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Chemo feedback

Lean Bear

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Wanted to share some info, good friend of mine had been having cancer treatment. Had his third bout of chemo. 


Id made him some tincture and caps. Around 30mg

Having not slept for 5 days due to nerve pain in feet and hands, and being told by docs and nurses no other pain killers were available, he’s had had a cap last 2 days and had 5hrs sleep a night. 


He he was crying with relief of sleep. Remember however small, you can make a difference with this plant. 


Making more caps today for him. 



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Chemo is liquid mustard gas ... it has a failure rate of 97% and causes you to be extremely sick .  It is not a cure for cancer it leaves its victims traumatised and even helps to spread the cancer cells through the body they end their lives after perhaps a brief remission , addicted to morphine  .  I would try massive doses of cannabis oil over that , its a no brainer imo. 

Out of interest how do you know and regulate and comttrol the strength and CBD/THC ratio ?

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My 3rd dose of Chemo nearly killed me!! I've never felt so ill and close to death in my life! I spent 2 weeks in hospital recovering from the poisoning!!! I quit after that and it was only then that the Doc told me it only constituted about 5% of my treatment and Radiotherapy was the main treatment!


It's good to know that the oil has helped your friend. I find a morning spliff really helps with nausea related to chemo. A big fat one every morning doesn't always help me get my chores done but at least I'm not puking.


I wish your friend all the best and good karma to you for making him the caps!

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