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Bud Constitution...


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Some weeds come up tight when grown, some loose. I used to diss the open structure buds, but since i (mostly) just use a pipe now i have absloutely no issue with looser structures. In fact I think I prefer them. You get more of a flavour burst on a quick strong chong...I dont think theres any quiality issues relative to bud structure, in fact I had some proper proper airy bud in the summer due to heat issues, and that turned out to be my most pleasureable smoke to be honest, flavour wise anyways.


I always wanted tight dense nuggs, then I realised the more you have to do it it, the more THC/CBD gets stuck everywhere except in the place its supposed to be...My airy bud... I just take a piece, and burn it, full flavor with minimal touching...^^ I wished I had more of it to be honest, the rest is rock hard, dense and tight, which means Im losing most of the trichs on the prep, rather than the chong...


Just wondered what anyone else thought, and the reason for it...?



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agree with this , theres a perception that tight buds are better , not always true .. take haze strains for example , they tend to be more loose , but still a great hit 

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