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New & need help please!?


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Hello. This is my first post. I have never tried any kind of marijuana before but I'm looking for advice please.

I suffer from pain since I had chemotherapy in my 30's a few years ago (I am a young cancer survivor) which at the same time causes me to feel very distressed the whole time. I have developed a terrible reaction to nearly all prescription medications from my GP, so these aren't an option so I want to try some marijuana for pain and also to help me feel more relaxed.

I'm not a smoker - so an edible I think is what I would want.

Does it need to be hash or can it just be the grass stuff? Can I just start by trying eating it raw in tiny amounts? (I think grass stuff would be much easier for me to get)

What else do I need to know?

Thanks soooooooo much for any help!

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I think your best bet would be to make some canna butter.

This can be then added to cooking as normal.

Guide here

Worth noting that you can try with smaller measurements to see if it works for you.

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hi newbie78  welcome , im no doctor, is the pain u suffer, from cemo. pheripheral neuropathy ? i like you have had cemo & radiation treatment

i have bother with feet & hand pain , i started with cbd oil strong stuff , does help !. not tried cannnabutter yet . ive had rso, make me to high , im

going to have a run at my own cbd strain oil ,, 1 plant into flower ,will be a few weeks yet. keep on this , maybe go on blutube u will see a lot 

have u been watching emerdale lol  regards , gegeo,,

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1 minute ago, geogeo said:

hi newbie78  welcome , im no doctor, is the pain u suffer, from cemo. pheripheral neuropathy ? i like you have had cemo & radiation treatment

i have bother with feet & hand pain , i started with cbd oil strong stuff , does help !. not tried cannnabutter yet . ive had rso, make me to high , im

going to have a run at my own cbd strain oil ,, 1 plant into flower ,will be a few weeks yet. keep on this , maybe go on blutube u will see a lot 

have u been watching emerdale lol  regards , gegeo,,

no eating the bud or leaves is not a good idea.

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hiya newbie78 dude, best advice, go and do some reading, read and absorb as much as you can, this site will provide you with the info you require.


read first before you jump in mate, get it right and it is an amazing medicine.






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If you end up doing edibles or oil for fucks sake start off easy and leave plenty of time between dosing, don’t want you to end up a dribbling mess on the floor and scare you off our wonderful plant forever.


if you do end up dribbling remember what I always tell my wife when she gets a bit too keen on the edibles. You will be either fine or famous as it’s really really really difficult to do any permanent damage with cana overdose.


butter is more difficult to get correct dosing as it depends on how well you make the butter. RSO I would start with no more than the size of a single grain of granulated sugar and up from there as necessary leaving 1 or 2 hours for it to kick in.

Edited by NiceCuppaTea4Me
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Whilst I understand you don’t want to smoke have you considered vaping? More of an initial outlay but a far better option for someone who has never taken cannabis before, imho.


edibles can be extremely difficult to dose and very easy to overdose on. For a complete beginner an edibles overdose would potentially be very overwhelming and because of time of onset there is no stopping it once you are coming up.


even if you are considering the edibles route I would maybe suggest first trying a vapouriser or a glass pipe before you eat some. Make sure cannabis works for you and that you enjoy being high.

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If you already use cannabis its easier to dose for chemo and cancer treatment, if your new to cannabis, its vital you dose correctly.


Edibles or smoking can be great but if your not used to cannabis, it might make you feel like your dying. I've seen that with an OAP who ignored my advice and promptly smoked half a joint like he would a cigarette. He was fine in the end.


Vaping can work but only if you smoke. Its easier to control cannabis effects by vaping.


As already stated, if vaping use a tiny tiny piece of rosin or whatever. Less than the size of a grain of rice will have effects within minutes.


For CBD, there are many varieties of plant that would be suitable for a CBD extraction. Maybe it would be best to grow out a CBD plant and also a THC plant. You could work out some kind of ratio with ease. May take experimenting but at least you would have something suitable for yourself.


Best of luck to anyone battling with cancer.

Edited by MyDisplayName2000
Added more info
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