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New toy NOW and one to follow.....

Bhang Buddie

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Smoked a neat pipe for many so many Moons now I forgot when I last had a joint, however the lungs can't the take neat pipes anymore, so I got myself one of these mother freaking gizmo's and, as I can't carry it through the park and the trees, I'm now waiting for my 'Spirit Vape' by Storm to arrive and then I can go for walks through the parks and the trees......................just me, Missus BB and my portable vape at the ready in my pocket.

large.Volcano.JPG  large.Volc2.JPG

I noticed that the Volcano's a bit large to carry and it doesn't seem to fit in any of my pockets :oldtoker: Bom Shiva





PS. When I get my pocket rocket version of my big 'un, then the first one to say, 'Is that your vape or are you just pleased to see me ?' get's the 'Rasberry Blower of Old London Town' award.   :P   :nenenenene:

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Ive always fancied purchasing a volcano. i have used them and thoroughly enjoyed it.

I do have the g pen elite or somewhat? which is pretty good. 


Let me know how you get on with the new portable vape 

cheers OTFG

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The only thing that makes this one any different to the 'older' volcano's is the 'whip' :naughty: and that you can change the temps as you want (up or down) while you're toking. The last time I used a volcano was in the 420 CS in the 'Dam and that was around 4/20/2010, so it was a lot older than this one, I like it tho' and I'd always wanted one. :oldtoker: Bom Shiva

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Used the 'Spirit' vape with my coffee (no bhang qube) and although it's a hand held it still gives me the relief that my qubes do, as does my VolcHybrid which is a tad too much lung function before coffee and first thing in the a.m. 

This isn't a choice as to which is better, it's my choice to give up a neat pipe after many, many years, as well as using no tobacco.......my last tobacco was around '85(ish), a long time.......also, the Spirit I like using as it means I can toke around the garden and on walks and have no pain while being 'normal', I also use the same amount in it that I'd use in a neat pipe, which is a 'pinch'.... a bit like snuff, only more mind blowing and I'm not coffin my lungs out, up and sideways after a toke :thumsup: 


I'm getting into vaping.  :oldtoker: Bom Shiva



Suits you sir, one Spirit, one coffee and then a pain free breakfast, toast I think.... :chef:

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been vaping for a couple of years now, I use the boundless cf for hash the volcano for bud I love both little machines 

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So, now I have my new 'toys' and, also having given up tobacco and morphine and tramadol and the myriad other pills that cost etc., etc., I find that this is A) cheaper than the 'meds' the NHS gives out by the bucket load, my doc wouldn't go for giving me a script for 'Kan-Ah-Bis' however I can have opiates in all and any of its forms :puke:..................the brain of anyone with a smidgeon of a brain cell should be able to see something there, however we can't have people getting better while our politicians rake it in from all the farms they're setting up   :taz: and B) I really can control the quality (better than a politician) of what I ingest to help me live a pain free life :yep:


I grow or you grow and it's a 'criminal factory', for a politician who has shares in a big pharma company, then it's a 'medical business' :oldtoker: Bom Shiva



I'm not a criminal, I'm a flower arranger :ouch:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just have to give big thumbs up to Vapefiend for their advice and delivery and, as all the best 'surveys/give your opinion' thingies always ask at the end, 'would you recommend this business ?' then YES I would as they're people who make vids and put them out there, this saves just me loads of time in reading instruction books etc., and I like their dog who appears to know as much about vapes as they do............so ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ and an 'Excellent!' to them  :oldtoker: Bom Shiva

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Glad to see you've left the dark side and seen the light bud...I've got the Arizer Solo (original) and the Solo 2...

certainly recommend these if you want to piss off the missis and spend even more cash on toys...:rofl:

Good for you moving into vaping, I certainly feel much healthier after giving up all combustion six years ago.




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Gotta go with you there @stu914 my lungs just couldn't 'hack' it  :bag: any more and I'd been thinking that vapes go fine and doody-dandy with bhang and the fact that my lungs are already thanking me for it also :oldtoker: Bom Shiva

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I have to make just one itsy-bitsy point here; Mrs BB loves the fact that everything within 500 metre's of me doesn't have this slight aroma (stink) of Blue or Triple Cheese clinging on to it, so much so that she has now agreed to let me with 2 metre's of the back door, and that's only as long as I use my :wassnnme:'portable hand piece' (the mind boggle's) and keep the volcano for the big 'bags' at the back  :bong:  of the shed.


I'm still off my face but it's less pungent that way or even this way :oldtoker: Bom Shiva

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