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Some People Freek


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This girl I was seeing about 4 years ago, had been around me a few times when I was stoned, and one day she asked me if I would get her stoned. I am like hell sure ... if a girl I am seeing wants to smoke, great.

I rolled up a fat spliff and told her to take 3 drags because it was a fairly strong sativa. She smoked a little and then passed on, I finished most of the rest of the joint, but near the end she asked if she could have some more .... through reflex action I passed the joint not thinking of the possible consequenses and she finished it. About 10 minutes later, this chick starts freeking on me .... she is lying on the couch, alternating between laughing hysterically, crying and screeming at the top of her voice (not good when you are living in a quiet appartment block). I am now completely caned myself and trying to deal with a mad woman. I kept bursting into laughter because I couldn't help it and she was just getting more upset. Eventually I fed her a huge tub of ice cream which firstly shut her up and secondly once the sugar kicked in, helped her come down.

She had the cheek to say to me the next day that she would never smoke with me again .... I am thinking, after that little perfomance, there is no way you are touching my gear again!!

She told me some weeks later that she had serious reservations about trying it in the first place, but thought it would make me like her more.

The moral of this long winded and seriously disjointed story is make damn sure that anyone who wants to smoke with you for their first time, does not have some deep seeded mental opposition to it!

Never happened to me again, but interested if anyone else has had someone freek on them?

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Never had someone freak on me like that, but I have a mate who I got stoned with on buckets the other week and he just had an emmence paranoia trip that he was going to get booted out of college for not revising for exams, and not doing coursework, etc. and that he'd get the sack at work for failing college (he does day release at college from work). Since then he's seriously cut down on weed but he says once he's finished college he's coming round to mine for a serious smokefest


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Yep Been there done that, got the t-shirt & the matching set of place mats!

A rather damn cute girl came back from a club with a couple of mates & proceeded to skin up with some rank smelling soap, it smelt like burnt rice pudding all sickly & foul, bollox to this i thought i'd just been given some very nice bush, not tried it yet myself, mate called it 'dealers own'!!!

It was REALLY nice dry but still sticky with crystals  :oldtoker:  

After a couple of these i was hammered The conversation had dropped cos we were all monged, then this girl starts staring at me & staring & staring ,so i just looked at her smiled & asked if she was ok....

It was like i'd flipped her phsyco switch, 'what ya fucking laughing at me for? You taking the piss? you've spiked me with something! screaming at the top of her voice all the time & really laying in to me, i shat myself totally unexpected!

Then one of her mates told me she was only 16 had her first pill that night plus this strong bush had sent her super paranoid, it took us half an hour to get her to shut up screaming (i only live in a little terrace god knows what the nieghbours thought! ) then i bundled the mad cow into the car & ended up doing a 30 mile round trip to get her home!

What a shit end to the night!  :(

From then on, if i don't know them or mate can't vouch for them they don't come back

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