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Cancer, 1 in 2 Male or Female. Yes, that is a real worldwide statistic.
Every family gathering, every trip to the pub with friends, every special moment with your loved one, every time you drop the kids off at school, you and everyone around you is living with this brutal statistic.
Cancers rising around the world. There will be 18.1 million new cases of cancer and 9.6 million people will die with the disease this year worldwide, a report predicts. Combine those horrific numbers together and that’s a small country wiped out.
Every 5th death in the world is due to cancer. 
Scary isn’t it? 
Why? Why when we supposedly have leading edge technology now to fight it, better than ever they say. Why has the rate increased in the last 10 years from 1 in 3 males and 1 in 4 females down to 1 in 2 for either sex??? Why when the cancer industry……actually let’s not kid ourselves, the cancer business (yes people it is a business and I’ll address that later) is taking billions of pounds/dollars from us (the people it is killing at a faster rate year by year) are they still not able to at the very least reduce the rate in which it is killing us.
I am 39 years old, until 4 years ago I had never really experienced how devastating cancer is not only to the person with the disease but all their loved ones. It’s awful, it’s an invisible enemy that you have no idea has taken hold in many cases until it is way too late.
My only knowledge of treating cancer’s is or I should say was chemotherapy or radiotherapy and even with my very basic layman’s understanding I was more than aware that either of these supposed remedies were extremely damaging to our Immune system and bodies in general.
Both of these forms of medicines failed the person that I love so dearly and in fact they caused way more damage than they did good. I took it upon myself to have a look into these treatments and their actual statistically proven rates of success and could not believe what I found out.
97%!!!! NINETY SEVEN PERCENT!!! Of the time these 2 treatments (which I and everyone I have spoken with about this are under the impression are our only options) are unsuccessful. Don’t believe me, do your research but I forewarn you it’s a worm hole that I (4 ½ years later) am still spinning around in.
However, there are other options, natural options with no negative side effects and the one I want to scream from the rooftops about is cannabis oil and no I am definitely not talking about CBD oil I am most definitely talking about THC oil. I thank all that is good in this world for a Gentleman (super hero in my opinion) by the name of Rick Simpson.
4 years ago I started researching his work and am broken hearted that he has been demonised and run out of his native country (Canada) for healing people who were told by the main stream medical bodies that there was nothing more they could so for them and to sew up their affairs and die basically. Again, don’t believe me do your research, other than my children researching his work and methods is the thing I am most proud of.
My loved one is still here 4 years later and I have met scores of amazing people over the last 4 years who are all still enjoying the short time we get on this beautiful earth thanks to being brave enough to ignore the absolute nonsense we are told about cannabis, THC specifically and medicate themselves with a PLANT!!! That is all it is people a plant that grows all over the world and has been used for thousands of years to cure a plethora of diseases.

Up until the late 1940’s THC was in over 40% of all medicines prescribed in Great Britain.
What changed?
And Why?

Feel free to reach out if you or anyone you know are looking for real genuine RSO/THC oil.

I know first-hand how difficult it is to get hold of and even more difficult to meet trustworthy people.

If you are any of your loved ones are suffering there are other options please do your own research.

I wish you Love peace and good health ♥️

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nutritionally deficient food sprayed with toxic chemicals, white sugar, wrapping all food in plastic, wearing plastic, drinking plastic, cosmetic products.. where do you start :( 

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Good evening to you and hello.

My apologies if my rant rubbed you up the wrong way, definitely not my intention.

I have been searching for sites where like minded people have discussions about this subject for a while and I'm new to this one.

I do not claim to be an expert by any means,I've only been studying it for 4 years so am relatively new to the cannabis arena.I am however very passionate about spreading the word and as I said talking to people (like you) about it and learning.

RSO saved my uncles life from prostate cancer 4 years ago and I've been an advocate ever since.

My point was I felt comfortable on this platform airing my frustrations with people like you,I thought that's what it's all about on here?As I am sure you have experienced speaking about this stuff to people who are soo closed minded to it (in many cases friends and family) can be so frustrating.

lol there's another rant over 


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