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Hi, I am new and don't know how to use the site properly yet. After visiting my doctor today and asking for possible information regarding sativex, he informed me that the NHS would not prescribe sativex to help alleviate my medical condition and issued a prescription for amitriptyline tablets 10mg. I asked for more information, but to no avail.

The product is made in the UK at Portondown and is exported to Canada for use in their medical system, yet not sanctioned in ours due to the heavy cost. Does anyone know how it can be bought legally and privately?

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Hello and welcome aboard :)


I think you'd be better off asking in the medical sections 



I don't think you'll have much joy tho to be honest as Sativex contains THC which is illegal without a prescription.

A specialist doctor may listen to you but the new guidelines state that cannabis meds can only be used after trying conventional meds or there are no conventional meds for your condition so there are a lot of convetional meds they'd rather put you on before they'll consider canna based options for you.



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