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grow for a lovely lady


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hi folks ........   this is all new to me ... never grown before  but had  the odd smoke from time to time as i have a damaged spine and in constant pain .... anyway ... last year  the mother in law was diagnosed with cancer ... she had the radiation therapy etc  loosing her hair  but still stayed strong and is truely a wonderful lady .....and wonderfull to my kids ... you honestly couldent ask for better ... she got the all clear....... and we thought it was over ...

however ...... about 5 months ago it came back with a vengence... she has it in her bones... head ... and   other places are showing signs now too ....

she said about her medication making her feel worse so i told her i would do what i could to help her .... read up on the net and heard about sativex .... after some  web trawling i found out it  can be  given in certain places in the uk  but  most times it can cost about £500 a month for it ... out the question ....

then i found out  about how cannabis  has healing properties for cancer as well as many other  illnesses too ....ive spent  many  many  hours ... sometimes up till stupid o clock researching  this ......... i  saw rick simpsons vids  and thought ... this is the answer .... i an a total novice and know less than nothing about growing ... etc etc   so i joined here to look for help .... as you folk know WAAAAAYYYYY   more than i ever could .....

started reading up on the varoius strains  etc and opted for special kush..... northern lights   and  auto ultra ..... all above are growing and planted  a few miles away in a woods .... reading up on how to make the oil ( bought 2 rice cookers ready)   now im just hoping and preying the  crop works and that i will get enough to help her .....  all the grandchildren dont know about the cancer as it would break their hearts to loose nanny....

so its down to me ... 

i have had the non autos out since beginning of may and theyre about 18 inches  to 2 foot at the moment   ... the autos  are still tiny .... only 2 weeks old ,  as i said ,,, i have kids round the house  so i had to go with an outdoor grow ....  my main problem  if i get any harvest will be drying the buds as ive read they stink  BAD ..... neighbours on both sides... small garden  and a shed full of bikes, scooters  and other crap  mean im VERY limited to space ..... i sold a few of my power toold  and got a carbon filter...  made up a big plywood box and put mesh drying racks in it ..... put the filter inside on the roof of the box ... cut a hole in the box side  and connected 4 inch tumble dryer ducting to a 6 inch electric fan which i screwed to the outside of the hole in the side of the box .... hoping this will hide any smell  if i get any crop ?

anyways  just wanted to let you know my reasons   and to thank everyone  for all the great info and help on the site ......

wish me luck



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Wishing you all the best.

Don't worry about smell when drying. If you're making med oil you can make it with fresh frozen bud - no need to dry it.

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1 hour ago, bearukc said:

Wishing you all the best.

Don't worry about smell when drying. If you're making med oil you can make it with fresh frozen bud - no need to dry it.


no need to dry ?   all the vids ive seen says to dry it before using  the chemical liquid/ alcahol to make the oil ?  does drying it first make the oil stronger then ?  or dosent it make any difference ?


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If you are making oil it is best to dry it (bone dry) as that is the way to get maximum yield from it for rso.

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15 hours ago, vortex said:


no need to dry ?   all the vids ive seen says to dry it before using  the chemical liquid/ alcahol to make the oil ?  does drying it first make the oil stronger then ?  or dosent it make any difference ?


I don't think it makes a difference. I know the RSO method is using dry but others say use fresh frozen bud. I've done both many times and there's no apparent difference.

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Just a note to add on using fresh bud. When bud is frozen it can be smashed up as it's brittle. With larger buds or colas I found I couldn't smash it up small enough in one go because it would start to defrost. Therefore I used to give it three or four  'smash and refreeze sessions'  before using it. I was freezing my bud in a sturdy plastic bag and then, using a rolling pin, I'd smash it in the bag.

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Bone dry frozen bud for smoking... washed for up to three minutes....


Bone dry bud for RSO, washed at room temp if you so wish. You get a full extract this way if it helps.

If you don't like the green, leave it in the sun to kill it.

You certainly do not need to crush up your herb if it is frozen. Just stirring it does that all by itself.

Makes for a better filter process in the end. There is no need to pulverise your medicine.

Hope this helps.


Now... frozen fresh herb for bubble .....not dried...now theres a real treat!  





decarbed herb is important for treating caner...

I wish you all the best.

Edited by gb1
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many thanks for all the help and information folks ....  plants not looking too healthy at the moment ... dont know what to do ... no one else will help her  so i will just plod on with it ....i suppose i can only do the best i can .....

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What's up with the plants? Can you post a pic and details of your set-up? Maybe someone can help you diagnose the problem. It's a noble effort on your part and it would be a shame to fail for lack of information. You have a cannabis community here who are, in the main, happy to help.

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  • 6 months later...

many thanks for the replies folks ....  a quick update .....

some of my plants got stolen... part of a tree fell on  another plot  and flattened  them,  the same storm snapped the others over ( i haddent put any support  in for them ,  then all i ended up with was about 1/4 oz of  bud from a daiquari lime .....

i began  saving for more seeds and my little collection was getting there... i dont work as  i suffer from  discoverbrial spondolosis  of the spine ( the spine bones are disolving  and at any time  the back just gives out and pinches the nerves ... bloody painfull)  im actually sat here in agony... as  the back went out again yesterday ....

anways   never mind,.... i was planning on getting as many plants out in various places  this spring to  try to cover any cock ups that i may  have this time as i WONT give up ...

before christmas i had my shed robbed,  a few bits and pieces were nicked ,  including my seed collection  that was in a little carved wooden box .....  so a totally crap  and useless first attempt at growing ....

mr panik kindly subbed me a few beans ready for the spring and i have  sold  a hf radio, grinder ( bench type  not weed type )  and a few of  my handmade knives  and managed to get some bills for christmas paid,  and a couple more seeds....

The lady  im  growing for had a scan   and its not too good as  the cancer has got worse,...  i only have the great outdoors to grow in  and hoping this years grow  goes better as i feel i have let her down and times running out ....

i was doing  more research and i read that  some of the high CBD strains like  candidda cd1,   and some of the cbd crew stuff  are excellent especially  when blended in with   higher thc weed to try to equal   the thc/cbd content .....

my problem is  the seeds from  the cbd crew  are  quite  a lot too buy (  yes i know theyre good stuff and worth it )  but  im skint  and  at the moment could possibly be looking at  being divorced  too ....... i  was wondering if anyone could possibly  advise me on some cheaper high cbd strains  i could get   to mix with mr paniks  beans ( providing i get  any harvest this year )

many thanks  for  your help and advise.....

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Don't get so hung up on CBD strains. 


Thc is medicine too :yes: and being high is a bonus you soon tolerate :upside:



I'd expect high THC strains to be just as valuable, if not more so for your particular needs. 


There's some pretty good outdoor selections in the subbies seeds. Anything from eelhelmet could end up good. And panik's stuff too of course. 


Good of luck with it all though :yep:




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Good luck xx couldn't you just get a small tent for indoors..... much easier , I'm not too sure how much bud you need for your mum in law but I should imagine 2 or 3 plants would be enough to get you going.... you get tents that look like telephone boxes so they don't take up much room x

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