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Clumsy's Not Poodle Diary


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Hey All


Hope everyone is well, quick update


Plants have stopped stretching and I gave them a light trim at the beginning of the week, taking out a few weak branches and some lower leaves.

Didn't take anything more off PP, I'll just let them fall off :rolleyes: She's still looking rough I tried an extra bit off mag but she's still not happy, other two seem OK.


I've moved some stuff around so the lights off root temps are much lower now, which helps a little with the watering, around 22c so hopefully be alright, no heat mat.


PP+ (the clone) is still about and taking after her mum, looking rough, PITA as I don't have anywhere for her, she's cold and stretchy.

I'll check the roots later and she'll either go in to flower or in the compost.




Base 0.4 Epsom to 0.5 Canna Terra Bloom to 1.1

Tried upping it but got a few burnt bits, will try again in a few days.

Currently being fed three times lights on 150-200ml


Trim on P Day 14 Flower



Trim on C Day 14 Flower




Buds forming around day 15 from flip.



Wedding Glue PP Day 20 Flower



Wedding Glue P Day 20 flower



Wedding Glue P Day 20 flower



And some trichomes starting to appear :)



That's all for now, take care, be back soon.



Edited by Clumsy
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Hey All


Hope everyone is well, keeping up any New Year resolutions :)


Ticking along here...well...I did drop a major clanger,


I've put in a second light, setting up I didn't have enough sockets so tested in one of the thermostat sockets for the heat mats, left it plugged in there for a night period, so I presume it was going on and off for 12 hours :doh:

That was about ten days a go no balls yet fingers crossed.


Temps are also a little bit low lights off, 22c at pot level with the new set up, but the plants seem alright,

...oh and power cuts but apart from that all good lol


Start with PP+, clone of PP, she's perked up a bit so has stayed,

She's being fed whatever the Moby Dicks are getting next to her which is about 1.2 CannaTerra Vega


The others are on Base 0.4 Epsom 0.5 Canna Terra Flores 1.4, still three times a day.

Did go a bit higher but have backed off.


PP is still looking rough as, but probably has the best looking buds at the mo.

Other two are coming along, I'll try and get some lights off bud shots in the week, not very easy.


PP+ in flower




Top floor: Wedding Glue C, P and PP

Ground floor: Seedstockers Moby Dick x3 (3lt) and PP+




Group Day 27 Flower




Wedding Glue PP Day 27 Flower :(




Wedding Glue P Day 27 Flower




Wedding Glue C Day 27 Flower




Wedding Glue C Day 27 Flower




Wedding Glue PP Day 27 Flower



That's all for now, take care, be back soon.




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Hey All


Hope everyone is well, week whatever in the house of perpetual watering lol


Less eventful this week, no power cuts.


Just some pictures really,

Buds are starting to fill out, few pistils are browning off. few burnt tips.

The buds have a smell of overly ripe fruit, but still quite planty.


The tops off C and P stopped putting out pistils quite quickly, might have been where I kept hitting them on the lights :spliff:

They get taken out for watering so have had a bit of knocking around and have fallen over a few times.


Still being watered three times lights on, 125-200ml a go, C generally drinks the most PP the least.


Base 0.4 Epsom 0.5 Canna Terra Flores 1.4EC



Wedding Glue PP Day 34 Flower




Not sure how old PP+ is she's just starting to show budlets :)


Wedding Glue PP+




Wedding Glue P Day 34 Flower



Wedding Glue C Day 34 Flower




And a few bud shots from Day 30 :)large_wg5.jpglarge_wg3.jpglarge_wg1.jpglarge_wg6.jpg



That's all for now, take care, be back soon.




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are the roots growing out the pot ,under the table into a 30 litre bin of plant magic compost ? if not then dayum ..kudos chap ..beautys .

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Thanks @mikeydoughnut and @vince noir rock n roll star very kind, but had a bit of a blip this week,

I think they'll be alright without any scrotal therapy :D



Hey All,


Hope everyone is well, been a bit of a busy week here with some unwanted interruptions,

Access was a bit limited at times but we're still going, managed to keep them watered, just. 


PP+ is still with us, she has no space as it's been overtaken by an unruly Dick, getting the same feed as them. 1.2/1.3EC Flores


Wedding Glue PP+ 2/3 weeks flower



She's developing some nice little budlets and a bit of frosting, think that's probably 2/3 weeks.


Wedding Glue PP+



The others have looked a bit rough this week, burnt and hungry :)

I backed off the feed at the beginning of the week to  1.1EC Flores, which was fine for PP and P but C started yellowing quickly, so have upped it back to 1.3EC


P looks like she'll be done around 2 weeks and PP and C maybe 3 weeks.

Hopefully back to normal this week so should be good.


Wedding Glue PP Day 41 Flower



Wedding Glue C Day 41 Flower




Wedding Glue P Day 41 Flower



Wedding Glue Day 41 Flower - Bud Pics



That's all for now, take care, be back soon.




