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Clumsy's Not Poodle Diary


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Hey All,


Firstly, a big thanks to @Seedstockers-Mark ever the gent, and to Seedstockers for a very generous prize.

I tried to cock up the delivery process but Mark being the Karl Malone of the seed world came through :yep:

My WeddingGlue were also pleasingly accompanied by a pack of Moby Dick, will get a diary up in the new year.


Thank you also to Joolz and all the mods for making the place work and all they do behind the scenes.



So without further ado, welcome to my diary, I hope it finds you well :)




Strain blurb:


Wedding Cake x Gorilla Glue genetics came together to create Wedding Glue. This is a top class hybrid using some of the finest USA genetics seen in recent years. Wedding Glue is a feminised seed variety which takes around 8-9 weeks in bloom. THC levels around and above 20% are the norm in good grow conditions. This produces a stress-busting high with a sweet taste and a long lasting effect. The buds are dense and firm to the touch with a white frosty resin coating. Easy to grow in a wide range of conditions/systems and highly recommended to growers seeking premium quality buds.




King Pot Noodle x3, Handwatered, Tropic Mix 60/40, Canna Terra Vegas and Flores,

Topping, training etc to be decided.




Samsung 4k vertical strips - Early Veg

Samsung 4k strip build - Veg

ScopeV2 DIY strip build - Flower


4in Temp Controlled Rucks with CarboAir / Rhino Pro

AC Infinity USB Fans

Tube heaters and mat on various thermostats

Sensor Push




Got a new phone with a camera on it, apparently they're a thing these days

Took a couple of pics and was quite happy with the results.

So thought I'd try a macro shot of the seeds before wetting...oh deary me :( 





So back to my trusty little point and press, seeds were wintered (fridged) for 48hrs, then soaked in tap water for 24hrs.





I jumped the gun a little bit with joining in the comp and don't actually have anywhere to grow them for a few weeks.


I've 'upcycled' this box and am just running some temp tests on it, hopefully they'll grow upwards, fingers crossed.

Currently running at a whole 8watts :D





Meanwhile, I've hot skewered some holes into the pots, will be looking at three to start.




Mixed up some Mycorrhizal fungi with the Tropic Mix and gave it a very light spray




Seeds planted about a 1cm down, covered over and sprayed.




Tops covered with cling film...





...and put somewhere warm.




And now we wait...


Good luck to everyone having a crack, hope you have some fun getting your jars full.


Thanks for dropping by, take care, be back soon.





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Hey All


Thanks for the well wishes, hope everyone is good :)


Quick little picture up date :photo:


Box looks like it might work, these were the results of running 24/7 for three days, a little on the cool side,

Will see if I can get away with turning the light up in the next couple of days, anyone have any thoughts on wattage? Still at 8.5w.


No room for a heat source so they'll be kept on 24/7.











All three had broken ground to some degree within 48hrs...









I know I shouldn't, but I gave them a little hand getting their hats off, they're now in their first home, unharmed from their man handling.


We'll call this Day 1 (v)






That's all for now, thanks for popping by, be back soon .



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Nicely done with the box. Looks almost professional that lining. Love the light strips as well. You can’t beat that silver thermal bubble stuff for lining a drobe can you. I put two layers at the bottom to help hold the pot temps too.


that last sprout photo looks like one of the sprouts of mario trying to eat an aubergine.

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Hey All


Thanks for dropping by, hope everyone is well :)


Quick update for week one,


I've mostly been faffing around trying not to let the girls get toooo leggy, not so easy with the vertical lights.


Have played around with the wattage and positioning of the pots and they don't seem too bad now.


Wedding Glue Day 7



Temps at 20 watts are steady with no additional heating, which is handy as I can't afford any :D


Looking at putting two lights in one drobe for winter, if so, will get the Moby Dick on the go on a second level.




The leaves look a bit wrinkly; they were over watered a little, tested a bit at 25w (they didn't like that too much) and keep getting moved around.

So nothing to worry about...I think.


Wedding Glue PP Day 7




Wedding Glue C Day 7



And one still wanting to grow sideways


Wedding Glue P Day 7



This is them now, starting to look a bit more settled, I'll get the pots topped up today.


Wedding Glue Day 10



Next box is still a good 10 days away so will have to see how we get on, I'm sure it will work itself out


That's all for now, take care, be back soon.



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@Clumsy Things look fantastic mate. A very professional diary, well written and filled with cool info ;)


Best of luck buddy. I'll keep dropping by as you update  :cheers:


Kind regards  :bong:



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Hey All,


Hope everyone is keeping well, nearly time to get the long johns out brrrrr :)


Temps in the box have been steady though 23-24c, lighting still on 24/7 20watts I may look at turning it up a bit now there bigger.


The ladies got there first full water (plain) today, up until now they've just had a squirt here and there.

They've put on a fair bit of growth over the last few days,

two off them starting to put out some bigger fans and roots are now showing at the drainage holes.




Wedding Glue C Day 14ish



P is the smallest of the girls, so far, fine form though, the light distribution isn't very even now so could be that.


Wedding Glue P Day14



And PP is nearly identical to C


Wedding Glue PP Day14



Wedding Glue Day 14 in situ



As the Tropic Mix drops off very quickly I'll be looking to give them a light feed in the not so distant.

I'll probably use a drop of fishmix instead of Canna to try and avoid salt build up later, I've decided my drainage holes look very small.


These will be put into flower as early as practical, mainly to shorten the time I have to kill them, but also so I can get some Moby Dick on the go.

Haven't decided on topping at the moment, may just go with some basic LST, waiting to see how @Whatwentwrong's turns out ;)


Oops just noticed I haven't topped the pots up, I'll get that done shortly.


That's all for now, take care all, be back soon.




Edited by Clumsy
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Alright there @Clumsy


Looking nicely established in here, nice idea going with the vertical lighting, let’s hope it pays off for you.


Good lick with the rest of this adventure.


Take it easy, Jj :yinyang:

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