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Splinter Z - which 510 mod?


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Very tempted by the Z, was thinking about buying one when I thought I'd lost my Mighty, couldn't find the fecking thing for 2 days:) Was happy to find it again but having looked at mods etc for the Z, it's still tempting, especially at the sale price plus discount. My question isn't which is.. 'better', know better than to ask such questions:) but if you already had a Mighty would you buy one for anything other than battery life/mod versatility? Cheers 

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@Hippie on hill yea, I read it's not a standard fitting. That's fine for me, I will get the XL8R probably.


I got one! It's friggin great. I got the Wismec Mod as it takes two batteries and I had two. For now, all I did was put it on 35w and press the button although I know you can do more with it. I have a log vape that I use with a bong which is great when you want to leave it on for ages but for a more "on demand" vape I was using a Solo, but I was feeling the Solo was lacking. This Splinter is like the log vape but heats up in seconds. Way better than the Solo. Love it. Thanks everyone. :)

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Good stuff, now get yaself a Vapcap and your sorted ;) .. personally it gets more use than the Z, but the Z can get me to where i wanna be quicker. 


I use both torch and induction with the VC, the IH is perfect by the bed & while the missus is sleeping lol  Keep the torch for downstairs + out and about.. 


Edited by stickyblack
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I have already lost one gauze basket. I would have preferred a built in glass gauze and longer stem... but other than that I am still in love. I really like this mod too, I have it set on 130c and 50w and it is great. I will check out the different firmware soon. 

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On 22/04/2019 at 0:13 AM, Hippie on hill said:

I like the Wismec RX Gen3 dual with sur_myevic firmware altho a DNA mod will give you better temp control 



Now I have the Splinter and the Wismec, can you give me a link please? I DO want better temp control. This thing is so powerful I am having to learn how to tone it down, which is a nice problem after something weak, like the Solo.

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Oh no! 

I knew that post was gonna come back and haunt me :)


I would link you but most of them are my own posts tho sooooooo .... 

I'm using sur_myevic 

TCR 125

45W max power 

Cold resistance minus about .007 (I'll come back to that)

Temp set around 185 - 215 ish degrees C


Screen > Contrast 10%

Vaping > Algo > PID enabled

Vaping > Prot - 25s

Vaping > Autofi - enabled  *

Vaping > ATime - infinity   *

Vaping > Modes > Disable everything apart from TC and PW (power)

Interface > Clicks >  2 - PPwr , 3 - Edit , 5 - Off  


From the main screen if you click 3 times to enable edit mode and click down (left) you can choose what's displayed in the slots under the temp so I like to have the mod temp and the live resistance showing.

Clicking 3 times then clicking right from the main screen will let you choose between TC and Power mode too.


The TCR is the rate of change of temp with changing resistance so a higher TCR will mean a higher coil temp (and vice versa) 

The same is true for the resistance so increasing the locked resistance will also increase the coil temp.

With those 2 rules in mind you can use almost any TCR value you like but Increasing the temp by say 5 degrees on-screen may not be 5 degrees in reality. 


The wattage in temp mode is essentially how fast it gets up to temp as the mod will regulate the power the coil to maintain the set temp. Double clicking on the main screen will switch the display to PPwr mode where you can adjust the max wattage. I like 45w as that's more than enough power for me under full load and a lower value means less low battery warnings and eek a little more life out of them.


* Be careful using Autofire (cruise mode) at first 

Only use low wattages cruising in power mode (15 ish) and don't cruise in temp mode until you're sure it works the way you want in normal on demand mode first.

Autofire is enabled by a long click and disabled by any pressing any button.




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Thanks @Hippie on hill I found a version of myevic.bin and flashed it with Wismecs own updater, it flashed ok and I found my way around some stuff, cruise mode keeps giving me atomizer errors but I will stay away from it for now anyway. :) I use about 45w too.


I have just found sur_myevic and flashed that. Cheers :) 

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Glad you're up n running now 

Sorry for not including any links before, I wasn't sure if it was allowed or not,


This is the GitHub for the version I'm using 



I was a little conservative with the cold resistance offset I said before so it'll probably be a bit cool 

I think I'm actually using cold resistance minus .004 

I'd try it at -.007 and keep increasing the temp to see how far off you are, first for safety.

Then turn the temp back down again and adjust the locked resistance in .001 increments until your happy 


I'm using the sweet PID setting now I've had a look at what's going on in the device monitor 

(There's a link on the GitHub to Microsur's forum thread with tools and more info or you can use older versions of the Arctic Fox Ntoolbox to monitor in real time.)



HerbieVonVapster from FC forums has made some profiles to make life easy for DNA users, that he's uploaded to the DNA forum 



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@Hippie on hill that's the version I downloaded. I can't find the cold resistance, though I am sure I have seen it in my travels.


This is way better than the standard firmware, I was always overdoing it with that and charring things.

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I've got quite a collection of cheap mods with the Joyetech chip in, some RX Gen3 duals, an RX 2/3, Cuboids, a P80, a Primo SE, some Invokes 

and a VT75D altho I've not tried the Z with the DNAc yet 


I think the atomizer error is because the coil is sooo big in the Z and it's changing resistance too much for the software with the TCR at 125 so I'm gonna try to get it working with a higher TCR altho that will mean having to reduce the locked resistance to reduce the coil temp and squeeze the temperature range so adding 5 degrees onscreen will be more like adding 10 in real life. So long as we have a few temp steps onscreen to take us from 185 - 215 ish and the temps are consistent, I'll be happy with that. 


Cold resistance is really important in setting up temp control. You gotta let the Z, the mod and the batteries all cool down to ambient temp and read the resistance for the temp control to work properly. I'm calling that the cold resistance. So the locked resistance is the cold resistance minus .007 in the instructions above 

Edited by Hippie on hill
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I don't seem to get the atomizer errors when I have the stem in and am actually using the vape, it was happening when I was just playing with settings and then testing them without the stem.


Do I see the resistance when I go to "coils" and then "manage"? The bottom figure. And is the idea to then set that number?

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