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Tales from beyond the tent, a PFNC adventure into the world of potlessness

Arnold Layne

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A Vape Review for you all!


I'm not a huge fan of vapes, let me state that clearly right up front. Over the past 50 years or so I've tried getting ganja into my system by almost every conceivable ploy. I've smoked it out of pipes, half-Coke "bottles", chillums of every persuasion; Rolled cones, joints (as in a tobacco cannabis mix type of "joint") and ruddy great neaties. I've used bombs, bongs and buckets, hot knives and a million cheap lighters. For the last twenty or so years my favourite, time and again, is the well built King Sized neat weed pencil. Just my choice, no better or worse than any other. Its kept me high for a long time, and whilst I've tried vaping before ~ many times ~ I've always come back to it. So long as you're growing, its an easy enough crop to keep on rolling in so that you need never spend a second longer than is wise "straight".

So long as you're growing! Well, you can't take these things for granted and it came as a strange kind of shock to find myself, weedless, plant less, and just about hanging on to a daily high by various means. Mostly I has bin eating my Cannabis! On a trip up to visit various Northern friends I found myself to be in possession of a Q, but how the feck to "smoke" when I get back home??  It was at this point that a good and long standing friend gave me a toot on her new found smoking toy, a Herbva "Viva". When your tolerance is shot, and you need a non smoke way of inhaling without looking in any way suspicious or leaving a stink of weed behind you and £40 is as much as you're prepared to pay.... This little fekker does a very decent job. A good quick heat up time, even when taking it up to 400 Degrees F and more. Feels like its been engineered in Germany got that heavy feel of quality attention to detail. First thing to hit you is the massive taste ~ 10/10. Depending on how you set it up (I whacked mine straight in at the top, c.420F) The hit takes about five minutes and then it comes on really quite strongly, with a decent enough 45 minutes, give or take, of Peak-time.

So, yeah, after four or five days using it, its still getting me high, and for minimal herbal investment. If I could, I'd probably go back to old favorite; but until then this unit is more than I expected for under £40. And that "Q" I bought just 2 weeks ago? I still have an 'Enry left!


PFNC Ratings, marked out of 10:


Build quality ~ 8/10

Utility ~ 9/10

Battery duration ~ 6/10 (buying a few USB Power-Packs is a good idea if you're taking your vape out to a session, or a long walk)

Price ~ 9/10 (at just a smidgin low of £40, its a bargain!)

Heat up time ~ 10/10

Overall satisfaction ~ 9/10




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  • 3 weeks later...

July 6th is looming folks! Get it in your diaries! I aim to be there, and will wearing my white "PFNC" T-shirt so if you see me, by all means make yersen's known. Stooped posture, staggering, multi coloured walking stick, cream cotton jacket and the above mentioned T ~ That'll be me. If I'm not good physically, I'll be using my blue walking frame-cum-seat.

See y'all there, folks!


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Forgot to mention, I've been visiting a few UK420 folks ~ great opportunity for me to enjoy a "Weed Weekend" sort of thing. There's some top people on this site, and I've enjoyed every visit I have made so far. Always ready to travel and visit folks, its a gas! To those I've visited: Thanks guys and gals, top peeps you all are. Looking forward to me next venture in July, heading even further down south for a weekend. Off to Belgium in August too. The PFNC goes continental! I May finish that week with a quick buzz over to the 'Dam, probably August 20 or thereabouts. But I need to gte a hotel booked which may prove nigh on impossible at that time of year. Will post up my plans/dates asap, just in case anyone here fancies a PFNC Coffee shop crawl!


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