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Personal accounts of cannabis effectively treating cancer


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My dad has cancer first bladder and now a throat tumour its spread else where too. His not the sort to get high it would be a hard sell getting him to consume cannabis and wouldn't want to force it upon him. I need a truth and a good enough reason to convince him otherwise. From what Ive read the research is inconclusive, and I dont know if the cure accounts Ive read about are hear say or what. So Im asking what first hand accounts people here have had with it. Has anyone here cured themselves ? or has cannabis just helped eliviate the symptoms ?  I am intrested in genuine reasearch I would like mostly to hear from your own accounts please. 



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here's some studies to look through while you wait for any responses :stoned: 




>CANCER-ANGIOSARCOMA (See News Articles 2010-2018)
CANCER-ID-1 GENE (This Gene Makes Several Types of Cancer [Triple Negative Breast Cancer, Glioblastomas, some Colon and Salivary Cancers] More Aggressive so They Spread Faster. CBD Deactivates the ID-1 Gene)

Granny storm crow


hope they can be of some help..




Edited by twigs
change text colour so it ca be read..
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i can offer you second hand accounts, know a girl who cured herself of stage 4 cancer using canna oil, among many other things.


heres an interview she did. hope it can help in some way. i wish the best for your dads recovery and your family in brutal times. my heart goes out to you...



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look on youtube mate ... theres LOADS of vids  with people who have cancer or have had cancer thats been helped massivly  and even cured totally  by the use of cannabis ... perhaps if dad watched a few, he would be willing to give it a go , and if he dosent smoke,  perhaps he could try  the oil or edibles

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@twigs thanks for taking the time to add that list mate Ill be reading through it today. Appreciate it.


@hash72 seen the rick Simpson vids and peoples verifying accounts of using it also seen accounts of people taking 2g a day that it didn't work on.

Type of cancer, age and the individual are factors I think.


@tsk nice one mate haven't listened to it yet will do today  as you know this person that makes it genuine for me.


@vortex I appreciate what you suggest mate I just cant believe everything I see on YT, which is why Im asking for peoples accounts that use this site.

Honest and genuine people like yourself  thanks

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glad I found this thread,was about to start my own but it will be better here as you have started all ready


I was always in two minds about cannabis and cancer,I have been a every day user over 18 years now and cannabis makes me feel good,makes my life better.

Always was a bit sceptic regarding cannabis cures cancer-thought guys like Stven Jobs,Howard Marks as an example,why did they not make it will all the bset oil in the world at their feet...


Just before Xmas they found a tumour on my kidney(size of a table tennis ball),had the surgery and results yesterday.It was RCC,thankfully it hasn't spread to surrounding tissue and now I will be monitored for two years to get all clear.

My tumour has been found by pure chance(I was being hypochondriac- things would be diffrent ),stage 1 grade 1 so I guess I am lucky,but still I am like why did I get it? being using oil over last year,maybe it helped not to spread it as stage 3-4 with RCC you have 20% chance to see next 5 years


to answer you question- go for it,get good CBD oil and good RSO, it isnt going to make any damage as the NHS will give you nothing in that department of comfort.

I was on nearly a gram  a day of RSO,also droping CBD oil 5% (see the posts in Hash&Oil) helped me to take my mind of things,helped me to sleep and eat and have some sort of a life.

can't comment on chemo as my cancer doesn't even react to chemo or radio therapies....

So I was like -at least I am doing something as the doctors just cut it out - nothing to help you to cope.


Any questions just ask

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That's good news. Stage one and lowgrade can only be the best news considering. Maybe the oil did have an effect on stopping the tumour progressing but we'll never know. From what I've researched it seems oil only seems to help with certain cancers and in certain people. For instance I've not seen anyone report good effects for pancreatic cancer. I think the tumour Rick Simpson had was similar to yours. He had a SCC (Squamous Cell Carcinoma) which is what I had. What does the R in RCC stand for?

