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The rookie

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Does any1 else suffer from hypothyroidism??? Cannabis really has helped me with sleep and anxiety...The doctor thinks it's making matters worse...."hello sir but i know my own body and trust me,it is helping me through this shit "....typical NHS response 

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I had thyroid issues as a reaction to some other treatment I was on  - Interferon/ Ribavarin therapy for HepC.


I think I was hyper rather than hypo. Don't they give you thyroxin to bring your levels up? I used to inject every three days but I can't remember what the stuff was called.

I feel for you, man. It's really disorientating when your levels are all over the place. You are having regular bloods etc? Right?

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Yes bro,having regular blood checks,always changing my meds,to be honest they don't have a clue it seems....anxiety can be serious for no reason and out the blue.....could be worse so I don't complain too much 

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I'm hypothyroid after having thyroid cancer and a total thyroidectomy. The replacement drug thyroxine (T4) is in my opinion shit. As much as all the doctors I've dealt with say T4 is an analog and therefore ideal I constantly suffer from lethargy, brain fog muscle aches and a complete lack of oomph. I've had depression before and this while very similar, it is also nothing like depression.  I've asked to trial Liothyronine (T3) but in the last 6 years the experts say it doesn't do anything that T4 doesn't already do. Even though this article http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-38895877 contradicts everything they've told me about T4 and T3. I always thought it was a cost implication of why they won't prescribe me it but I'm completely fed up with the whole situation I'm in.
As for cannabis, yes it improves my quality of life no end even if it is just my state of mind, something that no anti-depressant or counselling has even come close to. After a toke I feel mood elevation, my physical symptoms lessen considerably. I actually want to get out and do things and be a productive member of society.  unfortunately I'm not in a position where I can grow and definitely not able to buy any and these last few months I've felt 

Edited by pezzie
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I fully understand your pain......I know people who get t3 and it's really helped them but how they got it I don't know because they say nhs don't prescribe it....special cases seem to get it ..... I agree cannabis is a big help,so for now I guess we just keep going,hypothyroidism suck the life out of you and kills you enthusiasm...damn thing 

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G.P.s can prescribe T3 and some do apparently. My circumstances are slightly different as I'm under endocrinologists due it being cancer and the 3 that I've seen all flatly refuse to prescribe it. I had one G.P who altered my dose and he was quickly chastised by the hospital for doing so. 
But the reality is my life is pretty much a train wreck I can't hold down jobs that I've been doing since leaving school due to just not having the mental acuity anymore. I can't get benefits. Well I did but Atos assessed me and kicked me off them. It's a sad state of affairs that you can't get the treatment you need due to financial restraints. 

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Sorry to hear that, no one understands what it's like to have brain fog and the chronic  fatigue,I hope your situation improves for you 

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@The rookie Thanks although it's nearly 8 years I've been like this I'll not hold my breath. I've done everything I can to try and improve myself, but it really does seem like it's a condition that needs the right medicine which they don't want to prescribe. I hope we get medicinal cannabis but knowing my luck I'll not be eligible for a prescription for that either :rofl:

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@prezzie Brain Fog, lethargy and lack of oomph is exactly how I feel now and have done for the last four years. I had mouth cancer in 2013 which lead to Chemo, RT and surgery. My diet lady says that thyroid problems can develop years after RT. I had bloods taken last week to test for thyroid issues but the nurse fucked it up and I gave another sample yesterday. It's not very encouraging when patients are saying the 'treatment' doesn't work!

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@bearukc I had testicular cancer 8 years prior to the thyroid cancer and one of the very first things the oncologist told me was the thyroid cancer could very well be caused by the radiotherapy I had for the testicular cancer. 
As for your concerns all I can say is plenty of people get on well with T4 therapy. I've looked on many forums etc while I've been trying to find out what the hell is up with me and in general most people seem fine on it. But I would say also a rough guesstimate says about 20% of total thyroidectomy patients like myself do suffer with the symptoms we've mentioned, so as much as they tout this being an exact science there seems a way too high a percentage of people that suffer on T4. People with partial/lobectomy or just underactive thyroids seem less likely to suffer these symptoms. 
I've been told it's me, it's in my head, it's depression, it's my lifestyle, it's the other meds I'm taking for the nerve damage the surgery caused. I've done as much as I can to change all of this yet it's had no impact on my condition. Good luck to you.

@The rookie just to say thanks for this thread it's been good to chat about this, I know my family and friends are sick of listening to me. I know I sound doom and gloom but I can only relate my experience and I wish you all the best 

Postive vibes to you both.

With the benefit of hindsight I think i always was hyperthyroid. I had a quick metabolism, tons of nervous energy which is why now being hypo just doesn't sit well with me at all. Back in the rave days I hated any "speedy" drugs they were just too much (hell even when I've been out on the drink people think I've been sneaking off to the toilets for a cheeky line) I found cannabis to be my drug of choice. I think it keeps your endocrine system in check. Although I've no science to back that up with. 
When I first had surgery I was still growing and had plenty of weed and various strains and looking back I was in a lot better a place than I am now.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry for late reply I have been away on holidays.....your problems are way more severe than mine but I understand how your feeling.....my illness has cost me a lot....marriage breakup,house sold,I had  to leave my kids and dogs and live alone,not easy and I blame most on how I was for the past 8 years while undiagnosed and untreated properly.....folk get sick listening to the problems...gp's have no clue how to treat this properly  at all 

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