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Slippy One

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Just thought I'd add this simple recipe for anyone interested in making luxury DIY capsules that won't melt or go sticky, ideal for chilling or taking on holiday. Easy enough to disguise, and no weed smell, more like a toasted white chocolate flavour (without any sugar)


5g Dry sift hash 

50g Cocoa Butter


Combine and heat in a slow cooker on medium setting for 2-3hrs. Get some empty capsules and fill them up. I use size 00, which is perfect for a 1ml precision dropper, no mess or spillages. You can buy a 100 hole capsule maker for about £20 if you want to make loads. Not strictly necessary to strain the butter, but I do, as I have a fine stainless steel jobby, or you could use a coffee plunger. 


Dosing will vary slightly, but 2 of these capsules will leave you comfortably toasted most of the day when you'll sleep like a baby. 3 will be more funky, and 4 is difficult to act normal. Beyond that is no-mans land where sleep is the only cure, and very uncomfortable even for seasoned stoners. :wassnnme:


Here's some pics, feel free to ask any questions. 



Start with some decent dry sift



Get some quality cocoa butter 



Slow cooker on medium with hash and butter added






Bubbles coming off the hash (I think this is the decarb process)



Bubbles stop around the 2-3hr mark



The final product, organic, sun grown, vegan cocoa butter capsules ready for healthier medicating. 






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Delighted to see this, shall open a jar right now and get the dehumidifier switched on to finish the curing of some fluff buds from last year, too much woody plant material to combust into carbon, lungs appreciate a break from smoking when with colds or flu.

 Do you experience effective relief or health benefits from eating sift in this way?

 why cook for so long?


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For the advantages that comes using cocoa butter, compared to coconut oil or butters and oils, here’s a text from a friend who did his PhD on the endocannabinoid system: 


“Theoretical, but I would say that cannabis incorporates quite well into chocolate. It binds to the fats, then becomes a part of the organic soup that chocolate already is.
The fats in the chocolate allow it to be readily absorbed.
Adding to this is the fact that chocolate contains anandamide. This means that it attaches to CB1 receptors as a full agonist.
THC is a CB1 partial agonist. The anandamide in chocolate may be providing a gateway of sorts for THC to enter the CB1 receptor more readily.
Add into this all the other antioxidants and the like in chocolate, and it displays a unique entourage effect of its own.
As making cannabinoids out of yeast requires a lab, homegrown cannabis will still be available. For people who need precision, though, deriving it from the plant may be too much bother and more expensive.“

in my experience, cocoa butter is head and shoulders above other oils, when it comes to weed delivery. Quicker onset and really slow release, means the meds last longer. Definitely feels different to other oils, it’s hard to explain but it feels more ‘earthy’ if that’s even a thing.. :yep:


You could even print a bootleg label and pop it onto a letterbox friendly capsule bottles to impress your away friends! lol 





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4 minutes ago, schmoak said:

Delighted to see this, shall open a jar right now and get the dehumidifier switched on to finish the curing of some fluff buds from last year, too much woody plant material to combust into carbon, lungs appreciate a break from smoking when with colds or flu.

 Do you experience effective relief or health benefits from eating sift in this way?

 why cook for so long?


The high is better, lasts longer and I’m not 100% sure why I go 3hrs, but it’s when the bubbles stop so seems like a good indicator to me. Next batch I’ll take a few mls at the 1hr and 2hr mark to see if 3 is really needed. 

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Wonderful and thank very much for presenting this, have just had a deja vu moment and must go immediately to spread out some buds!!

 Source some temp. screens in the morning and proper raw cacao as directed. Swell:)

 Vaguely remember being immobile on hash coffee along time ago but now it's time to try your well considered approach.


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29 minutes ago, Bubbles Depot said:

Nice guide. I love the cool bottles :hippy:

Only the keen eyed border official would spot the significance of the barcode numbers.. :) :yep:


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  • 1 month later...
On 22/07/2020 at 11:07 PM, Slippy One said:

Only the keen eyed border official would spot the significance of the barcode numbers.. :) :yep:


Excellent post and write up this is m8, bookmarked in my recipes folder , much respect :notworthy: :yep:

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On 22/07/2020 at 11:07 PM, Slippy One said:

Only the keen eyed border official would spot the significance of the barcode numbers.. :) :yep:



what ratio are you using ?  cacao > buds > thc etc to work out the thc per capsule?

