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Crafty vs Volcano

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So I am in a position to buy a Crafty vape or save my pennies and buy a volcano. What do I do?

I have tried the volcano and loved it. So smooth I didn't even know I was inhaling anything till I slid off my seat compleatly battered.


Is the crafty as smooth as the volcano?


The balloon on the volcano is a bit of a pain to use. So the portability of the crafty would be great, both for in the house and out and about, but I wouldn't like to compromise on the smoothness.


I have a magic flight lunch box, which in my opinion is just rubbish, it is harsh to inhale and buggering about with that battery just irritates me.

I will be putting it on ebay, just to get rid of it.


I cough when smoking pure joints and would prefer to vape. I have asthma too, so I am sensitive to the smoke. 


It would be great if I could hire a crafty or borrow one that way I would know what to do. But you cannot do that can you?


Any advice guys? Do I buy the crafty? Or should I just save up and buy the Volcano?



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I have the Mighty which is the big brother of the Crafty and I have a digi Volcano, out of the two I'd say the Volcano delivers the smoothest, tastiest hit

The Mighty makes me cough if i take too big a toke on it but its still a great vape if you want something portable

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I started out with the Flight Box and agree that it's crap. Perhaps it's suitable if you're a fairweather user but lacks a hit.

I have the Crafty and think it's good. I also think there are better options nowadays. I broke my Crafty from overuse and overheating it but it has a 2 year warranty. For similar money you could look at the DaVinci IQ. Another alternative to the Volcano is the Cloud Evo which IMO is the pinnacle of desktop vaping.

There's plenty of reviewer types on Youtube. I don't want to post links but just search for VapeCritic or VapeFiend and see what their preferred devices are. They both did a video closing out 2016 so it's pretty up to date from both parties.

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I had a Volcano which was ok, but I've got an E-Nano now which is a lot better imo...I've heard the VapeXhale evo is really good too if you're after a home vape.

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Personally, I would get neither. The Volcano was great about 15 years ago, but nowadays there is much better out there.


My recommendation is for the VapeXhale Cloud Evo, which is a much better home unit, as it delivers better flavour and better vapour quality with herbs or concentrates and there's no need for the extremely annoying crinkly Volcano bag.


Technology has come a long way since the time when people thought leaving your vapour to condense against the sides of a plastic bag was a good idea. Direct draw is a much more efficient and convenient way, and the VapeXhale is easily the best.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I have been vaping a fair while and over the years I have brought many vapes and Vapefiend has made a fortune out of me:ohmygod: 


My vape buying addiction ended the day I brought a Vapexhale Cloud Evo. The massive bong like hits and full on flavour through the whole bowl are what make it stand out for me. 


Despite the high price tag it comes highly recommended from me.:yep:

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