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Oral administration vs vapour


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‘eating a cannabis edible on an empty stomach, even if it contains a 1:1 ratio, is the equivalent of smoking a cannabis strain with a 9:1 THC to CBD ratio’


this suggests that the effects of sativex are not equivalent to the effects of 1:1 buds, so anyone hoping to achieve the same effect as sativex would be better smoking a 9:1 thc to cbd strain.. even then, far more of the thc is converted to 11OH THC in the liver when taken orally which is 10x (ish dependent on genetic predisposition) more psychoactive than THC so a 9:1 ratio bud would be mild in comparison to sativex.. potentially putting sativex closer to bedrocan at 22%thc <1% cbd in terms of its effects.

dont be fooled by the CBD hype. :smokin:

Edited by Era
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Interesting article, worth a look.


The flaw in this hypothesis is that he compares THC and 11-OH-THC levels combined, against the level of CBD alone. What about the 11-OH-CBD?


If 11-OH-THC is 10X more psychoactive, could not 11-OH-CBD be just as antipsychoactive (or whatever it's supposed to be)?

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interesting topic Simple Jack ....:eat:


 I have read in soft secrets :'' A further result of note is that higher THC content results in more effective and longer lasting symptom relief, whereas higher CBD content doesn’t''

and somewhere else I also read you can't build up tolerance to CBD?



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I have started experimenting with oil and my main problem was when eating it I was getting so high and feeling highly anxious that I could not understand how people with cancer can get up to gram a day (have a look in hash and oil-couple of threads there)

Than I got cancer -very shortly afterwards and tried CBD -and it worked ,felt more balanced,very much doubt it was a placebo effect


with sativex- you spray this into your mouth so it doesn't go through your liver but directly into blood stream ,takes a bit longer than smoking it but probably 2nd fastest route

I have started myself doing tinctures instead of gummy bears( skinned too,had problems to get money for ethanol together last couple of months so will build or buy Graywolfs reclaim still)

Also I have read when you eating your product there could be up to 20% loss comapre to the tincture way



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@joba I have the same issue with edibles.. I was interested to read about 11 OH THC for this reason and thought it could help others if they are after a high thc plant and end up with something with higher CBD:THC than they would have liked.. just eat it instead of smoking.

apparently much of sativex spray does reach the liver so some difference in effect could be expected vs smoking the same buds.

 Have read that although cannabis is amazing for many types of cancer, it can make some types worse.. worth doing your research.. you might be interested in the above video about turkey tail mushrooms for cancer.. hope it helps :smokin:

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