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Right then, so i have loads of bud spread out on the table for the last month and i bought the 3/4 mm steel mesh sieve. Yesterday i was looking at nylon coffee filters but were too small, so now I must go ahead and get proper equipment for this, better prioritise the screens or it'll never get done.

 Meanwhile there's a few jars of mediocre bud sitting there and no way will the lungs be used as a processor filter of coarse wood smoke, no choice but to get the equipment.


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Its only ~60% sat fat though isn't it? 


I do like raw cacao butter but its not the best binder. I just eat it separately. 

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17 minutes ago, Nervous said:

Its only ~60% sat fat though isn't it? 


I do like raw cacao butter but its not the best binder. I just eat it separately. 

what would you recommend ? coconut oil?

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3 minutes ago, itsmeithink said:

what would you recommend ? coconut oil?

Anything with a high sat fat content. E2A Upon checking coco butter is only 54-64% sat fat. 


On 22/07/2020 at 10:09 PM, Slippy One said:

Quicker onset and really slow release

Is this just observational? 

Edited by Nervous
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10 minutes ago, Nervous said:

Anything with a high sat fat content. E2A Upon checking coco butter is only 54-64% sat fat. 


Is this just observational? 


so the cacao drops are slightly better than the much pushed coconut oil dependent on saturation levels that you buy as a 54-64 ratio levels out at 59 for coconut oil vs 60% cacao drops, what are your thoughts on the post :


For the advantages that comes using cocoa butter, compared to coconut oil or butters and oils, here’s a text from a friend who did his PhD on the endocannabinoid system: 


“Theoretical, but I would say that cannabis incorporates quite well into chocolate. It binds to the fats, then becomes a part of the organic soup that chocolate already is.
The fats in the chocolate allow it to be readily absorbed.
Adding to this is the fact that chocolate contains anandamide. This means that it attaches to CB1 receptors as a full agonist.
THC is a CB1 partial agonist. The anandamide in chocolate may be providing a gateway of sorts for THC to enter the CB1 receptor more readily.
Add into this all the other antioxidants and the like in chocolate, and it displays a unique entourage effect of its own.
As making cannabinoids out of yeast requires a lab, homegrown cannabis will still be available. For people who need precision, though, deriving it from the plant may be too much bother and more expensive.“


I aint bashing anyone and love the OP write ups but have seen you have an eye for scrupulous detail @Nervous so am intrigued on your opinion

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@itsmeithink "theoretical" is the operative word in that lot. I don't much like the use of non-scientific language like "organic soup" because it's not really saying anything. The more I write the more I'm finding holes... 

Coconut oil is about 80-90% sat fat https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/food-features/coconut-oil/. Where as coco butter (lets just call it coco butter) is 60% tops. 

Due to their structure, sat fats are thought to better at binding to cannabinoids. Bit hard to explain without getting a blackboard out. This means that gram for gram, the end product will have the potential for more cannabinoids if you start off using something with more sat fats in. It just makes sense to use the most efficient ingredients. 

My second point would be that to see the noticable effects of substances in chocolate, you have to eat a fuck tonne. The amount in one cap would be insignificant even as a co-factor. I would just eat this separately and get a more sufficient amount of it. 

Also, I'm not sure what he means by "and it displays a unique entourage effect of its own " as the entourage effect is in relation to cannabis. This could mean about a million things.

1 hour ago, itsmeithink said:

Adding to this is the fact that chocolate contains anandamide. This means that it attaches to CB1 receptors as a full agonist.
THC is a CB1 partial agonist. The anandamide in chocolate may be providing a gateway of sorts for THC to enter the CB1 receptor more readily.

A guess at best, I don't think there's any solid evidence for that. Even if it was true you could get a better effect from eating a square of dark chocolate prior to consuming cannabis. 

Really falls off the table when it starts talking about yeast and cannabis - not sure how that is relevant. 


Edited by Nervous
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