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Rate my method, BHO without the B,


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Hi all, first of all I have to say how brilliant this community is! So much useful info all in one place.


So I am very close to starting the process of creating medicine for my nephew who has been diagnosed with cancer for the third time, this time in his neck, stomach and chest. He has had chemo each time and has beaten it but this time it has come back worse hence turning to cannabis medication.

I have done endless research on the different ways to create the extract and it seems like every way has its own risks involved so after much consideration I have decided on the method below and just want to run it by the experts before I get going.

So here we go......


1) lightly grind and decarb the bud in the oven between sheets of grease proof paper 
(will double check times and duration before hand) 

2) Leave to cool and grind to dust

3) load dust into extraction tube using coffee filters over the open end secured with tape/rubber bands? 
(Any more secure method anyone could suggest?)

4) blast the product using DEXSO - DIMETHYL ETHER near zero impurities into a Pyrex tray
(This is one of the main things I would like advice on, does anyone know much about this product? I’ve looked into it as much as I can and sounds as though it would be a much healthier option than butane, it’s even used to collect natural oils in certain food preperation)

5) soon as the oil/dexso mix stops dripping from the extractor, move the Pyrex tray to a hot water bath for the mix to evaporate until it stops bubbling

6) collect the oil with razor blades on to grease proof paper spreading it thin and even
(the nice and messy bit!)

7) place collected oil on the g/p paper into a vacuum chamber


8) place chamber on a gentle heating device and turn on vacuum pump. (Not sure what to use yet as the heating device but I have my laser gun thermometer ready to make sure the oil doesn’t get to hot)

(Should have mentioned that I have made oil (BHO) before but not for medical use hence the extra precautions this time round. I’ve always purged only using heat before so from the vacuum chamber onwards it’s all new to me)

9) oil will bubble and expand which I plan on just judging by eye when to stop the pump, letting the oil decrease in size, popping the large bubbles with the tip of a razor and repeating until I am happy that I have got out every impurity that I can.

10) place final product in fridge to solidify 
(I am hoping for something close to the consistency of shatter when cooled so that I can snap and weigh easily, if the final product is too soft I will most likely opt for empty capsules to easily control dosage)

11) weigh out doses that will also be left in the fridge

12) take doses as you would a tablet with ice cold water so the oil doesn’t start to liquify until it’s in the stomach

Any advice from anyone that has solid knowledge would be much appreciated, especially on the solvent (dexso) that I plan on using and anything else that I could improve to create as clean of a product as possible.

Thank you for reading.

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dexso is refrigerant spray. I would steer clear of it for a couple of reasons. Firstly if you get any kind of pressure blowback and get it on your hands you will get a severe freeze burn, much much more severe than with butane. Secondly I found it added a strange taste to the oil and would only make a dryer 'buddery' product even from plants that would usually result in clear sap if run with butane.

I used to make a lot of bho several years ago, and when the 'dexso' spray first came onto the market I burnt my left hand with it so badly that it was out of use for weeks when I had a pressure blowback. I haven't extracted with solvents since and won't again. If you are dead set on solvent extraction I'd look at qwiso or similar.

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what kind of extraction tube are you using?

does it have threaded ends? I wouldn't trust a few elastic bands and a lip to hold up to much pressure, and using dexso I promise you the last thing you want to experience is any kind of leakage onto your hands, and chances are you'll be holding the extraction tube with one hand and the can in the other. Another consideration is the types of filter you intend using, due to the extreme cold of dexso compared to butane, waxes will solidify and clog your filter much more quickly than you may be used to using butane, another blowout risk.

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Oh right  dexso, not tried this myself as I heard a few bad stories like the one above, and decided to stick with butane,have you looked into a rosin press, surely that would be much better for a more consistent finish?


Anyway @Scorp27 good luck with what you are doing for your nephew,take it easy.Jj



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Hi @The lone stoner, thanks for the info, always great to get feed back from people that have used the product, I’m confident enough in myself that physical risks won’t be an issue, it’s more any nasties/impurities that could end up in the final product that concern me and this seemed like the cleanest option other than ethanol but I don’t want to have to wash out the other stuff that comes along with an ethanol extraction (chlorofill? If I remember correctly)


i plan on using a glass glass extraction tube, was looking into a steel tube but don’t want to risk the chance of a spark how ever minimal

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Hi @Jibba jabba I know nothing atall about rosin but after a quick search it does definatly sound like an option, do you have any idea how much it tends to yield in comparison with making bho with the same amount of material?


thanks very much for opening me up to this option!

