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 Had a sudden urge to engage in the arguments of yesteryear, It's been a while since half the world decriminalised and it's long forgotten the regular negative doom mongering from the Daily's on how Cannabis was going to turn us all schizophrenic. Curiously I found this on our old favourite...

Legalising cannabis would result in soaring numbers of people suffering from schizophrenia-like psychosis, one of Britain's top psychiatrists has warned



So you thought it should be more like this...

Legalising cannabis would result in soaring numbers of people suffering from schizophrenia-like psychosis being cured, one of Britain's top psychiatrists has welcomed.



Have you noticed how the old Schizophrenia Dangers seem to be faltering, yet it's amazing that authorities still heed the bogus claims in the daily faily's


  "Besides clear evidence that prolonged use greatly raises the risk of serious mental illness, he said he was also forced to rethink his position by the explosive growth of a 'wild west' cannabis industry."


 :wassnnme: But clearly there it's refering to existing consequences from governmental Prohibition policy.

 When really..

 "CBD also provides some hope for schizophrenia. When administered to patients along with a traditional antipsychotic, CBD significantly reduced the severity of hallucinations and delusions compared to the antipsychotic alone, as well as slightly improving scores on cognitive tests, in a small trial published last year. Unlike other antipsychotics, CBD does not appear to antagonize dopamine receptors—possibly unlocking a new mechanism for treating psychosis"



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Three Cheers for Damien Egan and all the Best..


"On a visit to Lewisham’s youth offending service, I was surprised to learn that 49 children, nearly a child a week, had been sent to them from the courts for first time drug offences last year. 43 of those 49 children were from a BAME background. At first, I assumed these children were somehow caught up in drug dealing or in Class A drugs, but then I learnt that in most cases they had been found with cannabis.

And our drug laws create the conditions for criminal gangs to thrive, with the illicit drugs market worth an estimated £9.4bn a year. Production of drugs is known to be closely linked with modern slavery and exploitation of vulnerable young people across the country. There are 27,000 young people who identify as gang members, while 2,000 teenagers from London are linked to county lines.

We need a grown-up conversation about drugs and we need to look at what’s happening around the world where other approaches are already being taken. Around 60% of all stop and searches in England and Wales are for drugs. If the UK followed Canada and states in the US in legalising cannabis, we could see a significant reduction in the stop and search practice that we know currently disproportionately impacts BAME, and particularly Black, communities.




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CBD & Medical Cannabis Science and Law

Fighting to ensure legal and safe access to cannabis for therapy, pain relief, and scientific research


"The illegality of cannabis is outrageous, an impediment to full utilization of a drug which helps produce the serenity and insight, sensitivity and fellowship so desperately needed in this increasingly mad and dangerous world."

Carl Sagan




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So, to Get Active does'nt really take much effort at all. Great results can occur by actually doing nothing at all. To make the difference it must be at All.



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