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Bong or spliffs


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It depends on what your smoking pattern is I guess..all day blazer or evening toking


If your not an 'seasoned' blazer, one bong on some good weed could last you all night..maybe 2 bowls.

a pure joint might not all get consumed, leaving some for tomorrow morning :stoned:


I roll pure joints mainly and use infused coconut oil that i make for my back, i go through bong and pipe stages depending on pain or fun levels needed



If its sparse for you, cook with it for meds :chef:  it can make it more effective and last longer for sure

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I just smoke spliffs now but when I did smoke bongs when I was younger I would use enough for about a j in the bowl, so for me personally I would use the same amount from smoking either....

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2 hours ago, phenom said:

he reckons he rolls 9 spliffs a day medium packed and a 8th lasts him 5 days where i use a standard bowl just over half full and a 8th lasts me about two days  

There you go, he puts no weed in his joints, hence why it lasts longer...


A bong defo takes less weed than smoking joints all day everyday.. But only if your actually putting Any weed in said joints..


9/joints a day over 5 days with 3.5g.. Meh! Tell him to make proper joints and then come back to ya with a usage report! 

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i have the same problem as most people Who,Where i am in a wheelchair so hard to get out even if i can have no friends who smoke so where do i go i do not have a cannabis club near me tried growing until my neighbour poured something over my plants and killed them and the only person i know that smokes will only buy me a 8th once a week and will not introduce me to his dealer like most people it is hard to find i have fingers crossed that it will be legalised soon but with this government it will never happen i think i could sell my disabled body easier than finding new friends lol next year will try a grow again  

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also i suppose if your rolling neat bud joints  then a bong would use less ....  if mixed with tobacco ,,,  then  it would depend on how much you add to the tobacco ......

personally i smoke  good old joints  ( with tobacco )  my grow attempt this year  was  total  sh1te   so  with the little tiny bit i did manage to salvage ,  i mix it   3/4 tobacco  to  1/4 weed  so  it should hopefully last till christmas ....tho i do have  2 bongs  and  will fancy one from time to time ...

depends on personal preference too ...  i have a mate  who smokes joints  and wont touch a bong as he  allways  hacks his guts up  if he tries it ..

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Personally I alternate between a bongs and spliffs I find once tolerance has build up on one I switch to the other and its like my body isn't as used to the different way of taking it so I get better effects 


Personally if you want your weed to last edibles are the way forwards the high lasts much much longer from a quarter I get approx 32 brownies one a day is enough so that's a whole month of medication from a quarter 

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hopefully i am looking at starting my next grow the end of january depending on the weather this time i will try black magic potting mix  

  • blended from the highest grade materials to create the best potting mix available
  • The nutrients dense mix is excellent for growing in pots and containers, as well as the perfect solution for urban gardening
  • Enhanced with coco-coir, perlite and zeolite to optimise the compost structure and maximise water retention in order to sustain lush growth for all plants
  • Advanced with a blend of extraordinary ingredients to provide the ultimate growth boost
  • Enriched with micro organisms that work in symbiosis with your plants to enhance root growth and nutrient uptake

i bought coco mix soil last year my plants said six weeks 9 weeks they were not grown so going to change a few things next time 

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about 70mg actually but still not a great deal, esp. when polluted with tobacco. :mellow:


e2: That's one hitter level imo.  I would probably be using a bat or smoking one joint a day in that position.

Edited by Bird
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