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discussing "skunk" weed


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quick discussion, so all my life i have been told and believed that skunk is entirely different to your average weed, with THC levels skyrocketing past "normal" weed's levels, and almost no CBD to counteract "psychotic effects" of thc, it is also grown with liquids instead of soil, usually in a basement. When looking up skunk, referring to the UK, almost all news articles, forum posts, etc portray skunk as an insanely dangerous form of weed which can reach 30x stronger than normal weed, and increase your chances of psychosis 10 fold, now obviously a normal person doesnt want that, so i steered clear of bud over here, but i came across this leafly article (https://www.leafly.com/news/cannabis-101/what-is-skunk-cannabis) which basically calls all of that bullshit and says the UK has a severe lack of information on cannabis and anti weed crusaders use skunk as a core argument to keep cannabis in its illegal state. Is leafly to be trusted? or are these "studies" actually correct in saying smoking skunk can severely damage you? Personally i dont know what to believe, but we've all known the media to be untrustworthy, a lot of the time. anyone from the US probably wont understand this but, anyone from the UK who wants to chime in and give their opinion feel free. Also quick edit; I have been discussing this on discord with some people and one point they had to make was the media talk about how high the thc levels are and how dangerous they are yet in america many people use 50-98% THC concentrates etc, so why is that not outraged? Another thing, some people seem to think im talking about "spice" /synthetic weed, this has nothing to do with spice, although i can see how you could make that connection with both skunk and spice being portrayed similarly in relation to side effects, but no i am talking purely about skunk weed.

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3 minutes ago, kiefjones said:

almost all news articles, forum posts, etc portray skunk as an insanely dangerous form of weed which can reach 30x stronger than normal weed, and increase your chances of psychosis 10 fold, now obviously a normal person doesnt want that, so i steered clear of bud over here


No they don't on all forums. All depends on what forums you are reading


I think you yourself ought to do more reading on the subject and look at it from both sides


Scare tactics thats all. Skunk is just a word. It is not special weed or we would all want it. But guess what, in the main, weed's weed


Oh and welcome by the way





Edited by Owderb
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1 minute ago, Saddam said:

Stay away from the liquid fed, basement grown skunk.

LF BG skunk. :schmoll:   


LF SG is ok though...(Liquid fed Shed Grown)...mine is anyway...:yes:

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2 hours ago, kiefjones said:

 it is also grown with liquids instead of soil


This is why I stay away from tomatoes grown in hydro, they can cause the psycho's... shhhhhhhhhhhhh they'll hear us! :yes:





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1 hour ago, Saddam said:

Stay away from the liquid fed, basement grown skunk.

LF BG skunk. :schmoll:   

any particular reason why?

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2 hours ago, cumbriangreen said:

"skunk" is a pejorative term used by the media to demonise cannabis it has no definition or precise meaning, It's entomology comes from skunk no 1 I think.  

yeah ive heard this before, media who are likely controlled by the government who in turn are controlled by multi billion dollar industries who would lose profit on the legalization of weed, such as big pharma, alcohol industry, etc. 

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