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Edibles.... instant sensation


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So I made cannabutter and I’ve been eating cheese and crackers.... so directly ingesting the butter....


i seem to get an instant hit. I’ve got an ultra high metabolic rate too. Or is it just placebo? 

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7 minutes ago, MadDog101 said:

So I made cannabutter and I’ve been eating cheese and crackers.... so directly ingesting the butter....


i seem to get an instant hit. I’ve got an ultra high metabolic rate too. Or is it just placebo? 

If you got an instant hit I wouldn't like to see the state you are going to be in after 45min lol 

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16 minutes ago, Jimboo said:

get your lugs around this mate




I do like me some old weird guy with a flute being psychedelic on a stage. Might have to put that into it's own tab to play while I find bugs in my code.


4 minutes ago, MadDog101 said:

I’ll save that one for later.... that sounds pretty good right now haha


It's always a little experiment when you make butter the old school way, the first cake or whatever is either usually too weak, or you go to sleep in a couple of hours ;)

Edited by MicroDoser
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All I’m eating is the butter on a Carr’s cheese melt.... mmmm


i did mine in a slow cooker, rather than the water method. 


Ive calculated 1 gram is 2.5x10^-3 or (mg)lol


so ive eaten around 10-11mg assuming the dose is even.



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If it's making you sleep it's shit, if it's making you trip your tits off, get swallowed up by the sofa and drool all over yourself and the chance of pissing and shitting yourself like a pensioner from wales. Then you got it right.

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Haha, been there before when I ate 2g of decarbed weed in a firecracker.... back when I made the wise choice that it wasn’t a lot.


Fuck. I. Was. Wrong. I went to moon and back 200 times and I thought I had to remember to beat my heart or I’ll die....


naaa I quite like this buzz haha

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me and a few friends find we get an initial slight high when eating it then it properly kicks in later on. Dunno if some gets absorbed in your mouth???


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