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Smart meter or not..?


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Got an offer from my utility company to install a smart meter for free which promises all sorts but chiefly much more accurate bills based on useage. 


On the side I've actually just been quoted and renewed for the year with the same company  which is now £58 fixed a month - but I've not actually started the grow as of yet in this property (been here now 1 and a bit years) 


Should I have the smart meter installed and get the accurate readings; would it work out better or worse for me?!


Any experience from anyone will be appreciated, thanks 

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I personally wouldn't want a "smart" meter that can accurately read and relay information bout my electricity usage back to whoever it is connected to.
I would feel like they would know every time i switched on the kettle to make a cuppa, or turned the oven on to make my sunday roast, or the daily bang on 7pm grow switching on.....

But that's just me.....

Edited by Thai Stick
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Totaly agree @Thai Stick , They tried to fit us one and could'nt as no signal for it (mobile network'd at the time, )Phew, but sure they will try again as more masts go up round here.

Edited by Personunknown
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A smart meter is just another spy in the house. They're supposed to help us be more aware of our leccy usage and get us to turn lights or whatever off. When a supplier suggests I have a smart meter I say 'does it work with solar panels' or 'have they fixed the security issues with them' - they go quiet and we end the conversation :)

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My concerns with smart meters have never evolved round 'could they know I'm growing', always about security and misuse of data.


What better way to know a householder is currently not present at the address for an extended period of time than live energy usage data; such information could be passed to less scrupulous persons. Only in March did I read about a female bank employee (Santander) who tipped off two thieves a customer was attending the branch that day to withdraw £38,000 for a cut of the profits after they robbed him. So this information / data is open to abuse by those who have access to it. No one wants to advertise the fact there property is unattended for two weeks while on holiday.


Secondly meters not working autonomously (manual reading types), anything that's connected to the net with bidirectional data capabilities is potentially open to security flaws. I could think of no better way to cause disruption to another country than to interfere with energy grid and / or water supply. You've only got to look at the recent ransomware that affected the NHS to realise whilst rare these things aren't just conspiracy theorist rubbish. In part it was a failing of the NHS not upgrading / patching Windows XP machines, the flaw was well known, just many machines never had the security patch installed and / or XP no longer supported updates. 


I'm sure they offer far better 'introductory' rates to coerce you into getting a smart meter but it won't last. Personally quite happy to submit my readings every three months as I've done for years. No independent reader has called in the last 5 years which I find slightly strange.  

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I’ve got a smart meter been growing for coming up 2 years had no issues in this property, haven’t noticed a saving on bills currently pay just under £120 a month eleccy/gas 

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Just received a similar flyer in the post. My supplier and law differs to most of you guys, it was worded like the company had a legal obligation to install them based on a particular Act (I forget the specifics) but it basically states they have to deliver services to customers using modern and efficient technologies etc etc... 


So looks like I may not get a choice. We'll see. Not keen on the idea at all.

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58 minutes ago, superfruit said:

Just received a similar flyer in the post. My supplier and law differs to most of you guys, it was worded like the company had a legal obligation to install them based on a particular Act (I forget the specifics) but it basically states they have to deliver services to customers using modern and efficient technologies etc etc... 


So looks like I may not get a choice. We'll see. Not keen on the idea at all.

To my knowledge, they are legally obliged to offer it, not install it.

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From Offgem: "

Energy suppliers are offering smart metering to all their customers and are required to install a smart meter wherever a meter is replaced or where a meter is installed for the first time, for instance in new premises, unless there is a good reason not to.

Consumers can choose not to accept an offer to have smart meters installed or request an installation at a later date at no extra cost. However, please note that choosing not to have a smart meter installed may mean not having access to all the available tariffs on the market, some of which could be cheaper.

If your existing meter is need of replacement, for example for safety or accuracy reasons, your supplier should replace this meter with a smart meter unless there is a good reason not to. "



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2 hours ago, superfruit said:

I didn't think to differentiate, I hope you're right 

A lot of people refuse them... they can’t force you. The anti 4g mob absolutely hate smart meters. Apparently zapping you with sinister frequencies 24/7!

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  • 2 months later...

I have a smart meter - and if I was given the choice I wouldn't have kept my old meter. 
It's harder to switch suppliers and then you have to fight for your right to switch and then go through the guaranteed compensation when they violate your switch rights... trust me it ain't worth it

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  • 1 month later...
On 04/06/2021 at 1:04 AM, furious fred said:

A lot of people refuse them... they can’t force you. The anti 4g mob absolutely hate smart meters. Apparently zapping you with sinister frequencies 24/7!

Ours runs off GPRS not 4g lol

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