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Clumsy's Not Poodle Diary


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Sorry all been a bit slack in here :upside:


Cheers @Seedstockers-Mark :yep:


Thanks @Jibba jabba they liked it in there for a while but couldn't keep the temps up (-4c outside) and it was a bit small for the three, they've moved up a box now

That box may make another appearance later in the diary,


@Punta Roja Hope you're good mate, cheers for popping by, we need a Venjet noodle in here.


@BilgePump it's an early set up for a dog's dinner gag when it all goes T'up :) thanks for popping by.


Cheers @Newcouch it's a cropped shot same as the root shot, anything not normal ratio I've cropped badly, I use GIMP,


@Shumroom Moby Dick are wet, I'll do some pics elsewhere when they get going, hope you're well.


@Whatwentwrong That box has been sitting in the loft for years, it was one of the first I made, pays not to throw things out occasionally. Not sure about all the other crap I've got.


Take care all, I'll get an update done shortly.





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Hey All,


Hope everyone is well :) 


Quick picture update as I missed this weekend, the girls have been struggling with the cold a bit, so I've spent the week moving them about the place.


One plant also had some strange marks :wassnnme: think it might be light burn :D




After some rearranging they were a bit happier, you can see from the bottom leaves that they've been overwatered and got cold


Wedding Glue Day 21



So I've been splitting their time between the box and a towel rail :) Need to get another heat mat.




And where they'll end up. Small pots are Seedstockers Moby Dick. That's not a random tea towel @Punta Roja




They are being fed 1ml of Fishmix and 0.5ml MagCal and a pinch of Epsoms, still showing a Mag deficiency, I've given them a couple of sprays with an Epsom solution as well, will spray them again when the house is warmer.


In their new home now, details in next post.


That's all for now, take care, be back soon.




Edited by Clumsy
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Looking good buddy. 


I think a lot of us are gonna struggle with the cold this year.


Best of luck in the competition.

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On 01/12/2021 at 10:18 AM, Tegridy Farms said:

Looking good buddy. 


I think a lot of us are gonna struggle with the cold this year.


Best of luck in the competition.

you should have gone for the Bombay bad boy tegs. Hot as fuck them. Roots would have been fine

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Hey All


Hope everyone is well, cold and wet here and who thought it was a good idea to grow in small pots lol


Girls are in their new home, which is a converted dresser type thing, couple of issues with temps, humidity and access, but more room.


They only need to be in here for another week or so and will then move again.


Same strips as in the last box but framed and horizontal, currently running at 40w 24/7 as I'm trying to keep temps up.


Samsung 4k strip build



They were looking ok when they were put in...


Wedding Glue Day 22



...And then not so much,


Dried out, overwatered, overfed and cold, they have had a tough week.


Root temps are fine now 22-24c as they're on a heat mat but the little tube heater isn't really cutting it, air temps can be a fair bit cooler.

They perk up a bit when the central heating is on.


The first two don't look 'too' bad, bit rough around the edges,


But the third has been suffering, I've removed the two worst leaves since the pic and will see how she goes.


Wedding Glue Day 28 :(



Main problem seems to be my crappy watering and feeding, they got too much Fishmix when they were cold.

I've taken them out of their pots and enlarged the drainage holes,


Roots are looking alright and I've topped up the pots,




Hopefully they'll perk up over the next few days,

On a brighter note they have just started to show sex which you can just about make out in this pic. 




They'll probably go into flower next week if they're looking up to it,

Might have to have an op and should find out on the 14th so will decide what to do then.


That's all for now, take care, be back soon.




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22 hours ago, Clumsy said:

Might have to have an op and should find out on the 14th

Hope nothing too serious buddy 

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Hey All


Hope everyone is well, I think we're at the end of week 4...or 5...somewhere inbetween :D


The girls are currently under 35w of power and have been watered with only some Epsom salts for the last week, I think the abundance of Fishmix has been used up now so will start with another feed next water. Root temps have been steady 23-25c, still struggling with air temps ranging from 22-26c more often than not 22.


P and C (they're named after the stickers on the pots) don't look too bad...


Wedding Glue P Day 33ish



I've removed a couple of the mid fan leaves on these two, to open them up a bit.


Wedding Glue C Day 33 ish



PP still isn't looking the best but new growth seemed healthy so thought I'd have a go at topping her into a better shape.


Here she is pre-chop.


Wedding Glue PP Day 33 ish




Waste not want not :)


I've had a go at rooting the cut, no gels or powder just cut and into a root riot in some coco.

I've covered the hole with cling film and tried to get her in the shade under the other plants as not sure if 35w will be a bit much.


Last cuttings took ages and I realised I only had the light at 8w, still rooted though, fingers crossed for this little one.


Wedding Glue PP+




As you can see sticking to the rules :)  we'll see how she gets on.




And here is PP the next day, still looking a bit rough but no worse for the topping it would seem.


Wedding Glue PP Day 34 ish



Hopefully they'll be in their new home within the next week and will be flipped then.


