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Any vapour heads got any decent ABV recipes?


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Got half a mason jar saved up, probably about 2oz of ABV. 


I tried mixing it with coconut oil and lecithin and made some rice crispy cakes last time but was waaay too weak (I do finish off a vape session at 210C ).


So I was thinking of giving it a quick ethanol wash, then using that oil in a smaller batch of chocolates or gummies so it's not spread as thin as when I made cakes. I have some silicon moulds, just not sure on a recipe, quite liking the idea of sour gummies as should mask any horrid tastes.


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Ive got shit loads of it I keep meaning to do something with but never can be arsed. Last time I tried about half an Oz in some hot chocolate, didnt do much but I slept for about 11 hours.


Id quite like to try and make some "dreamy sleepy nighty snoozey snooze" hash out of it, this is all just in my head and not tested at all but would probably do a 45 sec-1 minute iso wash, filter and evaporate until I have a little oily kief, then mix a bit more kief from the grinders until its a nice consitency. Il let you know how it comes out if I ever do it. :yep:

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I find when eating AVB it doesn't get you that high but relaxes you for ages. I think the CBD levels in AVB is pretty high. Makes sense if THC vaporises at lower temps than CBD does.

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Mine goes up the hoover, been vaping for years so can’t be arsed to process it, like above I find it’s pretty weak and as I grow my own I have  plenty of unvaped bits to make edibles with.

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I made cannabutter with ABV once, added it to some chocolate and some homemade bread, it certainly did not pack as much of a punch as my normal butter made with unvapped bud,


These days most of my ABV goes in the compo bin.

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1 hour ago, iBMe said:

Ive got shit loads of it I keep meaning to do something with but never can be arsed. Last time I tried about half an Oz in some hot chocolate, didnt do much but I slept for about 11 hours.


Id quite like to try and make some "dreamy sleepy nighty snoozey snooze" hash out of it, this is all just in my head and not tested at all but would probably do a 45 sec-1 minute iso wash, filter and evaporate until I have a little oily kief, then mix a bit more kief from the grinders until its a nice consitency. Il let you know how it comes out if I ever do it. :yep:

That's what I'm after too, just something I can eat before bed and have a nice sound sleep. 11hrs might be a bit much tho lol


I'm gonna try an ethenol wash and use the oil from that into the edibles.

1 hour ago, Conspiranought said:

I find when eating AVB it doesn't get you that high but relaxes you for ages. I think the CBD levels in AVB is pretty high. Makes sense if THC vaporises at lower temps than CBD does.

Yeh that's what I'm after mate, just a nice relaxant I can eat before bed to shut mynbrain up so Incan get a good night's kip :)

1 hour ago, Smokebelch said:

Mine goes up the hoover, been vaping for years so can’t be arsed to process it, like above I find it’s pretty weak and as I grow my own I have  plenty of unvaped bits to make edibles with.

I don't blame you mate when I had a perpetual grow on I never used to keep it but I only grow once a year now and never time it exactly right so I never run out lol so appreciate anything I can get when the jars are low and there's still a good few weeks of flower left. I'll be chucking the reclaim oil from cleaning out the Mighty into the edibles too lol.

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Just now, Herbsman said:

I made cannabutter with ABV once, added it to some chocolate and some homemade bread, it certainly did not pack as much of a punch as my normal butter made with unvapped bud,


These days most of my ABV goes in the compo bin.

I made some with coconut oil even added soy lecithin which supposedly gives your body quicker access to the cannabinoids, added it all to a tray of rice crispie cakes.


I Sat and ate the whole tray and at the end was mildly relaxed and felt a little bit full and sick lol


I'm hoping turning the abv into oil and using that in a mixture enough for one tray of gummies, they should have more of a kick..and more importantly be in a  much smaller package!

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I'd turn it into oil and use that if you have that much. Got to be stronger and less sickening I didn't bother turning mine into oil and used about 1.5g. I did it the lazy way though and used nutella in crackers but nutella is strong stuff and masked the taste. How long do you vape it at 210c?

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10 hours ago, Conspiranought said:

I'd turn it into oil and use that if you have that much. Got to be stronger and less sickening I didn't bother turning mine into oil and used about 1.5g. I did it the lazy way though and used nutella in crackers but nutella is strong stuff and masked the taste. How long do you vape it at 210c?

That's what I'm thinking, shouldn't taste too bad chucking in the oil. Haha, nothing wrong with boofing it! I just hear eating it straight or mixed can unsettle you're stomach a bit and make you quite gassy lol


I start vaping at 180C, then 195C then. Finish in 210C usually just a few long tokes until it gets barely whispy.. the ABV is definitely on the darker brown side, zero green colour left when I'm done.


Just waiting on my ethanol and will get to it, I'll take some pics of the process and finished result and let you know how it goes. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

I vape my weed between 180-200 degC, till it's brown but not too crispy. Doesn't smell anything like herb


I've had great success with this recipe: https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/chocolate-chunk-cookies


20g of mixed vaped bud into a jar with approx. 120g of coconut oil, in a pan of simmering water for about half an hour.

Strain through muslin and then follow that recipe, replacing the infused coconut oil for the butter. Makes 10 cookies.


1 cookie is plenty for me! Very pleasant, upbeat, chatty high. Partner with lower tolerance has a quarter to a half and she is very happy with that dosage.


I've done this twice now and both times have worked great. Add coconut/choc chips/whatever to taste :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

man, this is a revelation, didn't know you do anything with the leftover material, I've always threw mine in the compost ffs...

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large.IMG_20190614_175338-1008x756.jpg20 of These are what I ended up making..


Did an ethanol wash with half a jar of ABV, evaporated off and added it to half a pack of Hartley's jelly, a few sheets of gelatin and some orange juice and heat.


They tasted great, just a slight weedy / oily aftertaste that hung on your palette for a while after eating.


I ate 5 on the head as a tester lol.. was far too many, span out in bed for a while before being able to chill and enjoy the ride. Discovered 3 was ideal, 1 was fine for the missus, so gave her 2 lol and she passed out.


Hartley's jelly cubes made them far too watery if you left then outside the fridge for too long. gonna be trying a new recipe next  using gello and corn syrup to make something closer to haribo.

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27 minutes ago, OLaC said:


large.IMG_20190614_175338-1008x756.jpg20 of These are what I ended up making..


Did an ethanol wash with half a jar of ABV, evaporated off and added it to half a pack of Hartley's jelly, a few sheets of gelatin and some orange juice and heat.


They tasted great, just a slight weedy / oily aftertaste that hung on your palette for a while after eating.


I ate 5 on the head as a tester lol.. was far too many, span out in bed for a while before being able to chill and enjoy the ride. Discovered 3 was ideal, 1 was fine for the missus, so gave her 2 lol and she passed out.


Hartley's jelly cubes made them far too watery if you left then outside the fridge for too long. gonna be trying a new recipe next  using gello and corn syrup to make something closer to haribo.

They look awesome, I would love to give this a go, (bent over compost bin, looking for abv)

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Just now, The Green Manalishi said:

They look awesome, I would love to give this a go, (bent over compost bin, looking for abv)


Cheers buddy, they were super orangey! Go for it!


The only time consuming bit was the ethanol wash and evaporation. Making the jellies took no time at all 


I couldn't resist the 99p "maple leaf" moulds lol

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And here's me tapping it out into the bin!





Time to find an empty jar then..


Nice1 guys :yinyang:

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