 I think it's a blessing you don't have to tolerate chemo or RT. I've never felt so ill in my life!! If you feel RSO will help and you have access I can't see the harm in carrying on.


Keep strong mate.

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@joba thanks for the post mate, cannabis does seem to help with the symptoms if nothing else. Everyone using cannabis for cancer seems to agree on that note and thats a justifiable reason enough for me to use it as part of treatment, anything else is a bonus as far as im concerned and who knows what the cause of cancer is?  maybe the weed is acting as a preventive and its just the body is being bombarded so hard with whatever causes cancer for it to not have a full preventive effect. Its shocking that 1 in 2 people will get cancer nowdays its on the rise for sure.

I wish you the best of luck mate if there's anything you wish to add to the thread be my guest


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2 hours ago, bearukc said:

That's good news. Stage one and lowgrade can only be the best news considering. Maybe the oil did have an effect on stopping the tumour progressing but we'll never know. From what I've researched it seems oil only seems to help with certain cancers and in certain people. For instance I've not seen anyone report good effects for pancreatic cancer. I think the tumour Rick Simpson had was similar to yours. He had a SCC (Squamous Cell Carcinoma) which is what I had. What does the R in RCC stand for?

 I think it's a blessing you don't have to tolerate chemo or RT. I've never felt so ill in my life!! If you feel RSO will help and you have access I can't see the harm in carrying on.


Keep strong mate.

R stands for Renal  RCC (Renal cell carcinoma) think this the Clear one

I was hoping that by the time I go under the knife it will be gone....Well at least I have tried,was eating it in gello home made sweets,tinctures and also volcano vaporizer-was targeting this from all angles-well I would inject it if I had to.

What it did help was my menatl health and sleep and also I have lost only half a stone 1st week aftrer the op back to normal.When I tell people it was cancer-everyone who knows me is shocked -they all say you don't look like it,even in the hospitalm they said I look like a visitor


also forgot to add 30min after I woke up from my surgery the nurses brought my bag and had too tinctures there in 10ml bottles one CBD 5% and one my home made tincture 5g of RSO melted in 8ml of virgin olive oil


was going shops and driving about 4 days after my surgery

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9 minutes ago, Kickstand said:

@joba thanks for the post mate, cannabis does seem to help with the symptoms if nothing else. Everyone using cannabis for cancer seems to agree on that note and thats a justifiable reason enough for me to use it as part of treatment, anything else is a bonus as far as im concerned and who knows what the cause of cancer is?  maybe the weed is acting as a preventive and its just the body is being bombarded so hard with whatever causes cancer for it to not have a full preventive effect. Its shocking that 1 in 2 people will get cancer nowdays its on the rise for sure.

I wish you the best of luck mate if there's anything you wish to add to the thread be my guest


Thank you Kickstand


even my pain managment consultant said he has no issue me using oil(had to have that talk about its all in progress and looking good but not evidence) as due to this RCC I shoudnt be taking any painkillers

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19 hours ago, joba said:


What it did help was my menatl health and sleep and also I have lost only half a stone 1st week aftrer the op back to normal.When I tell people it was cancer-everyone who knows me is shocked -they all say you don't look like it,even in the hospitalm they said I look like a visitor


was going shops and driving about 4 days after my surgery


Thats amazing mate and it does sound like the self made meds made a big difference.

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23 hours ago, bearukc said:

For instance I've not seen anyone report good effects for pancreatic cancer.


is this what your looking for mate?


*Cannabinoids inhibit energetic metabolism and induce AMPK-dependent autophagy in pancreatic cancer cells


*Comparative proteomic and phosphoproteomic profiling of pancreatic adenocarcinoma cells treated with CB1 or CB2 agonists.



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another positive of cannabis oil is that after the operation I didn't need as much painkillers (liquid morphine/codeine i was getting) so you will build less tolerance to them  and also less side effects like constipation.

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