) which for some reason I remember being told by my psychiatrist to not be prescribed much longer than 6 months? Somehow I was on it for 3 years with at least 2 of those being at max dose of 375mg. By 2019 I was off them, though.


Come early 2021 I want to start smoking weed and get high. And up until now, I've bought weed from ~15-20 different vendors (Indica, Sativa, Hybrids), oils, edibles, wax, and e-liquids - the latter of which is the closest I've gotten to getting high. A very slight buzz that lasts 15 minutes before dissipating. I get other things like red eyes and sleeping like a champion, just absolutely no buzz in the head, it's like being sober otherwise.


As far as I know, SNRI's block the reuptake of serotonin in the brain and THC stimulates that same area creating the buzz in the head? Does that sound right? I'd actually love to know more about this area, because I just feel somehow the Venlafaxine at that high dose has had some adverse long-term effect on my ability to feel that buzz in the head? Or has my luck at buying weed just absolute garbage?


I don't know. I don't have any explanation otherwise. It's definitely frustrating me.

Edited by AlexanderNR
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Just now, ratdog said:

interesting first post on a pot site



Hopefully not in a bad way? It was more kinda a rant, but I more put it out there in the hope to find others that may have had a similar experience? I can't find much. Sorry.

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Just now, AlexanderNR said:

I can't find much. Sorry.



get a grow on, make some homemade resin, make some cakes with a gram in each cake and see if you don't get high then


actually, i would make 10 out of a gram, i was teasing, but do it and if you don't get high i will be much more than surprised ;)


just smoking homemade resin will be enough tbh, but i want to be sure, you know?

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Just now, ratdog said:



get a grow on, make some homemade resin, make some cakes with a gram in each cake and see if you don't get high then


actually, i would make 10 out of a gram, i was teasing, but do it and if you don't get high i will be much more than surprised ;)


just smoking homemade resin will be enough tbh, but i want to be sure, you know?



Will definitely look into it, I know there is plenty of information on the forums here about growing, so I'll look.


I just want to add though, I was told to try things like oils and wax because they would definitely get me high after I mentioned the weed wasn't doing anything, /sigh/ ...

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There was a stage where I'd just managed to avoid anything that had an up high ,sort of the opposite to narcotic ,just the strains I was growing as nice as some were . I kept a cut for a few years of an IBL amnesia because it was consistent and strong but good for the daytime ,a little dank and unlike some of the fluffy sativas I've grown lately ,it took half the time to flower ,12 weeks . A clear high , but thankfully I've a good one in an Original haze cross ,either fruity or hazy types but quick enough ,light enough on the head ,more-ish and unique . 

As a teenager I had some different flowers that were very euphoric and some old strains I grew too just need to riddle out the homogenous copy cats now . 

A vape with a Sativa label will get you high much like dabbing rosin too . 

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I went through a stage where id smoke myself sober very easily when i was younger, Now i have the tolerance of a ant lol

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SNRI's shouldn't have a great deal of problems in combination with cannabis and if you stopped taking it 3-4 years ago by 2019 then you will be far over it. They are the newer AD medication class and as such studies will go on but currently studies have shown that ssris and snri's don't cause any lasting effects after weaning off the medication. 
 From another direction you wouldn't have the same issues smoking and eating due to the different way your body metabolises cannabis if it was caused by medication use 

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Guest MysticMeg
11 minutes ago, Military Grade said:

I went through a stage where id smoke myself sober very easily when i was younger, Now i have the tolerance of a ant lol

lol, Man! exactly as you say, whatever happened to us?

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I'm not a doctor (nor do I play one on TV), so I can't comment on your potential brain chemistry issues.


I do have a friend that rarely smokes pot because he "just doesn't get high" He's convinced that he's fucking Wolverine and his body is immune to interference by outside influences.


That was until I made him weed cookies.  They rocked his world.


Ingesting a gram of any moderately good weed that's been decarboxylated (google if you're not familiar) is going to blow the top of your head off unless you're a very regular user. Even then, you're going to fully acknowledge that you're wrecked off your gourd and even a regular, habitual user would probably feel some discomfort or awkward feelings. So maybe try that.  Be aware, if you're misjudging your experience, and you're capable of getting stoned, this will get you full on, out-of-this-world-fucked-up.  You're gonna puke, almost certainly.  You're definitely gonna go white and start sweating, you'll likely think you're dying or having a heart attack, but you arent.  You'll live just fine.  You'll know for sure, then, if you can get stoned or not. 



Don't plan on doing anything for about 15 hours or so...lol



And whatever you do, don't eat more thinking " this stuff didn't work, I'm gonna try more."  That'd be a real big mistake



***** This is not good advice, but it will answer the question about your ability to get high*****




*****Really, this is fairly bad advice*****

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eat mango and dark chocolate for a while before you try and get high, they is receptor cleaners..


buy a kilo of mango for 20 quid and munch it for a week..


and stop eating lemon and black pepper lol strangely they will bring you down..


Mango and a strain you’ve never had before..


nurse Plenty will sort you out in the next room.. next! lol 


Havent a clue but stay off drugs! Users glue gloves or somthing..



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6 hours ago, twigs said:

and stop eating lemon and black pepper lol strangely they will bring you down..

This explains a few things lol nice one twigs 


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@KingAether I hope that is the case! Because it's only reason I could think off besides maybe bad weed.


@Cajafiesta I'll look into that. Your descriptions sound extreme, haha. I have been in positions where I've gotten obliterated from a few puffs of a joint.... once was at a festival in Germany where I went to see some bands, but me and a friend missed them since we were stuck at the camping area with some serious couch lock and our heads just on another planet, haha. No vomiting, though. ;)


@twigs Cheers. Some of the edibles were chocolate based, not sure if they were specifically dark chocolate though.

Edited by AlexanderNR
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have quit smoking and vaping only ingesting nowadays, i use a magic butter machine no measurement i just dump about a couple of oz bud/trim with lots of coconut oil, was eating a chunk 4 times a day i'm down to twice a day now and its caning the arse of me 24/7

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