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Cronic pain


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I'll be starting my first grow using Coco coir soon and I'm reading through all the seeds to find which is best for Chronic Pain for my son who is in bed most of the time.

Any help would be greatly appreciated

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i dont know anything about this part of growing.  there isnt much info available.  i suppose because the pharma's haven't studied it or if they have they wont release the info.  maybe start looking at forums etc that is related to your sons medical condition.  hopefully you will hook up with someone who has a similar experience and already know what might work for you.  good luck mate.  my sister in law has parkinsons.  im trying to convince her and my brother to import from the states.  she wont do it because she thinks it will get her stoned haha.  stoned is the least of her problems!

Edited by Owderb
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The best smoke I've ever had for absolute and continual pain has been Real Gorilla Seeds Gorilla Haze.


It's an outdoor really so takes some growing indoors but flower it early.It does zombie you sometimes but it's quality relaxation.


I suffer pain from 2 broken ankles and a knee,severe nerve pain,flash migraines,Spinal Arthritiis and all of that was soothed by it.Im on Oxycontin  anyway but trust  me it's good.


If you give me a rough idea of whats wrong I may be able to suggest other strains I've found good for different issues

Edited by Badbadger
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Just v'fine ground,neat rolled joints.


It takes about 2 days for the buzzing in your limbs to start then the deeper effects really kick in. Short term it's deep,deep chillzone and distracts your Brain well and has good audio effects to that I enjoy.


It would probably be a heavy hit just in normal edibles,old school coco butter hot chocolate would be awesome but I enjoy a smoke and it's the only thing I do smoke.


Can't drink on some my meds as it makes me sick as a dog so it's my only pleasure aswell as my medication.


Im doing Remo Chemo at the moment that has a great reputation for meds but havnt actually tested it yet got 5 weeks of flower to go. 

Edited by Badbadger
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Thank you @badbadger                                  

I will be using a grow tent and as my son doesn't smoke I need to make edibles out of it.

Looking for equal strength of THC & CBD Badbadger

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@caringmum just remembered I'm doing a grow of Dinafems new Remo Chemo that was meant to have been developed to help patients deal with the side effects of drugs,chemo etc.


I havnt smoked it yet but as soon as I do I'll get back to you.

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can it not be bought in another form if he doesnt smoke?  oils etc.  do you live in the UK?


Edited by Owderb
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I understand what CBD does and the ratios between the two but for banging pain on the head good old THC works well on its own and is often underesrimated in its role since higher CBD strains started appearing.


I hope you find the right path for you need as what works for me may not be good for your son.


Take care and anytime you need any help just shout.

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@caringmum - Hi and well done you for helping your son .


What works for one may not for someone else so it is trial by error sometimes , there are dedicated seed banks that will bring you CBD enriched seed varieties , I take canna caps as well as smoking thee flowers, the canna caps are RSO oil combined with coconut oil to aid in absorption look up Rick Simpson oil or any of threads in this sub forum regarding oil making.


Hope you journey works out for you and your son , if he struggles to get out of bed then hopefully the high CBD flowers your looking to grow and make into dibbles will help out massively :) 



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@caringmum If your son is a non-smoker, maybe you could try a vaporiser?


You get all of the benefits of instant medication on demand without the smoke and associated carcinogens. 


There's a really good 'vaping' forum here full of friendly people :hippy: – they also have a sub-forum for medical users which might be helpful for strain advice etc. Wishing you success!

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On 10/11/2017 at 11:25 AM, foss said:

@caringmum If your son is a non-smoker, maybe you could try a vaporiser?


You get all of the benefits of instant medication on demand without the smoke and associated carcinogens. 


There's a really good 'vaping' forum here full of friendly people :hippy: – they also have a sub-forum for medical users which might be helpful for strain advice etc. Wishing you success!

I was going to say exactly this. I suffer from chronic pain and I vapourise my cannabis as I no longer smoke cigarettes. It is fast acting, discreet, little to no smell compared to smoking and the medicine lasts a lot longer as I can take a hit and then leave it to automatically turn off and re-dose later when I need it. I find most strains help with my pain relief but some agitate my anxiety. If I find a strain that doesnt suit me, I just dont have it again or I dramatically decrease my dose and then work back up again. Edibles do work for me but they are harder to dose and last longer. The effects are different when eating, I find it very sedating and not very functional. I am yet to try a cbd strain, I have only used cbd from hemp. I can help answer some questions you have on treating pain, hope that helps

Edited by AnxiousWreck420
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hi i make oil regular for pain management the strains i have found to work best are,sensi seeds afghan1,world of seeds afghan kush,seedism seeds killa watt,the killa watt is best for nightime aids sleep and has a good balance of cannabinoids,imo smoking is pretty much useless for pain other than taking your mind of it.

for best relief oral consumption is good and using a carrier oil helps carry the meds to the right spot and stops your liver from hogging all the goodies which happens when using oil straight i not sure if its on here yet but we make "biobombs" these work well but work best in combination with low dose opoids best of all folk on higher doses of oxycontin etc find they can reduce there meds(and horrid side effects) a lot when combined with correctly administered cannabinoids,im not sure if rules permit me to link to the recipe elsewhere but im sure if you google biobombs you will find info if not just pm me and i send recipe i wish you luck and please continue to post any progress for us to share the knowledge,peace

google search waste of time!

Edited by duke1
to not be allowed to copy n paste recipe,wtf?
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  • 2 years later...
On 10/10/2017 at 10:25 PM, caringmum said:

Thank you @badbadger                                  

I will be using a grow tent and as my son doesn't smoke I need to make edibles out of it.

Looking for equal strength of THC & CBD Badbadger

Ideally your looking to remove any heat so together and not even dry the cannabis buds keep it raw and produce thca which is the most effect cannabinoid for the pain and even then I find any strain with high thc is the best for pain relieve but only in capsules and high doses after you build up ingesting the capsules and the a modulated amount to keep it ticking over and your be Damn surprised how effective it is I was using it for quite some time in recent months when I was bed bound and had a ambulance out but long story short I got cbd which didn't even cone close to removing my pain but after getting on 0.2g -0.5g of oil in a capsule pure oil no carrier and then I applied a bit of hemp seed oil to dilute the pure thc oil but the main issue with it like this is it will blow your sons mind as it did with mine hence the reason I'm waiting to create the thca version which will not leave me getting high at all! And that for me is everything as it's been 11 years of chronic pain, fatigue and many other issues alongside losing every job so yeah I can feel your sons battle just like the rest of us medical users but it's how you use it that counts heat or no heat and thc or thca... my theory is thca for the day and thc for the night so it's a active day by a brilliant sleep as always when I've taken thc oil but I'm yet to use thca but the results I've seen are incredible... And that fact there's no high is a blessing in disguise

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