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NAS Drive


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So a few months ago i bought a nas drive and have slowly been transferring photos,videos,movies and music to it, I'm hoping there's some people on here that have some prior knowledge of this technology, so i dont have to learn the hard way, security mostly static ip addresses and how to access it away from home.

Cheers for popping by.....

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Static one way, DDNS another. there's various....you know what, you have to -





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What is that you need to know, I can prob help a little....


If it's just remote access, this will depend mostly on what type of files you want to access, and what you want to do with them, ie there's a massive difference from watching a video remotely and viewing an image.

For remote access, if it's just files & images etc, maybe look at a free one drive account, or dropbox or something similar, no point reinventing the wheel :)



What files do you want to access? (ie music / images / videos)

How do you want to access them (ie play vids on mobile, view images etc)

What level of knowledge do you have?  In previous post @j.o.i.n.t mentioned using a ddns service - would you know what this is?


this may help with the level of info you get in the next post :) 

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Talking of effort, my head hurts!

So i need to transfer large video files from pc to nas via ftp, my initial reaction to the online procedure was blind panic, i had no idea what ftp,protocol types,port numbers,unicode,ftp connections etc etc, (obviously this is happening over my lan) were. So after some getting back to basics i think i understand how to do this, but i dont really understand,  im just acting like a parrot, following instructions,  I'd feel happier if i understand exactly what I'm doing. As for accessing the nas over the internet I'll just use plex. I have tried setting up a static ip but again im just a parrot really not knowing what I'm doing,  cue the question about security,  when i connect to the nas from pc it's a unsecured connection due to being a ip address, not a web page (i think), i realise it's behind the router so i guess it should be safe?? (Once again I'm guessing ). 

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My advice is to not open up your home network to the web, especially as you admit you don't fully understand what you're doing. If you have opened any ports on your router I would  close them asap to protect yourself.


However, you can set a static IP on your lan but most ISP's will charge you for a static wan IP. You can setup a free ddns service from sites such as noip https://www.noip.com/free

That would solve your dynamic IP issue but the free services usually require you to enrol your free membership every month which can be a real pain to do.


Surley a Netflix subscription would be quicker and easier?!

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Im not using it as a wan server, when i access the nas over the internet i do it via plex, so i never directly connect to it, the static ip is for the nas to the router, which i have now set up as reserved, i have no intention of port forwarding.

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