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off to london ,how good do i need to pack my smokes


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OFF to london for a gig soon.i was just wodering ,am i being paranoid,or do i need to stash my weed good..dont want the pat down ,,


anyone know ?Thanks :)

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the main thing to remember is to use something smell free to hold your weed in & be carefull if your using the train as there can be sniffer dogs in the bigger stations.


as for your concert & depending on venue, your better smoking your gear before you go in as its hard as fuck to get a smoke inside anymore due to the smoking ban.

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i suppose  also due to the high security risk these days  there  may possibly be sniffer dogs at the enterance to the concert  ( my mrs  went to a concert late last year and had to pass 2  police sniffer hounds before   she  got in .... last thing ya need is  getting pulled  with some  smoke in a pocket ...... ohhhh and youd probably miss the concert too lol

Edited by vortex
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To be on the safe side ,before entering the gig have a mooch around for the crews tour bus and ask them to look after your stash.

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Stash it down your boxies & walk in smiling. I've smoked pipes in my chair at Wembley during FA cup semi final, never had an issue. Used to take a smoke every away day. 

The dogs were more interested in pyro. 

I think a concert you will be sound mate. 


Enjoy yo 

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Cheers for the replys :)


its b.cheese and stinks like ferk...going for the weekend ,and will be in the venue most day and night for a few days..


will have to take some in there..just on the tube and stations ,with all thats gone on lately ..i know weeds not a weapon,,buuut,ye know what theyre like :yinyang:

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Approach venue with caution, i walked into LED festival 5 years back excitedly like a kid in a sweet shop and the promoters without warning anyone had let the police set up a long line of sniffer dogs just inside the entrance barriers. it was total carnage. They had a giant marquee set up to process people. I ended up getting arrested, losing my weed and pipe, getting a caution for possession for class A, DNA swabbed, ordered onto a rehabilitation course and then kicked out of the venue within 15 minutes of arriving.  I never got to see aphex twin. luckily i only lived round the corner at the time, so went home and got thoroughly cannipissed.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Damn man, I thought they’d just be looking for explosives and weapons now. 


I went to couler cafe in Brussels in 2015, with about 10g if weed in my backpack. I had a backpack with a bottle of water and the rest was weed grinder etc.. they were looking for alcohol especially. My bag stank, had some dam bud and from den Haag, the guy just looked at me, felt my bag felt the bottle and let me go. Lots of people were being stopped for bringing on bottles of alcohol. 


I think its got got a bit to do with how you act too. If the security person isn’t s cunt and you look like you just want to enjoy yourself they’ll let you go. 

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My 8 year old daughter somehow flagged up on there screen at the airport, they put her in the scanner then after much argument frisked her and looked in her shoes. I was fuming they said we can turn arround and leave the airport if I didn’t let them frisk her.

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34 minutes ago, B0bbyBuds said:

@nl5 Did she go theough the scanner then get flagged?


when I first read it I imagined the hand luggage scanner :rofl: 

No she didn’t have to lay on the conveyer lol she was flagged for some reason  before the body scanner, maybe because she has a different last name to me a computer picked her? weird part of all of it they didn’t search me at all or make me stand in the scanner.

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