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It’s quite variable with yield so I have heard, I would have thought it would be very similar to bho, different pressure and temps, for instance a low pressure low heat will yield less, but will have more flavour, high heat high pressure, for max yield, but a bit lower quality. Still cleaner than bho either way, there’s a thread pressing times it’s called, arthermix did it the other year, it’s a good read, I think he might have even done a newer one can’t rember what his tag is tho, it’s either in the diy section or the concentrates bit. :yep: Jj.

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Thanks @Jibba jabba gonna have a look for those threads now and get back on the research :-( my heads starting to hurt with all the reading and researching I’ve been doing but gotta be done. also gonna do some test runs using maybe a q to make bho and a q to make rosin and see what the yields are like.


thanks again bro, leg-end!

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If you're pressing from bud you can get up to 20% returns with Rosin (so 7g bud can give you about 1.5g oil on a good press), all depends on the bud you're using and what temps/pressure. If you press Bubble Hash or Kief you can obviously get much, much higher returns since you're starting with a purer product. If your main worry is contaminants left over from solvent extraction, Rosin is the way to go as it's one of the cleanest concentrates you can make. From my experience the strain can give you a huge difference in returns, bear that in mind when you do a test run! GL

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Thanks @dylanbk, I’d be more than happy with a return of 1.5g from a q. 


Any advice from experience on pressure/heat? Type of press?


You sound like you know your stuff and as I said I am a total newb to rosin and have not yet been able to talk myself into reading up on it, think I’ll take the day to have a nice smoke and get back on the research tomorrow, need a break lol

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withy rosin as well it only takes a few seconds to have your meds ready to go ..with no fear of blowing anything up ..it might not seem as strong as bho at first but it retains a lot more of the terpenoid profile ..which as we all should know now helps create the ensemble effect (entourage is wrong) so your getting a broader spectrum of cannabinoids in your medicine .


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I made the switch to rosin when hair straighteners were the tech, I haven't looked back. I squish everything, the only buds that get combusted are ones I give away.

As suggested above, yield is totally starting material dependent, but honestly if you aren't looking to vapourise the extract then I wouldn't bother with rosin OR bho, I also have no idea if you could decarb beforehand in the case of rosin.

99% iso is cheap enough, if you do a quick exposure you won't pull too much chlorophyll, if you are intending for an end product to ingest then I'd suggest finding grain alcohol like spirytus (threads here if you search) 

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2 hours ago, vince noir rock n roll star said:

withy rosin as well it only takes a few seconds to have your meds ready to go ..with no fear of blowing anything up ..it might not seem as strong as bho at first but it retains a lot more of the terpenoid profile ..which as we all should know now helps create the ensemble effect (entourage is wrong) so your getting a broader spectrum of cannabinoids in your medicine .



I disagree, and I think science dictates the rosin process will destroy more terpenes than solvent extraction of the same material. (Unless perhaps it is being oven purged at high temperatures and no vacuum)

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11 minutes ago, The lone stoner said:


I disagree, and I think science dictates the rosin process will destroy more terpenes than solvent extraction of the same material. (Unless perhaps it is being oven purged at high temperatures and no vacuum)

i can only go by the extracts ive tried from various makers chap ..compared to the rosin i can make at home ..i have to say and its not a big head ego thing ..they just dont have the same taste flavour or effect ..even the ones ive had from pro makers in colorado .

its subjective id say on this ,its going to be down to starting material ,method and temps as you have mentioned .so ill retract what i said as a generalisation but personally i would stand by my words ,

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@vince noir rock n roll star in many ways my own experiences echo your own. Sometimes the rosin I make from the cheese clone I have, or GG#4, is so terpene rich that it has the consistency of sugar syrup at room temperatures. The only possible way to collect it is by using the inside of the freezer door as a surface and even then the consistency is like runny honey at best and still very difficult to consolidate. Next weekend will be my first opportunity for ages (years) to dab extracts grown and made by someone other than me, and my friend tells me the branded cali stuff is ludicrously terpy, (but the terpenes may be fractionally distilled off and re-added in at the end of the process). 

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