That's all for now, take care, be back soon.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey All


Hope all are well, being festive if that's your thing


I've lost track a bit, had a few things on.

The girls are in their new home, but not in flower yet, week 7 veg, should flip them next couple of days.


Under this light, which is a DIY Scope2 strip build, currently running at about 60w





Randomly throwing fishmix and epsom in to the noodles wasn't doing them any favours, in fact my 'pinch' of Epsom raises E.C by 0.6/L :shock:


Now using my Bluelab Combi which I'd not thought about as it needs a new PH probe.


Background E.C is 0.4 something like 10:1 Cal to Mag.


Feed is currently Epsom Salt solution to 0.5/6 Canna Terra Vega to 1.4/5


Root temps are 23 - 26C


Canopy Temps (shade) 26 - 29C


Excuse the crappy pics, this is Day 44 (v)

They're a bit bigger than first planned but I'm not going to top these two, will just flip and see how we get on.

The third I may veg for another week as I cut all her crappy leaves off.


Wedding Glue P



Wedding Glue C



Wedding Glue PP



And here they are in their new home, the three at the front are Seedstockers Moby Dick. 

The cutting isn't dead yet even after a few mishaps, so maybe.

The Mobys, Clone and Plant PP will go back under the other light the next day or so when it's free, I think that's the plan anyway.




That's all for now, take care, be back soon



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey All


Happy New Year, hope everyone is well.


Finally got these in to flower on Boxing day so by my reckoning that's 46 Days Veg, watering is already a bit of an issue, drying out very quickly,

have had two collapses already.


Root temps are 23-26c, a little high, unfortunately the BioGreen thermostat I'm using has a set 2 degree fall back and if they drop below 23c they don't seem happy.

I may swap it with the Inkbird that's running the tube heater, might help them dry out slower, I doubt it. 


Canopy temps around 24c lights off, 27c on. Extraction is set to 28c so running on low most of the time.


Feed has been dropped back to 1.2/1.3 E.C - 0.4 Background, 0.1/0.2 Epsom, 0.8 Canna Terra Grow.

They are all getting the same for better or worse, hopefully be fed three times a day from now 5am, 5pm and 12pm.


Light is now at 75w, will probably try going up to 90 in the next couple of days.


Plants P and C are looking alright, few burnt bits here and there from feed and dry-back, possibly a little big for their pots lol

Plant PP has looked a bit rough through out and not much has changed really


Apologies for poor pics again, it was the only place I could take them, will sort something out for next time

I've also misplaced a few so these are just from Wedding Glue Day 5 Flower


Wedding Glue P




Wedding Glue PPlarge.61cf52bbf0c1b_WGPPDay5f.jpg



Wedding Glue C




Wedding Glue Day 5 Flower




And PP+ has finally thrown out some roots, in a 'Ratcup' all along :)






Not sure what I'll do with the PP+ yet, I've taken the strips out of the little box and have mounted them on a frame...



...think I'm going to try and get two lights on top of each other and flower the Moby Dick in 3.5l at the same time, need to get some jars full.



That's all for now, take care, be back soon.



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Hey All,


Hope everyone is well, 


Think I might be setting myself up for a fail here with the size of these plants :clown:

Currently just about staying on top of watering, they are getting around 250ml through them three times lights on, but are only just making it through lights out.

Haven't taken much off them yet, we're at the end of week two flower so I'll give them a good trim, might help.

Only another 150 waterings :crybaby:


Stretch has slowed right down, might have stopped, all three plants are around 70cm, no training.

PP, which was topped, stretched a fair bit (x2) but the other two not so much (x1.5)

I'll be looking at switching to Canna Terra Bloom in the next day or so.


Feed:     1.2/1.3 E.C  Background 0.4 - Epsom to 0.5/0.6 - Canna Terra Grow to 1.2/1.3

Light:     75w 12/12

Roots:    23-26c

Air:         24-29c


Wedding Glue Plant PP Day13 Flower



Wedding Glue Plant P Day13 Flower



Wedding Glue Plant C Day13 Flower



Wedding Glue Day 13 Group



Better pic of Plant C Day14 Flower




Plant C (from above) Day 14 Flowerlarge.WGC!.jpg



And these are the three Seedstockers Moby Dick in veg, topped and in 3 litre pots (i think) thankfully.




Hopefully they'll all be in flower together shortly...


That's all for now, take care, be back soon.



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Thanks @Newcouch, I am going to have to weigh them down or tie them up, I've put them in a new tray and they're not very stable now :)


Water is slightly hard 0.4ec at about 8 to 1 Cal to Mag.


                   Max Mean  Min.


Calcium        48    39     33

Magnesium    6      5       4



Cheers @Rural Buddha I've given them a bit of a trim and had an overnight refit in the drobe, hopefully they've survived the ordeal it was all a bit rushed :cowboy:




Forgot about PP+ yesterday, due to reasons she's currently under a whole 8watts, with an inch or so head room.



Wedding Glue PP+









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