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I continue to bring up this fact among friends, there is no way that someones tolerance can be that different to others ok there are slight differences in peoples ability to handle it, but after a while I think everyone comes into the same boat.

I say this because I see countless people going on and on about how much they can smoke. Hey fuck that people need to take a serious thought about things like this, its not about how much you can smoke, its that fact that we are smoking it.

Personally I am fucked from the first toke, for me its not just the weed its psycological, as soon as I have a spliff in my hand I start to relax. B) :unsure::wub:

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I agree about the psychological part, but I can have a toke off a pipe and not be stoned, whereas I have a mate who says he's stoned after one hit. He could be lying, but there's no reason for him to be. The same mate can also get utterly mashed after about 2 hits off a bong whereas I and all my other mates can sit and smoke about 10 or so before retiring to the horizontal position. Not that I'm one of those people who claims I can smoke loads, because I'm not, and I agree those types are rather annoying.

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I can see where your comming from, does your mate smoke regulary? What sort of stuff do you smoke too? Either your bong is tiny or your weed is poor cos, if I were to take 10 bongs with the weed I get I would be dead.


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My mate doesn't toke as regularly as we do. But the time I had in mind when he backed out after 2 tokes on the bong and we continued to have about a dozen more we were smoking soap :o so it doesn't really count I 'spose.

Come to think of it we could've continued to smoke all night... just proving how utter cack soap is. As for my mate though, he must be an utter lightweight.

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It might not be the fact that your friend is a lightweight his body many not have been able to cope with chemicals added to soapbar :blink:

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I've noticed some strange things with it too. One of my friends just ends up horizontal after two joints. (this is only a problem 'cause he's quite a tall guy and tends to lie on the floor... If we're smoking in a small room, he becomes an obstacle for the rest of the evening)

And another seems to be able to get high as a kite quicker than anyone I've ever met.

Personally, I'm not a "I can do 20 bongs and not feel it" kind of smoker, I like to smoke a few, kick back and achieve blissful oblivion over the course of an evening, but I've noticed lately that I've been getting less and less caned.

Though for some reason yesterday I went down to a smoke, started off with a cup of stem tea... then proceeded to get absolutely smashed off my face. By the time I had to leave, I couldn't even see straight. Not a clue why. Unless it was the tea.



Stoned utterance of the day "No dope for you, Mr. Forum programmer. I can't log on."

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At the end of the day, as long as YOUR stoned then it shouldn't matter...

We smoke weed to get mashed, if you get mashed on less then surely thats a good thing (cheaper) heheh :mellow:

Not that I'm a lightweight B)

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I think it was the chemicals in soap bar.

I can usually only take about 4 proper hits off a bong if it's skunk before I'm cained.

Me and my mates used to smoke to get nicely stoned, but now we seem to be smoking to get utterly mashed.

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Hi all

I'm sure you will find that you can build up a tollerance. When people (myself included) first start growing and they suddenly have loads of bud to smoke, they can quickly build up a big tollerance as they have as much to smoke as they want. Over the course of a year, or even quicker, it is possible to find yourself smoking upwards of an oz or 2 a week. I got well into pure joints to complement pure bongs, I had a stupid tollerance, so i stopped. I had to really for my own mental health. At the moment I'm not smoking at all, but when i do, i may only have 1 or 2 bong hits a night now, and i really enjoy them.

So yes, people can have a completely different tollerance to others.


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My tolerance varies depending on how I feel, if I'm shagged out I only need a couple of blasts, if I'm feeling O.K. I can blow all night. Each to there own I suppose.

Keep The Faith.

Bilbo. :ninja:

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When people (myself included) first start growing and they suddenly have loads of bud to smoke, they can quickly build up a big tollerance as they have as much to smoke as they want.

This is why I'm a little worried about growing - having to pay for my weed limits me (slightly) - cus If i run out of money, that's it...

Tolerance definately builds up over time.. When I smoked soap, we used to cain a q or half a night (4 of us...) because we'd been smoking the same old crap for 2 years... Your body gets used to it the same as alcohol. Im sure many of us know people that can easily drink 8+ pints of lager, when I get stuck at 2/3...

Now I'm buyin some nice bud, It's usually a different strain every 2/3 weeks so you never really get used to it. Still far too cainable tho - who mentioned pure bud reefers? FAR too addictive. Have one, need another, then a bong. AGGGHHHHH! NEED BUBBLEHASH! :blink:

:ninja: (edit to add.... AGGGGHHHHHHHH! WHERE's the blues man gone!)


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Sometimes i can smoke one spliff and be totally wrecked and other times smoke 10 and be ok.. (same weed too) strange huh! i know alot of people like this, and suppose everyone else is the same... maybe yes..maybe no

but who cares as long as you get stoned, me personally, i would rather get blazed of one toke....that shits expensive man!!! :rolleyes:

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I definately find that growing your own is an advantage from this point of view, becuase you can alternate your 2-3 strains and therefore seem to need to smoke much less to get stoned. If I only smoke one type all the time, I find the effects decrease over time.

I am not sure whether perception of effects have something to do with whether we think we are stoned or not? Almost seems as though if your body experiences the same effects, it seems to adjust for them and you think you are not as stoned as you really are ... because our perception of being stoned has to do with what feel.

Just my stoned theory on the whole thing :rolleyes:

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there'a definitely an element of your body becoming "used to" being stoned and hence it affects you less. for instance i very rarely get all giggly and shit nowadays, it's all quiet monging out. i think also that if you smoke a lot (say every day) then your brain just doesnt break down all the thc and so you get "clogged up" if you see what i mean and it affects you less. I once read that the optimum smoking level is to only smoke one day a week which makes sense.

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