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Anybody here a long time smoker?


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Just wondering if there's any other people around here who smoke pretty much all of the time? Growing my own weed has it's benefits, but the availability of it also has it's downsides because I can smoke so much more than I would if I was buying it. I've smoked for so long daily that it's almost impossible to live life without smoking weed. I have autism, and it's always helped slow my brain down to a point where I can function like a normal person so I'm pretty much tied to using it.


It does my lungs no favors though. I want to try edibles, but I'm always put off by the descriptions of intense highs that last for hours. Only drug I've ever done is cannabis and only ever smoked it for autism/anxiety/depression so not sure what to expect with edibles. But, I'd like to stop inhaling it. Even a vape will mess up my lungs after a while.

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i'm high spec adhd low autism. never started smoking cannabis till I was 26 years old. I used it to rid me of compulsive gambling, once I stopped gambling I was a compulsive cannabis smoker, right or wrong I've spent way over 35 years smoking heavily everyday while driving for a living, 2 years ago I bought a volcano vape is much better on my chest, i'm now making oil hopefully I might quit vaping. once I realised it controlled my anxiety and outbursts of rage I thought about other stuff it could fix. the daily stone is like living inside a mental haze I just love the whole scenario, reached my peak by 9am today, takes forever to write a post

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Hello @MasterSplinter For me it generally puts a rosy tint on a shatty world with too many shatty, people hating people people!!!! lol Couple years and It'll be 40yrs smoking for me 25yrs resbo and then on to Green (along with plenty of "Others" along the way) Others have come and gone but Mary stayed, Awww lol but yes, a definite side effect is what I call "fed up lung" lol and part of reason I wanted to be in charge of my own destiny in respect to this natural wonder that is green, not pay over inflated prices for minute dosage from criminal business or at the street corner.


Get yourself into "alternatives to smoking section"  not sure what its called, it might just plain be edibles section lol its where the recipes are kept! lol :wallbash::skin_up::smokin:


Good Luck finding something, its there, you just gotta discover it

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Been smoking for 35 years, I never smoke cannabis until after 9pm each day. Reason for that is having a family and not smoking it around them until they hit 18 and I just haven't chamged that fact.

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3 hours ago, MasterSplinter said:

Even a vape will mess up my lungs after a while.


I smoked for over 50 years, mostly joints with old holbourn, five and a half years ago I gave up and moved onto vaping, the difference is pretty remarkable.

No longer have the old string quartet warming up in the lungs, no cough or horrible rubbish coming up, breathing better and vocal range improved by a couple of notes.

Maybe long term the vape will feck me up but not quite as quickly, or I dare say as much, as smoking ever did.

It's a different buzz and once you adjust to it, much cleaner, added bonus is you use far less weed...and your clothes don't stink...:yep:



9 minutes ago, tokenroll said:

I never smoke cannabis until after 9pm each day.


That's around the time I stop.. ...default_whistling.gif  :rofl:)



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50 minutes ago, tokenroll said:

Been smoking for 35 years, I never smoke cannabis until after 9pm each day. Reason for that is having a family and not smoking it around them until they hit 18 and I just haven't chamged that fact.


More or less the same with me,maybe the odd blast of a pipe but yeah get your work/housework/daily jobs done then enjoy at the end of the night. Like Stu I used to use bcci and would smoke from morning till night daily. About 7 years ago I ditched the bacci and only smoke pure now,at first I was coughing like fuck and not enjoying it but once the bacci left my system wow what a difference,you will be amazed at how long the high/stone will last with one single skinner.Tried vape (volcano) but that felt like passing a bag of glue to the Mrs,still wanted a spliff.Also tried edibles but with them its the dosage you need to control because when its gone its gone and after 20 minutes you might think this is shit and have more..bad move lol Let it digest first,unlike a spliff you can put it down,just need to ride the rollacoaster first.



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I've jumped in the deep end and ordered a volcano vape. Thanks folks, so many positive responses from people who have been in my shoes.


@Techie yeah that's my fear ha ha! Eating too much without realizing. I've had many friends burned from that and they've reported some trippy bad highs that I wouldn't want to experience for prolonged hours. I need to make that leap of faith though. I want to. It's just fear mainly.

Edited by MasterSplinter
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On 30/03/2019 at 2:05 PM, tokenroll said:

Been smoking for 35 years, I never smoke cannabis until after 9pm each day. Reason for that is having a family and not smoking it around them until they hit 18


your kids will then be expecting you to pull out a crack pipe at 21  lol 

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  • 3 months later...
On 01/04/2019 at 5:37 AM, MasterSplinter said:

I've jumped in the deep end and ordered a volcano vape. Thanks folks, so many positive responses from people who have been in my shoes.


@Techie yeah that's my fear ha ha! Eating too much without realizing. I've had many friends burned from that and they've reported some trippy bad highs that I wouldn't want to experience for prolonged hours. I need to make that leap of faith though. I want to. It's just fear mainly.



Approach the edibles scientifically. Measure and track things and after a few tries you will find how to enjoy edibles with safety. They can deliver safe, fun and long highs and your lungs will thank you.

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just smoking pure weed in a paper is best and healthiest imho :stoned: 


extractions are good medicine if you need them and fun for recreational but not for me all day long, every day... but weed in a paper, oh yes! 


maybe age related lol  

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Has anyone got a sublimator or one of those flowerpot things?  


vaping just never really hits the spot for me but I’ve heard these e nails for flower type things are much better but I don’t want to spunk £500 odd on something I cant test first 

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Stu, if the world was a just place committed stoners such as yourself would get a letter from the queen or something.


...or perhaps it's just a phase :P



When ever you trot out numbers I feel young. Thank you :D

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1 hour ago, j.o.i.n.t said:

committed stoners such as yourself would get a letter from the queen or something.

The day that lands on the mat is the day I give up weed....no chance of me getting a letter?...good...skin up...skin_up.gif



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