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Hey All,


Hope everyone is well,


Week 7 flower here and things haven't exactly bounced back, so looks like we'll be limping over the line :(

The drop in temps hasn't helped with the lack of heat mat now, but it does mean I'm now only watering twice lights on, silver linings and all that.


Feed: Base 0.4 Epsom to 0.5 Canna Terra Flora to 1.3 (about 200ml through)


Dire straits indeed lol




Aah they're not too bad but could be better, flowers look good, plants not so much.


I've swapped one of the MobyDick with one of the Wedding Glue, to try and address some height issues...it hasn't worked...but I can't be arsed to change them back so Wedding Glue P will be finishing up under 60w Samsung 4k


Here's PP+, she's got a little bit more room now so might actually see the light.


Wedding Glue PP+ 3weeks 60w Samsung 4k




PP has thrown out some nice little flowers at the bottom, I'll probably make some oil with the bits and pieces.

And no, there isn't a bud on the bottom right branch but I left it on so I know which way round the plant goes in the drobe lol


Wedding Glue PP Day 47 Flower 60w Samsung 4k



C carried on yellowing even after bumping the feed so she's not looking her best, hard to get a decent pic, as you can see she's spread out a fair bit.

Buds aren't looking as full as P but she'd need to go a little longer. Not sure whether I'll try and crop them together or take them as they come.


Wedding Glue C Day 47 Flower 85w ScopeV2



And then there's P, furthest a long, best looking and least hassle, she's starting to finish up nicely :)


Wedding Glue P Day 47 Flower 85w ScopeV2



That's all for now, take care, be back soon.



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Hey All,


Hope everyone is well, Week 8F and I'll be happy if I never see another pot noodle again lol

Whenever I take one out they start falling over, they're a bit top heavy, worse problems to have I guess. 


Sticking to the one size (doesn't) fit all approach,

Everything has been fed the same this week Base 0.4 Epsom to 0.5 Canna Terra Flores to 1.3 EC

They may have had a tad more one day, I was in a bit of a rush after the SuperBowl.

PP and PP+ under 60w 4k, P and C under 85w ScopeV2


Have lost a couple of leaves here and there and C is still yellowing but otherwise ticking along.


P looks to be a maybe a week off, so will go to water shortly, the others need bit longer, I'll come up with something this week.


Some pics...


Wedding Glue PP+(clone) Week 4? Flower





Wedding Glue PP Day 53 Flower




Wedding Glue C Day 53 Flower




Wedding Glue P Day 53 Flower




That's all for now, take care, be back soon.



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Cheers @growinggold hope you're well, few more weeks and you'll be back in prime season, :)


@Tegridy Farms lol Yep Shire does take a lovely pic lol Thanks for the kind words.


@mr rhino No not tried any of the Seedstockers line yet, looking forward to these. 

Bud density looks good. they smell a bit of overripe fruit at the moment.

Didn't think they smelt that much but had a power cut for about 7 hours yesterday and the place was starting to hum pretty bad.

Have also got some SeedStockers Moby Dick on the go so that didn't help matters, I was more concerned about mould than smell, Mrs C not so much, happy when the fans spun back up.


Have a good weekend!

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Hey All,


Hope everyone is well, not far off now


Day 60 flower today and I missed a watering for the first time, think I managed to get some into the pots in the dark.


A few hurdles to get over this week, three power cuts and have had no water since Sunday, I smell, but the plants are still alive :D


Power cuts have all been during dark period so have just adjusted timer back each time, 

Obvious concerns about humidity with no extraction but I don't think they look any worse for it.


I've used some bottled water and managed to get a bit out of the taps on Tuesday night to fill some bottles up, should be back on today.



PP has been on plain water this week, think it might be a bit early as she could go 10 - 14 days


Wedding Glue PP Day59 Flower



C is the only one still being fed, looking a bit tired, I added it a little bit of grow to try and help her over the line. Another ten days or so should do her.


Wedding Glue C Day59 Flower





And P is on plain water and will come down some time in the next week, when there's less chance of another power cut,

Think in the pics it's swollen calyxes as opposed to any seeding, they do look fit to burst :)


Wedding Glue P Day59 Flower



That's all for now, take care, be back soon.



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Forgot the little one, shes being fed what ever the Moby Dicks get.


Wedding Glue PP+(clone) week5?



Cheers all :)





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Hey All


Hope everyone is well, got one to the end :) 


Wedding Glue P has been chopped, fan leaves removed and hung whole.

She was on plain water for a little too long, roots still looked healthy, lower buds were still filling out a bit, but overall looks pretty good.


The others shouldn't be too far behind, 


A couple of pictures from earlier in the week...


Wedding Glue Day63f



And a few from chop day :execute:


WeddingGlue Day66 Chop Day



That's all for now, take care, be back soon.



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