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I need to leave my 1 week old seedlings for 3 days help please

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So i need to leave 4 seedlings for 3 days and i was wondering if anyone has any advice on what i can do so they will be ok

they will be a week old in jiffy cubes in a propagator under a 125w light

i was thinking of giving them a good water before i leave or maybe put some water on the bottom of the propagator so they can soak it up while i'm gone


i'm very new to growing so any advice will be appreciated 

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why not pot up slightly, enough for few days........they should be fine...


dont do much first couple of weeks anyway, just let them do their thing!!!

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put them in party cup sized pots, water it, and they will be fine.

why are they still in propogator?

Edited by badbillybob
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Jiffy7's shouldn't dry out in 3 days if they've only got seedlings in them assuming yer temps aren't too warm.

If you just want piece of mind though put an inch or so of perlite in the prop tray and wet it sufficiently this should provide enough capillary action to see them good for days 



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9 minutes ago, chilled artist said:

why not pot up slightly, enough for few days........they should be fine...


dont do much first couple of weeks anyway, just let them do their thing!!!

Ok so they will be going into the jiffys tomorrow and in to the propagator

so when should i put them into little pots and should i put them in coco or soil ?

also should the little pots go back in the propagator or not

sorry guys but a friend was supposed to be sorting me out with some cuttings but he's got back with his Mrs and has vanished so i'm just learning it all from scratch

and having to start off with seeds 

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3 minutes ago, BilgePump said:

Jiffy7's shouldn't dry out in 3 days if they've only got seedlings in them assuming yer temps aren't too warm.

If you just want piece of mind though put an inch or so of perlite in the prop tray and wet it sufficiently this should provide enough capillary action to see them good for days 



The temp in the propagator is at 23 where ive set it up is this ok ?

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15 minutes ago, Old-fashioned Coughy Pot said:

Can you give them to a trusted friend to baby-sit while you are gone? 

I cant no and neighbours are retards lol

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14 minutes ago, badbillybob said:

put them in party cup sized pots, water it, and they will be fine.

why are they still in propogator?

Should i pot them just before i go?

we go to London next Thursday for 3 days and the seedling will be a week old then 

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That's about right really , leave the lid off yer prop though as you don't really want yer babies dampening off while yer away 



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21 hours ago, badbillybob said:

why are they still in propogator?


@Gooey - you missed this quite important question.  Propagators are for cuttings, not seeds - I don't even use one to germinate, you don't need it.

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