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New Spirit Storm thoughts


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So I picked up The new Spirit Storm vape the t'other day and it's a nice bit of kit for the cash.


Nice and even cook on the buds, heats up pretty quick. Cool, tasty vapour and it's tiny! I strolled about in the street even in malls vaping away and no one batted an eyelid. 


Does oils OK too, it's no dab but it's tasty and still hits hard. 


Overall I'm pretty chuffed with it :)



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I just picked one up to. Mine's currently being replaced as the screen was wonky and there was a little bit of paint chipping off in places. Not sure if it was from anlucky/bad batch but it smelled really electrical/burntplastic'y too. My other vapes haven't smelled like that. I ran it through nearly two full batteries worth of full temp burns to try and get rid but no luck so far. I didn't put any bud in it as it's gotta go back but I hope the replacement is better.


Issues aside though, I do think it's a nice concept for the money. I'm instinctively dubious when it comes to vapefiend. Claiming to 'develope' things when really just rebranding stuff is sketchy in my opinion. I really want the Spirit to work out and be decent though, whether it's under the name of Xmax Starry or Spirit. I'll make my mind up based on my replacement I suppose.


did yours need some burn it time to get rid of the hot circuitry/plastic? Was it even there in the first place even, @Fingermouse?


BTW there's a couple of things you can do with the controls that you may or not be aware of. If you hold either of the temp buttons down followed by the power button or visa versa (both work) you can switch the session between 10mins and the default 5 mins. The other button used the same way will switch between farenheight and celcius. Always nice to have options. Nice size unit and it does heat very quickly. Fingers crossed for a decent replacement.

Edited by Snowziff
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Sounds like you were unlucky @Snowziff, hope they sort it out for you quick. 


Mine seemed fine smell wise, although when I put it up to top temp for the first time for oils I did think it may have had a slight taste at first. Im getting really nice flavours now, not the best quality vapour but not bad at all. 


And cheers for that, I did know about the 5-10min timer change but not the farenheight/celcius :)



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Nice one, I'll update you when my replacement arrives. Do you have other vapes? I have an Arizer Air which I use daily and love. I'm curious to see how they compare.

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Yeah I'v had a Solo for a few years now and before that a DaVinchi. I'd say the Spirit is closer to the DaVinchi in vapour quality but has much more flavour and also is much cooler. 


The Solo done me well, took a right beating but over the years I'v spent a lot on replacing glass mouthpieces. Sooner or later I intend to go all out and get the VapeXhale for home use. But till then I reckon the little Spirit will be fine.


Oh and it's also worth getting a bottle of isopropanol for cleaning if you havnt already :)


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Yeah got loads of it in the freezer. lol



I use the mini bubbler attachment with the Air and it's great. I'd really like a nice portable convection vape. Reckon there must be one round the corner. Been tempted to try the davinci IQ but for the money I'd want convection. There is one thing I'e got my eye on but I'm not sure. The Ghost MV1. Have you seen it? It's not pretty but it's got something going for it in the design I think.

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Yeah Iv had a few bubblers on my solo and even had it upside down on a bigger rig at one point :)


And wow the Ghost looks pretty damn good, has some nice design points. Portable convection is definitely the future.

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  • 7 months later...

Nice little vape, I like it, hits nicely and good flavour, build quality is good on mine, though sometimes I notice a little vapour leaking around the sides of the magnetic mouthpiece, only a very tiny amount though, not enough to make me bother adding a better seal.


Has anyone found a way to flip the screen horizontally so that its not upside down in your right hand?


Is there any firmware updates for it yet? 




eta @vapefiend the man in the know.


Edited by iBMe
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  • 1 month later...

@iBMe.  I know you posted a while ago if you go to to topgreen-tech.com they are the factory who makes the spirt storm..they may have the updates not sure though but worth a try ..:oldtoker:

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