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Family member has terminal cancer.


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Cool, and worry not about formatting :) I was doing a post like yours a year ago. I'll avoid platitudes, they don't help - so forgive the functional tone.


One of the problems we face here is context, as you're aware - perhaps ironically, this is one of the worse places to talk about this. If we drift over a certain line we not only put ourselves in risk, but the very site itself; the last fucking thing anyone using this site needs is attention from the serious crime squad or the like, so they'd have to 'moderate' us. As you've also pointed out there's plenty of shits around looking for vulnerability - I see it all the time. Be careful.


Have a serious think about how you'd deal with your own safety here along side that of your family memeber, in the case of  being offered an 'active' oil from a source 'out there' - how you'd be able to communicate, how you'd receive it, how you'd make sure it's clean and is what they claim it to be to the best of your ability...and think hard. If you can use a knowledgeable social connections you trust.


Regarding CDB oil (the higher concentration,types), when I was in your shoes, I rang the owner of a business and calmly (as I could) told them what the situation was - in detail. Kinda shitty thing to do as it was extreme, but it got us access to a higher quality C02 extracted and standardised oil at a huge discount/free stuff (they can be in the hundreds). I've kinda rinsed that now, though - but perhaps try the same approach if you feel able. Be honest, they get blaggers all the time. Think of it as a nutritional supplement, stick to that line.


Truth be told, we found the active oil too sedating, but the needs were different.


I've put your post in front of someone knowledgeable...You've not asked for it but you can't have too much info, to my mind...so, here ya go.



Coming home:
Contact your family member's Local Authority (LA) to get a Care Act assessment from Adult Social Care (some LA's offer free, time limited 'Reablement Service' following a spell in hospital - but probably isn't appropriate for end of life/palliative care at home).
Adult social care (e.g. home care/domicilliary support) is financially assessed - be prepared for having to evidence your family member's income (including benefits, pensions, investments).  Most LA's now have income bandings and will require 'contributions' towards any care and support offered.  However, even if your family member's income is above the limit (this is called being a 'self funder') it is still worth requesting the LA arrange home care / aids and adaptations because it's usually cheaper when done by the LA.
Most LA home care workers will not be able to assist with medication - they can 'prompt and remind' but not administer - this is done by District/Macmillan Nurses, usually arranged by the hospital before discharge.  Staff are told that prescribed medications can have unexpected/adverse reactions to topical/over the counter medication, and LA care workers are legally obliged to inform their Manager if they suspect/know about any unprescribed treatments taking place.
Be prepared for a multitude of different assessments on every decision your family member needs/wants to take.  
If you're a full-time family carer you may want to look at applying for DWP's Carer's Allowance - it's not a lot, but is better than nothing.





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Hi @Tgs I would like to offer my assistance in the somewhat limited capacity that this forum allows. Which reduces me to offering little more than advice. However I have a wealth of experience in this area. The advice I have read in this thread so far is sound.


What I would say is the key is self sufficiency. Unfortunately this is not a quick solution. I found myself in a similar position as you a couple of years ago and did not delay organising my own supply of cannabis oil as I knew this would be the most reliable, cost effective (still by no means cheap) and trustworthy means of obtaining the medicine my father needed. Besides I'd always wanted to grow weed... 


Is growing and processing the oil "in house" so to speak out of the question?


There are other ways to obtain oil but you cannot be sure what you are getting unless it is from a source you trust. 


Another key here is the patient. Consuming enough oil over a long enough period to have a meaningful effect on the later stages of cancer is no mean feat. It is mentally emotionally and to some extent physically demanding. If the patient has experience using cannabis that will help. However in my experience chemo is much worse. A lot rides on the patient is able to cope with and what is right for them. This is by no means a cure all but there are enough stories of it working to make it worth a shot. At the very least it will certainly help with many of the side effects from the chemo and pain management etc.


There is much to learn on this and associated topics and time is of the essence. If you can split the workload of reading and research between a few people that will help. For example if one person focuses on learning how to process the oil and another person focuses on growing the raw material. Then there is much less for each person to learn.  I'm fairly good at remembering lots of things so didn't personally struggle in this regard but I am aware this can be quite a hurdle for some the sheer amount of information and seemingly conflicting advice can be overwhelming.


Another piece of advice would be you need much more oil and for a longer period of time than what most sources state the key is cramming as much as possible in, as quickly as possible, for as long as possible. 


If you and your family haven't seen the documentary "Project Storm" I highly recommend it. Jeff Ditchfied ( @DANZIG) doesn't frequent the forum much these days but many of his posts are still relevant and worth reading. 


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