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How does weed affect your dreams?


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I've recently been unable to get any green, I've a large lump of nice Moroccan which has been seeing me through.


I've been smoking daily for around 10 years now with the odd week off if I've gone to a country that is too sketchy to get a smoke.


One thing I've noticed which has happened before with periods of over a week without smoking any herb and only having hash is that I start to dream again!


When in good stock of our beloved weed I do not dream. I'm aware that people who don't think they dream actually do but cannot remember it which I'm sure is the case with me.


Over the past two weeks I've had some weird ones, accompanied by early morning waking and sweats. I usually sleep so well that my wife is jealous, I don't usually stir until at least 7am or so. 


Does anybody else experience changes in their sleep/dreams without green but still with hash? When not having either ive had some more nightmare type dreams, does anyone else experience this?


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I phoned the wife today,
i said  "I got stoned and had a terrible dream."
"And? "   she said ......
"You were there   in my dream ."i replied...
"What do you mean? And?

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i'm the same mate, i probably do dream but i just can't remember them, if i'm having to go without for some reason i have pretty strange dreams also, iv just always put it down to the smoke(or not having any) but i don't know if that is the reason though....

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"I was stoned and having superb dream about you." I said to my wife as I woke.

"You were doing something really nice to me."
"Maybe it will come true." she said. "What was it?"
"I hope so." I replied. ................................."you were packing  and Leaving."



lol  seriously tho,  i dont honestly think ive had a dream after having a smoke ! ...  at least if i have  i dont remember it !!

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This is "a thing", most folks are the same.  We'll work out why in a century because our studies of the endocannabinoid system are about as well developed as the government's strategy on drugs....

Me too..  I love the vivid dreams though.  Shaking me out of a smokey haze.

Into the straight world.  In my drought dreams I've eaten hash like chocolate and tasted it.  Woke up sweaty with an empty jar.  

I love cannabis.  It's good for me.....






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this morning , ..The wife says:

"Oh, I had the most wonderful dream............ I was 20 years old again and I was cycling through a beautiful forest with my sister.

" so i replied ...

"I had a wonderful dream too: I was 20 years old again as well ...and I was making love to a beautiful girl."

The wife winked at me and said 

"were you making love to me in your dream darling ?",

to which i answered .........







"Of course not, i would of but you had buggered off  out cycling with your sister." lol

Edited by vortex
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THC before bed inhibits REM sleep.   When you stop smoking you get whats called REM Re-bound hence suddenly lots of vivid dreams..   


In other words its bad for you to smoke high THC weed before bed every night.  People get into a cycle where they 'need' it to 'help them sleep'  ... it might help you fall asleep,  so would necking aload of whisky or valium..  doesn't mean its going to actually help you sleep.  

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When I have weed I don't really remember my dreams, if I go to bed stoned I generally have a peaceful, undisturbed and restful night's sleep and I don't really remember my dreams.


Which is nice, cos when I go to bed not stoned (and I'm not talking about 'withdrawal from cannabis' or shit like that, it's just how my sleep is in general) I get really disturbing nightmares that wake me up in a cold sweat :(


Insomnia is shit enough, but it really fucking takes the piss when you finally get to sleep and then have a headfuck nightmare that wakes you up in a cold sweat :fear:


Weed helps me get to sleep, and also when I'm asleep it helps me stay asleep cos it seems to keep those horrible headfuck nightmares away.

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not sure if its an age thing but i'm into the best stone of my life, it just improves as I mellow into it, my thinking has become quite strange, I think i'm blessed to be getting old still stoned and able grow my own, is quite I ride.

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31 minutes ago, Boojum said:

When I have weed I don't really remember my dreams, if I go to bed stoned I generally have a peaceful, undisturbed and restful night's sleep and I don't really remember my dreams.


Which is nice, cos when I go to bed not stoned (and I'm not talking about 'withdrawal from cannabis' or shit like that, it's just how my sleep is in general) I get really disturbing nightmares that wake me up in a cold sweat :(


Insomnia is shit enough, but it really fucking takes the piss when you finally get to sleep and then have a headfuck nightmare that wakes you up in a cold sweat :fear:


Weed helps me get to sleep, and also when I'm asleep it helps me stay asleep cos it seems to keep those horrible headfuck nightmares away.



Im guessing the reason you say that Is because you used to have nightmares prior to regular smoking,  am I right? 

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3 minutes ago, Amarillo slim said:



Im guessing the reason you don't see how illogical that sounds given what I just posted above..  Is because you used to have nightmares prior to regular smoking,  am I right? 



I dunno (I posted at the same time as your post so I hadn't read what you said). Weed obviously affects things, and if you go to bed stoned it obviously affects your sleep. I dunno anything about REM (other than that I like a couple of their tunes), but I know that I sleep better stoned than I do not stoned. I'm not a regular smoker (I don't buy weed and I'm a shit grower lol ). I've had insomnia and nightmares for as long as I can remember :( Long before I ever smoked a spiff, or even had a drink. That just seems to be my 'normal' sleep pattern - can't get to sleep then when I finally do get to sleep have a horrible nightmare that wakes me up in a cold sweat (and I mean that literally - have to change my T-shirt cos it's damp kinda cold sweat :( ). If that's proper REM sleep then it can fuck off lol

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Have you done much to figure out the cause of your nightmares?  Smoking will take them away in the short term but then they will only be worse when you stop,  so its in no way a treatment.  Most people with 'insomnia'  just have shit sleep patterns and exercise,  and have a bright daylight spectrum emitter rammed in front of their face till 11.30pm-12.00 at night...   speaking of which....   lol   good night 

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7 minutes ago, Amarillo slim said:

Have you done much to figure out the cause of your nightmares? 



I think my sleep disturbances are due to my bipolar disorder ;)


We're not all the same man. Don't presume that one understanding of things like REM and stuff covers us all.


The mind is a complicated place.



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6 minutes ago, Boojum said:



I think my sleep disturbances are due to my bipolar disorder ;)


We're not all the same man. Don't presume that one understanding of things like REM and stuff covers us all.


The mind is a complicated place.



Thought the nightmares might be due to an ongoing psychological issue...    Suppose Bi-polar might explain the difficulty in getting to sleep also...     Anyway, off too bed, knackered and got to be up early.    cheers

E2a,  your not being a twat don't worry :hippy:

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